H.R. No. 1706
         WHEREAS, Keith Carter of Beaumont has been named the 2009
  Texas Medal of Arts honoree for Visual Arts by the Texas Cultural
  Trust; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1948, Keith Carter
  grew up in Beaumont, where his mother supported the family with a
  portrait photography business operated out of a small home studio;
  fascinated by the brilliance of light in one of his mother's prints,
  Mr. Carter borrowed her camera and began learning about photography
  from books and magazines; inspired by the work of Henri
  Cartier-Bresson and Paul Strand, he experimented with form and
  space as well as with the development process, and his "mistakes"
  and their interesting results helped build his own printing
  methodology; while honing his craft, he found path-changing
  inspiration in a Mexican cemetery, where tattered streamers in a
  tree took on a ghostlike symbolism in his viewfinder; he also
  experienced a revelation when he heard playwright Horton Foote
  speak at a film festival about the importance of belonging to a
  "place"; newly inspired, Mr. Carter discovered the unique and
  exotic in the familiar environs of Southeast Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Today, this seminal artist is an internationally
  recognized photographer who has been called "a poet of the
  ordinary"; his haunting, enigmatic work has been widely exhibited
  in the United States, Europe, and Latin America, and his
  photographs are featured in numerous collections, including the Art
  Institute of Chicago, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the
  George Eastman House, the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston, and the
  Wittliff Collection of Southwestern and Mexican Photography at
  Texas State University; eight monographs of his black and white
  photographs have been published, and he has earned two National
  Endowment for the Arts Regional Survey Grants as well as the
  Lange-Taylor Prize from the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke
  University; his work has also been profiled on the national network
  television show CBS Sunday Morning; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Carter holds the endowed Walles Chair in Fine
  Arts at Lamar University in Beaumont, and he has been recognized
  with that institution's highest teaching honor, the University
  Professor Award; he has also been named the Lamar University
  Distinguished Lecturer; and
         WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, Mr. Carter has benefited
  from the love and encouragement of his wife, Patricia Royer Staton;
         WHEREAS, Wholly dedicated to his art, Keith Carter has long
  demonstrated a commitment to depicting the people and places of
  Southeast Texas, and his eloquent and evocative photographs have
  contributed immeasurably to the rich cultural tapestry of the Lone
  Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Keith Carter on his receipt of a
  2009 Texas Medal of Arts and extend to him sincere best wishes for
  continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Carter as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1706 was adopted by the House on May
  7, 2009, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House