H.R. No. 1872
         WHEREAS, In honor of the 10th annual National Women's Health
  Week, which is being celebrated from May 10 through May 16, 2009,
  Health Wise is promoting the importance of living a healthy
  lifestyle for the residents of Dallas; and
         WHEREAS, Health Wise, a publication produced by Earnestine
  Cole, is kicking off the occasion a week early on May 3 with "LOVE
  TEA 9: Women & Cancer Prevention," an educational event featuring a
  female oncologist as the keynote speaker; attendees will have the
  opportunity to participate in health screenings, exercise and
  cooking demonstrations, a candle lighting ceremony in memory of
  women who have lost their lives to cancer, and a balloon release in
  tribute to female cancer survivors; and
         WHEREAS, The following week, on May 12, "Health Wise: A Taste
  of Life" will be presented in collaboration with the Irma Rangel
  Young Women's Leadership School in South Dallas; this outreach
  effort, which is focused on obesity prevention, will target nearly
  200 high school girls during their physical education and health
  classes; and
         WHEREAS, The LOVE TEA 9 Planning Committee includes Sharon
  Cox, clinical dietician at Parkland Hospital; Veronica Cole, Ph.D.
  candidate in urban and public administration at The University of
  Texas at Arlington; Kimberly Johnson, D.O., Internal Medicine at
  Methodist Hospital Affiliate; DeVonne Foutz, Texas Silver-Haired
  Legislator for Dallas County; Barbara Ladson, American Airlines;
  and Eva Crumby, Insurance One; and
         WHEREAS, The LOVE TEA 9 is further supported by the following
  honorary chairs: Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson of District
  30, a breast cancer survivor; Texas State Senator Jane Nelson of
  District 12, who serves as chair of the Senate Committee on Health
  and Human Services; and State Representative Barbara Mallory
  Caraway of District 110, as well as the following honorary
  co-chairs, all of whom are breast cancer survivors from Dallas:
  Adelfa Callejo, attorney; the Reverend Dr. Janet Bell Odom, senior
  pastor of Camp Wisdom United Methodist Church; Patricia Richardson,
  First Lady of Zion Chapel Primitive Baptist Church; Nancy Smith,
  educator and Komen 3-Day Walk Ambassador; and Hattie Simmons,
  educator; and
         WHEREAS, National Women's Health Week, which is coordinated
  at the federal level by the U.S. Department of Health and Human
  Services Office on Women's Health, brings communities, businesses,
  government, health organizations, and other groups together to
  empower women to make health their top priority; the initiative
  includes National Women's Checkup Day on May 11 and marks the
  beginning of an eight-week online physical activity program known
  as Woman Challenge; and
         WHEREAS, Women and girls throughout Dallas and North Texas
  are invited to begin their journey toward improved health during
  National Women's Health Week and to embrace the potential of a
  higher quality of life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize May 10 through 16, 2009, as National
  Women's Health Week in Dallas and encourage all area women to take
  the simple but important steps that will allow them to lead longer,
  healthier, and happier lives.
  Mallory Caraway
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1872 was adopted by the House on May
  14, 2009, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House