81R17610 JNC-D
  By: Pitts H.R. No. 2694
         WHEREAS, The Community Problem Solvers from Frank Seale and
  Walnut Grove Middle Schools in Midlothian have been named Texas
  Grand Champion for the 2008-2009 school year; and
         WHEREAS, The Future Problem Solving Program International
  encourages creativity and critical thinking through competitions
  in which students propose solutions to various social problems;
  more than 250,000 students from the United States, Canada,
  Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Russia
  compete in the program every year; and
         WHEREAS, Topics for each competition are researched in
  advance, and the winning team from Midlothian prepared for this
  year's state event by developing Project P.L.A.Y., or Playgrounds
  Linking a Community of Young People; the group raised more than
  $22,000 to modify Hawkins Spring Park Playground in an effort to
  make it accessible to children of all abilities; and
         WHEREAS, The victory at the state event qualifies the team to
  compete at the international competition in Lansing, Michigan, in
  May; ably directed by coach Christina McDaniel, members include
  Logan Coomes, Kyle Flaherty, Jake Goh, Brian Hammer, Stephanie
  Hampton, Isiah Mullen, Brandon North, Tucker Sears, Lorena Vitela,
  and Cole Wince; and
         WHEREAS, These bright and committed young people represent
  the best of the Lone Star State, and their first-place win is a
  testament to the energy, engagement, and teamwork they demonstrated
  in addressing an important issue affecting their community; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Community Problem Solvers from
  Frank Seale and Walnut Grove Middle Schools in Midlothian on
  earning the title of 2008-2009 Texas Grand Champion and extend to
  them sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.