81R23883 JNC-D
  By: Anderson H.R. No. 1680
         WHEREAS, The friends and family of U.S. Marine Lieutenant
  Corporal Johnny Ray Strong suffered an immeasurable loss with the
  death of this valiant soldier on June 12, 2007, at the age of 21; and
         WHEREAS, Lieutenant Corporal Strong was killed while bravely
  serving his country during his second tour of duty in Iraq; a native
  of Temple, he was born on May 24, 1986, to loving parents Steven and
  Jacqueline Williams Strong; and
         WHEREAS, Known for his joyful, gregarious nature, Lieutenant
  Corporal Strong enjoyed bowling, putt-putt, shooting pool,
  listening to music, and playing video games; above all else, he
  valued time spent with his family; and
         WHEREAS, Exemplifying the highest ideals of the U.S. Armed
  Forces, Johnny Strong inspired others with his fortitude, tenacity,
  and courage; although his passing leaves a void in the lives of
  those who were fortunate enough to know him, they will forever carry
  memories of this beloved young man close in their hearts; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby pay special tribute to the life of Johnny Ray
  Strong and extend sincere sympathy to his parents, Steven and
  Jacqueline Williams Strong; to his grandparents, Minerva D.
  Williams and Elsworth Williams, Jr., Elizabeth Merritt, and Ferrell
  Jeppesen; to Thomas and Gracie McGlauflin; and to all who mourn his
  passing; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of U.S. Marine
  Lieutenant Corporal Johnny Ray Strong.