81R32724 KMW-D
  By: Veasey H.R. No. 2040
         WHEREAS, The Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of
  Commerce works to promote economic opportunities for its members
  and to enhance prosperity in the communities it serves; and
         WHEREAS, The chamber was founded in 1979 to support African
  American-owned businesses as integral components of the Tarrant
  County economic landscape, and three decades later, African
  American entrepreneurs are making considerable contributions to
  the growth and vitality of the area; and
         WHEREAS, PATHS Forward, an important project sponsored by the
  chamber, was established to provide young African American
  professionals with opportunities to meet other successful business
  people, corporate executives, and civic leaders and to learn more
  about the Tarrant County community and area nonprofit
  organizations; with a goal to prepare members to take a leadership
  role in the community, the nine-month-long program helps
  participants hone their communication and management skills and
  create strategies to achieve professional and personal success; and
         WHEREAS, The chamber has also supported endeavors to provide
  educational and practical opportunities to help youth gain the
  skills and experience necessary to become successful business
  owners; and
         WHEREAS, The Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of
  Commerce is making a positive difference in the lives of countless
  people in North Texas and beyond, and it merits special praise for
  its outstanding initiatives to promote a healthy business climate
  in the community; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize members of the Fort Worth Metropolitan
  Black Chamber of Commerce for their contributions to the Tarrant
  County economy and commend PATHS Forward participants for their
  achievements; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the chamber as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.