81R35891 JKB-D
  By: Alvarado H.R. No. 2581
         WHEREAS, Cynthia Reyna has been honored by the Hispanic
  Heritage Foundation with a 2008 Youth Award in engineering and
  mathematics; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Reyna was an AP Scholar with honors and a High
  Honor Roll student at Charles H. Milby High School in Houston, where
  she graduated with an impressive 3.96 grade point average; she
  served as president of the National Honor Society and secretary of
  the English Honor Society and is a recipient of the United Space
  Alliance/Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists
  Pre-engineering Scholarship, among other academic awards; and
         WHEREAS, This motivated young Texan captured two first prizes
  in science fair competitions and was first runner-up in the Science
  Bowl; moreover, she has conducted toxicity research as part of the
  Houston A+ Summer Internship program for the Baylor College of
  Medicine and served as an intern for the Institute of Orthopedic
  Research and Education at The Methodist Hospital in Houston; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Reyna is active in her community as well,
  volunteering her time in the technology department of the Raul
  Yzaguirre School for Success and helping residents complete
  naturalization paperwork at the U.S. Citizenship Workshop; in the
  future, she plans to study civil engineering at Texas A&M
  University and aspires to a career designing structures that are
  more resistant to damage from natural disasters; and
         WHEREAS, Cynthia Reyna has proven her commitment to the
  pursuit of academic excellence, and this prestigious award justly
  recognizes her talent and dedication; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Cynthia Reyna on her receipt of a
  2008 Hispanic Heritage Foundation Youth Award for engineering and
  mathematics and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Reyna as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.