81R25639 BPG-D
  By: Button H.R. No. 1730
         WHEREAS, Officer Mark White of the Garland Police Department
  has received a departmental commendation and has been recognized by
  the Optimist Club of Garland as Officer of the Month for February
  2009; and
         WHEREAS, A handler with the K-9 unit, Officer White has ably
  served the department for 14 years; he patrols the city's streets on
  the night shift with his German shepherd partner, Kenzo; and
         WHEREAS, Officer White has distinguished himself through his
  diligence, skill, and dedication; in November 2008, he noticed
  suspicious activity near a pickup truck in a commercial area and
  approached an individual engaging in furtive behavior; Officer
  White then witnessed a box of copper wiring suddenly emerge from
  under the gate of a nearby business; and
         WHEREAS, Climbing onto the bumper of his squad car, he
  spotted the man who had pushed the box out from the other side of the
  gate and ordered him to come out; finding that the back of the
  pickup truck was loaded with boxes and bundles of stolen copper
  telephone wire, he arrested both men; and
         WHEREAS, Metal theft is a growing problem throughout the
  country, and Garland has experienced numerous incidents; Officer
  White's heightened awareness of this issue and swift recognition of
  criminal behavior resulted in the apprehension of two thieves and
  the return of stolen property; and
         WHEREAS, Officer Mark White has demonstrated true commitment
  to the well-being and safety of Garland residents; his caring
  attitude and decisive action are a credit to his department and to
  the law enforcement profession; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Officer Mark White of the Garland
  Police Department on being named Officer of the Month for February
  2009 by the Optimist Club and on his departmental commendation for
  thwarting a crime in progress and extend to him sincere best wishes
  for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Officer White as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.