H.R. No. 1650
         WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is pleased to
  recognize Robert Edrozo for his outstanding work in the office of
  Representative Craig Eiland during the 81st Legislative Session;
         WHEREAS, Mr. Edrozo has distinguished himself as a
  participant in the Texas Legislative Internship Program (TLIP)
  administered by the Mickey Leland Center on World Hunger and Peace
  at Texas Southern University; and
         WHEREAS, Established in 1990, TLIP provides a unique
  opportunity for students from Texas colleges and universities to
  serve as interns in the Texas Legislature, in state agencies, and in
  local government offices; students receive academic credit for
  participating in the program, which combines study and research
  with supervised practical training; Senator Rodney Ellis serves as
  a program advisor, and his office assists with coordinating on-site
  activities; and
         WHEREAS, A native of Texas City, Mr. Edrozo is currently a
  senior at Stephen F. Austin State University, where he is pursuing a
  bachelor's degree in political science; he has distinguished
  himself as president of the school's chapter of Amnesty
  International and as sergeant-at-arms of Student Government, and he
  has also been active in the leadership of Delta Tau Delta, a
  fraternity he helped to establish; and
         WHEREAS, During his tenure as a legislative intern,
  Mr. Edrozo has gained valuable work experience and firsthand
  knowledge of the governmental process, while also developing
  insight into the important issues facing our communities and our
  state; and
         WHEREAS, Diligent and resourceful, Mr. Edrozo has skillfully
  handled a variety of duties in the office of Representative Eiland
  and ably assisted in meeting the needs of constituents, and he may
  reflect proudly on his service as a legislative intern; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Robert Edrozo for his tireless
  dedication and exemplary work as a participant in the Texas
  Legislative Internship Program and extend to him sincere best
  wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Edrozo as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
Straus Gattis Menendez
Allen Geren Merritt
Alonzo Giddings Miklos
Alvarado Gonzales Miller of Comal
Anchia Gonzalez Toureilles Miller of Erath
Anderson Guillen Moody
Aycock Gutierrez Morrison
Berman Hamilton Naishtat
Bohac Hancock Oliveira
Bolton Hardcastle Olivo
Bonnen Harless Orr
Branch Harper-Brown Ortiz, Jr.
Brown of Kaufman Hartnett Otto
Brown of Brazos Heflin Parker
Burnam Hernandez Patrick
Button Herrero Paxton
Callegari Hilderbran Peña
Castro Hochberg Phillips
Chavez Hodge Pickett
Chisum Homer Pierson
Christian Hopson Pitts
Cohen Howard of Fort Bend Quintanilla
Coleman Howard of Travis Raymond
Cook Hughes Riddle
Corte Hunter Rios Ybarra
Crabb Isett Ritter
Craddick Jackson Rodriguez
Creighton Jones Rose
Crownover Keffer Sheffield
Darby Kent Shelton
Davis of Harris King of Parker Smith of Tarrant
Davis of Dallas King of Taylor Smith of Harris
Deshotel King of Zavala Smithee
Driver Kleinschmidt Solomons
Dukes Kolkhorst Strama
Dunnam Kuempel Swinford
Dutton Laubenberg Taylor
Edwards Legler Thibaut
Eiland Leibowitz Thompson
Eissler Lewis Truitt
Elkins Lucio III Turner of Tarrant
England Madden Turner of Harris
Farabee Maldonado Vaught
Farias Mallory Caraway Veasey
Farrar Marquez Villarreal
Fletcher Martinez Vo
Flores Martinez Fischer Walle
Flynn McCall Weber
Frost McClendon Woolley
Gallego McReynolds Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1650 was adopted by the House on May
  12, 2009, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House