WHEREAS, The year 2009 marks the 20th anniversary of the |
Greater Keller Women's Club; and |
WHEREAS, In February 1989, a group of 30 women gathered in |
response to a notice in The Keller Citizen that had been posted by |
three newcomers who were hoping to meet some of their fellow |
residents; with a common interest in community affairs, these |
charter members wrote bylaws, organized activity groups, and |
created a monthly newsletter and a membership directory within a |
month, and by May of that year, they held their first annual |
meeting, installed officers, and signed a charter; by 1990, the |
GKWC had increased to 140 members, and the following year it gained |
tax-exempt status and became recognized as a group that promotes |
the common good and general welfare of local citizens; and |
WHEREAS, The GKWC also serves as a forum for its members to |
pursue their mutual interests and participate in the community, |
hosting interesting programs, activities, and special events as |
well as service projects and fund-raisers like the GKWC Fashion |
Show; in addition, its members have established the Greater Keller |
Women's Club Foundation, Inc., which allows them to make tax-free |
donations to other nonprofit organizations; since 1996, the |
foundation has contributed more than $575,000 to the Community |
Storehouse, Open Arms, Tarrant County College, Project Graduation |
of Keller High School, Metroport Meals on Wheels, Christ's Haven |
for Children, the Keller Public Library, Riding Unlimited, Inc., |
and many other worthy endeavors; and |
WHEREAS, This noteworthy organization plans various holiday |
events to provide assistance to members of the community who are in |
need, and it has participated in the Adopt-a-Street program and |
other civic initiatives; moreover, the group was recognized by the |
Fort Worth Star-Telegram with the Pat Nimmo Riddle Club of the Year |
Award for 2001-2002; and |
WHEREAS, Over the course of the past two decades, the Greater |
Keller Women's Club has dedicated itself to enhancing the lives of |
area Texans, and its members are to be commended for the very |
positive impact they have made in their community; now, therefore, |
be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas |
Legislature hereby commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Greater |
Keller Women's Club and extend to all those associated with the |
organization sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it |
further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the club as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |