81R38285 CBE-D
  By: Geren H.R. No. 2946
         WHEREAS, Successfully meeting the needs of the legislature
  over the course of a 140-day regular session is a challenging task
  taken on every two years by the staff of the legislative support
  agencies, including the Texas Legislative Council; and
         WHEREAS, Each odd-numbered year, legislators travel to the
  Capitol from across the Lone Star State to represent their
  constituents, yet they must stay connected with the folks back home
  throughout their tenure in Austin; helping them to maintain that
  tie are the members of the council's information systems division,
  whose skilled technical services crew ensures that offices are
  equipped with needed PCs, printers, and software; before the
  session even began, these personnel installed or relocated
  equipment in 29 district offices and moved 129 Capitol offices; the
  division's Computer Support Center provides training designed to
  serve everyone from the most savvy client to those with little to no
  experience, and the division's technical support staff and CSC
  operators are standing by to help them all, ready to lend their
  expertise over the phone or to dispatch one of the council computer
  consultants to an office just in the nick of time; so far this
  session, the staff has answered approximately 23,000 calls and
  provided training to 93 percent more clients; others among the IS
  staff are at work developing and supporting such custom network and
  web applications as LMS, CMS, MSS, TLIS, and TLO to accomplish ever
  more diverse tasks; and
         WHEREAS, The hardworking attorneys, legal assistants,
  editors, and support staff of the legal division are one by one
  helping to craft the proposed laws of the Lone Star State; to that
  end, legal staff members have produced some 10,600, or 32.5 percent
  more, bills and constitutional amendments and approximately
  12,800, or 21 percent more, amendments, substitutes, conference
  committee reports, and miscellaneous drafts; greatly contributing
  to the process are members of the division's legal editing team, who
  not only work on each draft produced by the agency but also perform
  a dual role by carrying out the engrossing and enrolling duties for
  the house; in that capacity, they have engrossed more than 1,300 and
  enrolled close to 560 house bills and constitutional amendments and
  over 2,500 house concurrent and simple resolutions, with the bulk
  of the end-of-session enrollment work still to come; and
         WHEREAS, The research division of the TLC is composed of
  policy and statistical analysts, writers, webmasters, mapmakers,
  and database specialists; during the session, these multitasking
  staffers have spent their time handling a 25 percent increase in
  research, data, and map requests from the legislature and the
  public while also producing more than 600 senate amendment and
  conference committee side-by-side analyses in the waning days of
  the session, some 4,650 bill analyses for house committees, and
  approximately 4,700 policy, congratulatory, and memorial
  resolutions; they also update election and geographic databases and
  prepare other useful publications and develop websites to help new
  members and staff; and
         WHEREAS, Supporting the legal and research divisions in their
  efforts to meet the needs of the legislature are members of the
  TLC's document production staff; expertly producing approximately
  25,000, or 13.6 percent more, legislative drafts, as well as over
  11,000 house official printings and numerous other documents this
  session are the employees of the data transcription, graphics,
  proofreading, print shop, and final processing sections; also
  central to the mix is the document distribution section, which
  distributes more than 100,000 copies of bills and resolutions to
  the legislative community and the public; and
         WHEREAS, None of these achievements would be possible were it
  not for the policy and planning division, whose personnel played a
  vital role in helping to hire the 130 extra employees needed agency
  wide to handle the workload of the session; and
         WHEREAS, Tying it all together is the staff of the
  administration division, whose invaluable contributions keep all
  of the agency's divisions running smoothly during the session;
  composed of the executive team and the accounting and purchasing
  and staff services and facilities management personnel, the
  administration division seamlessly maintains the overall
  operations of the agency and manages the myriad everyday tasks
  required to ensure TLC staff with the resources they need to get the
  job done; and
         WHEREAS, Council staff strive to bring to their duties
  accuracy, creativity, knowledge, and technical expertise, and they
  serve the legislature, and thereby the citizens of this state, to
  the very best of their abilities; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize the staff of the Texas Legislative
  Council for their efforts in behalf of the legislative branch of
  government and the Lone Star State; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the staff of the council as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.