81R25205 JNC-D
  By: Pickett H.R. No. 1733
         WHEREAS, September 8, 2009, marks the 160th anniversary of
  the arrival of Major Jefferson Van Horne and his expedition in El
  Paso, and this occasion provides a fitting opportunity to pay
  tribute to the founder and first commander of Fort Bliss; and
         WHEREAS, A native of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Major Van
  Horne was born to Dorothy Johns Marple Van Horne and General Isaac
  Van Horne, a veteran of the American Revolution; following the
  family tradition of military service, he graduated from the U.S.
  Military Academy at West Point in 1827, and upheld its motto of
  "Duty, Honor, Country" throughout his life; and
         WHEREAS, His early assignments included frontier duty at
  Jefferson Barracks in Missouri and a tour at Fort Smith, Arkansas;
  from 1846 to 1848, he served his country in the Mexican War, and his
  distinguished efforts earned him promotion to the rank of major;
         WHEREAS, In May 1849, Major Van Horne was instructed to
  establish a military post in what is now the El Paso County area; he
  departed Camp Salado on June 1, commanding six companies of the
  Third Infantry and supporting civilians, a total of nearly 400 men;
         WHEREAS, With 275 wagons, the expedition represented the
  longest wagon train to embark westward across Texas; after 100 days
  and a 643-mile overland march, Major Van Horne and his men reached
  their destination on September 8, 1849; and
         WHEREAS, He served at the post until 1851 and went on to hold
  positions in San Elizario, and Fort Filmore and Fort Stanton, New
  Mexico; while on leave in his hometown of Zanesville, Ohio, he met
  Mary Gilbert, and after exchanging romantic letters for two years,
  the couple were married on November 28, 1850; together they had one
  son, Lewis Cass Van Horne; and
         WHEREAS, Major Van Horne's final duty was at the Post of
  Albuquerque, where he passed away on September 28, 1857; in 1854,
  the El Paso post he founded was named after Lieutenant Colonel
  William Bliss, the private secretary, son-in-law, and chief of
  staff to President Zachary Taylor; and
         WHEREAS, The establishment of this important military
  facility was accomplished by virtue of Major Van Horne's
  leadership, hard work, and steadfast dedication to duty; these
  values reflected the spirit of a dynamic and burgeoning nation,
  pushing westward to establish new settlements and discover new
  opportunities for growth and prosperity; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize September 8, 2009, as Major Jefferson
  Van Horne Remembrance Day in the State of Texas and commemorate the
  160th anniversary of the arrival of Major Van Horne and his
  expedition in El Paso; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Major General Howard B. Bromberg, commander of Fort
  Bliss and the Army Air Defense Artillery Center and School as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.