81R38247 CBE-F
  By: Alonzo H.R. No. 2894
         WHEREAS, In 1979, the 66th Texas Legislature established the
  Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation (TG) as a public,
  nonprofit corporation to "(1) administer a guaranteed student loan
  program to assist qualified Texas students in receiving a
  postsecondary education in this state or elsewhere in the nation;
  and (2) provide necessary and desirable services related to the
  loan program, including cooperative awareness efforts with
  appropriate educational and civic associations designed to
  disseminate postsecondary education awareness information,
  including information regarding student financial aid and the
  Federal Family Education Loan Program, and other relevant topics
  including the prevention of student loan default"; and
         WHEREAS, The Federal Family Education Loan Program is the
  largest source of student financial aid in Texas, accounting for
  approximately two-thirds of the direct student financial aid
  awarded to Texas higher education students; in addition to
  successfully administering the largest student financial aid
  program in the state, TG provides a variety of necessary and
  desirable student, family, and school-related services that
  support access to postsecondary education at no cost to the state
  and that are fully exportable to other federal postsecondary
  educational loan programs; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation
  merits continued support, given the ongoing need for the range of
  services provided to students, schools, and families considering or
  receiving financial aid under federal programs; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize the vital importance of continuing
  support for the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation and its
  mission and direct TG to seek out opportunities to maintain an
  ongoing role in administering the Federal Family Education Loan
  Program or other federal student loan programs; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the chief clerk forward an official copy of
  this resolution to the president and chief executive officer of the
  Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation.