81R36945 CS-F
  By: Ortiz, Jr. H.R. No. 2880
         BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State of
  Texas, 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, That House Rule 13,
  Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule 13,
  Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
  resolve the differences on Senate Bill 1182 (public information and
  open government) to consider and take action on the following
         House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended to
  permit the committee to add SECTIONS 4 and 13 to the bill:
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter C, Chapter 552, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 552.151 to read as follows:
  AGENTS. (a)  The following information that pertains to a
  biological agent or toxin identified or listed as a select agent
  under federal law, including under the Public Health Security and
  Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (Pub. L. No.
  107-188) and regulations adopted under that Act, is excepted from
  the requirements of Section 552.021:
               (1)  the specific location of a select agent within an
  approved facility;
               (2)  personal identifying information of an individual
  whose name appears in documentation relating to the chain of
  custody of select agents, including a materials transfer agreement;
               (3)  the identity of an individual authorized to
  possess, use, or access a select agent.
         (b)  This section does not except from disclosure the
  identity of the select agents present at a facility.
         (c)  This section does not except from disclosure the
  identity of an individual faculty member or employee whose name
  appears or will appear on published research.
         (d)  This section does not except from disclosure otherwise
  public information relating to contracts of a governmental body.
         (e)  If a resident of another state is present in Texas and is
  authorized to possess, use, or access a select agent in conducting
  research or other work at a Texas facility, information relating to
  the identity of that individual is subject to disclosure under this
  chapter only to the extent the information would be subject to
  disclosure under the laws of the state of which the person is a
         SECTION 13.  Section 552.151, Government Code, as added by
  this Act, applies in relation to:
               (1)  a request for public information under Chapter
  552, Government Code, made before, on, or after the effective date
  of this Act; and
               (2)  information that on the effective date of this Act
  has not yet been disclosed that:
                     (A)  was the subject of a request for information
  made before the effective date of this Act; and
                     (B)  the attorney general determined before the
  effective date of this Act to be subject to disclosure under Chapter
  552, Government Code.
         Explanation: This addition is necessary to amend the Texas
  public information law to track federal law by making information
  pertaining to certain biological agents and toxins confidential.