81R30470 JNC-D
  By: Gonzalez Toureilles H.R. No. 2150
         WHEREAS, Sergeant First Class Gilbrando Garza of Alice has
  rendered valiant service in Iraq as a member of the United States
  Army; and
         WHEREAS, An alumnus of Alice High School, Sergeant Garza
  completed his second tour of duty in March 2008; assigned to the
  First Brigade 5th Division Iraqi Army Transient Team in Diyala
  Province, he served as an Iraqi Army Military Advisor, with
  responsibility for training the Iraqi Army to become an independent
  force in preparation for the coming transition; and
         WHEREAS, Sergeant Garza is currently based out of Fort
  Raleigh, Kansas, and he is fortunate to enjoy the loving support of
  proud parents Elmo and Aurora Garza, who will enjoy having him back
  in Texas following his transfer to Fort Hood in June; and
         WHEREAS, Americans owe a profound debt to the country's
  servicemen and servicewomen, for they are called on to bear great,
  often unimaginable, burdens, and their service and sacrifice are
  truly beyond measure; and
         WHEREAS, In answering his nation's call to duty, Sergeant
  Garza has demonstrated extraordinary commitment and bravery, and it
  is indeed a privilege to welcome him back to the Lone Star State;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Sergeant First Class Gilbrando Garza for
  his service in Iraq and extend to him sincere best wishes for
  continued success in all of his endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Sergeant Garza as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.