81R32853 MG-D
  By: Marquez H.R. No. 2288
         WHEREAS, Jim Phillips of El Paso has distinguished himself as
  a dedicated philanthropist and civic leader, and his efforts in
  behalf of his fellow Texans are truly commendable; and
         WHEREAS, An alumnus of Texas Christian University, Mr.
  Phillips served in the United States Air Force, and he went on to
  build a successful career in broadcasting, overseeing several radio
  stations in Texas and beyond; he is currently the chair of the board
  for Wells Fargo Bank; and
         WHEREAS, This tireless volunteer also serves on the boards of
  the Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce, The University of Texas at
  El Paso, Candlelighters of El Paso, Hospice El Paso, the El Paso
  Holocaust Museum, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, the
  El Paso Zoological Society, the Texas Radio Hall of Fame, Project
  ARRIBA, and the Center Against Family Violence; and
         WHEREAS, Through the years, Mr. Phillips has further
  contributed to several area organizations, including the YWCA, the
  Boy Scouts of America, and the El Paso United Negro College Fund,
  and he has been active on countless other boards and committees; in
  addition, he has served as president of such groups as the El Paso
  United Way, the Texas Association of Broadcasters, and the Better
  Business Bureau of El Paso; and
         WHEREAS, Recognized often for both his professional
  achievements and his civic participation, Mr. Phillips is the
  recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the Rotary Club
  of El Paso, and he was named a Paul Harris Fellow in 2001 and
  inducted into the Texas Radio Hall of Fame in 2003; and
         WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, Mr. Phillips enjoys the
  love and support of his wife, Nita Bentley Phillips, and his son,   
  J. R. Phillips, and he is a valued parishioner at Trinity-First
  United Methodist Church; and
         WHEREAS, Committed to serving others, Jim Phillips has
  generously devoted his time and resources for the benefit of his
  community, and he has earned the lasting admiration and
  appreciation of all who know him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Jim Phillips for his outstanding community
  involvement and philanthropy and extend to him sincere best wishes
  for continued success and happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Phillips as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.