81R27017 CBE-D
  By: Kolkhorst H.R. No. 1765
         WHEREAS, Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of
  death for young people, claiming the lives of nearly 6,000
  teenagers annually, including some 500 in Texas alone; and
         WHEREAS, For every teenager killed in a car crash, at least 50
  more are seriously injured, making teen driver accidents one of the
  most urgent public safety and health crises facing our state and
  nation; and
         WHEREAS, It is widely recognized by experts that no single
  solution can effectively reverse this trend; therefore, it is
  essential for young people themselves to play an active and
  productive role in improving roadway safety for all drivers and
  passengers; and
         WHEREAS, A growing number of Texas teenagers have dedicated
  themselves to this important safety mission through their
  involvement in the Teens in the Driver Seat program, which was
  created by the Texas Transportation Institute and is sponsored by
  the Texas Department of Transportation and State Farm Insurance;
         WHEREAS, This creative effort, distinguished by its unique
  peer-to-peer approach, is the first program of its kind in the
  United States, and it has already reached more than 230 Texas
  schools and nearly a quarter million young Texans through such
  initiatives as the annual Driving the Message contest, which
  encourages teens to speak up and save a life by addressing one of
  the five main driving dangers for young people:  driving at night,
  speeding, engaging in such distractions as cell phone use and
  texting, not wearing a seat belt, and drinking alcohol; the program
  benefits from the leadership of its Teen Advisory Board and from the
  support of its teacher-sponsors, known as Sponstars; and
         WHEREAS, Teens in the Driver Seat is making a positive
  difference in the effort to reduce the frequency of teen driving
  fatalities in Texas, and it is indeed fitting to recognize this
  innovative program; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Texas Transportation Institute's
  Teens in the Driver Seat program and extend sincere best wishes for
  continued success to all those associated with TDS, including the
  charter members of the TDS Teen Advisory Board, the Driving the
  Message contest winners, and the recipients of the TDS Sponstar
  Awards; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Teens in the Driver Seat program as an expression
  of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.