81R32208 MDM-D
  By: Frost H.R. No. 2194
         WHEREAS, The members of Rocky Point Congregational Methodist
  Church in Cass County marked a momentous event in the history of
  their church with the celebration of its 100th anniversary on April
  26, 2009; and
         WHEREAS, Organized in April 1909 with 18 charter members led
  by the Reverend C. S. Black, the church is located 1-1/2 miles east
  of Naples on what is now Highway 77, just south of Marietta; the
  first officers to serve were B. B. Bunting, deacon; C. N. Wright and
  Alba McDowell, stewards; and J. M. McDowell, secretary; and
         WHEREAS, The congregation initially met in a schoolhouse that
  later became the church building; remodeled in 1929, it was
  replaced in 1963 with the current hilltop brick structure, which
  features stained glass windows, a parsonage, and a fellowship hall;
         WHEREAS, The church is now under the leadership of Jeff
  Lohrstofer, and it is benefiting greatly from his service and the
  support of his wife, Vicki Lohrstofer; and
         WHEREAS, Sustained by a common purpose, warm fellowship, and
  inspired teaching, the congregants of Rocky Point Congregational
  Methodist Church have remained steadfast in their dedication to
  their faith, and in their service to the world around them, and the
  church's continued existence is a tribute to the unwavering
  commitment of its members, both past and present; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Rocky
  Point Congregational Methodist Church and extend to its pastor and
  members sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the church as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.