81R8002 MG-D
  By: Anchia H.R. No. 1619
         WHEREAS, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
  at Dallas has been named the best medical school in the country for
  Hispanic students for the second consecutive year by Hispanic
  Business magazine; and
         WHEREAS, The goals of UT Southwestern Medical Center are to
  deliver high quality medical care, to conduct high-impact,
  internationally recognized research, and to educate leaders in
  biomedical science, patient care, and disease prevention; through
  its three degree-granting institutions, the UT Southwestern
  Medical School, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and School
  of Health Professions, the center trains nearly 4,200 students,
  residents, and postdoctoral fellows annually, and its faculty
  includes four active Nobel laureates; and
         WHEREAS, The faculty and residents of UT Southwestern Medical
  Center tend to more than 95,000 hospitalized patients and conduct
  nearly 1.8 million outpatient visits each year; these dedicated
  practitioners administer care at UT Southwestern University
  Hospitals, Parkland Health and Hospital System, Children's Medical
  Center Dallas, and VA North Texas Health Care System, as well as
  other affiliated hospitals and clinics in Dallas and the
  surrounding communities; and
         WHEREAS, With more than 10,000 employees and an annual
  operating budget of more than $1.4 billion, UT Southwestern Medical
  Center plays an important role in the region's economy; moreover,
  its faculty physicians annually provide some $358 million in
  unreimbursed services to indigent patients; and
         WHEREAS, Dedicated to improving health care through
  education and innovation, UT Southwestern Medical Center is
  developing the next generation of health care professionals, and it
  is a pleasure to recognize its continuing commitment to excellence;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor The University of Texas Southwestern
  Medical Center at Dallas on its selection as the top medical school
  in the country for Hispanic students by Hispanic Business magazine
  and extend to all those associated with the institution sincere
  best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for UT Southwestern Medical Center as an expression of
  high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.