81R38054 CBE-D
  By: Geren H.R. No. 3072
         WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives wishes to honor
  the employees in the House Business Office for their
  behind-the-scenes work in support of house members and their
  staffs; and
         WHEREAS, Executive director and manager of accounting Steve
  Adrian has capably overseen the business office's many essential
  services, and his leadership in these dual roles has been an
  important asset during this legislative session; and
         WHEREAS, In his post as accounting manager, Mr. Adrian has
  been assisted by Gerri Foster, Sharon McNabb, Donna Jeanne McNees,
  Veronica Morales, Scott Siebert, and Donna Wessner; and
         WHEREAS, The payroll and personnel manager, Janice Vastine,
  has been assisted by Virginia Bostic, Mary Lou Cooper, Maryalice
  Cortinas, Erika Lacey, Barbara Mokry, Suzette Motal, and Diana
  Rodriguez; and
         WHEREAS, The photography department includes manager Monti
  Patterson, Ted Albracht, Megan Cooney, Leighton Dancy, Brian Diggs,
  Leisha Dowers, and Spencer Millsap; and
         WHEREAS, The demanding job of dealing with the voluminous
  mail generated during the legislative session has been accomplished
  by postmaster Finley Vernon Green and post office employees Steve
  Bullerman, Irene Constancio, Richard Fernandez, Starlisha
  McWilliams, Michael Rodriguez, and Mark Westbrook; and
         WHEREAS, Property department staff members Jesse Casarez,
  Kenneth Fretwell, Raymond Guerrero, Bobby Jones, Natividad Mendez,
  Patricia Mills, Betty Shuvalov, and Kelly Simmons have worked
  diligently to meet the inventory requirements of members and their
  staffs; and
         WHEREAS, Under the leadership of Dean Howard, the purchasing
  and supply department, which also employs John Alvarado, Lidia
  Castillo, Gary Richter, and William Travis, has handled the various
  needs of the representatives expeditiously; and
         WHEREAS, The reproduction department includes manager Scott
  Williams, Gerard Caballero, David Cavazos, Clayton Colwell, Guy
  Desrochers, Emily Eisenberg, Deborah Hayes, Cindi Henry, Katherine
  Nesbitt, Tom Ruedas, Hipolito Sarabia, Fred Alexander
  Schattenberg, Bonnie Simpson, Robert Soto, Pat St. George, Jimmy
  Starr, David Thompson, Joe Torres, Jr., and Sue Watson; and
         WHEREAS, The special services department is composed of
  Judith Arguello, Claude Dove, Maria Julia Hernandez, Miguel Osorio,
  Gabriel Reyes, Oscar Rodriguez, Valerie Salazer, Sharee Starks, and
  Edwina Ybarra; and
         WHEREAS, The video/audio department includes Kai Ferguson,
  Bonnie Hord Gillespie, George Hewitt, Robert Joe Igo, Norman
  Lieder, Shawn Lloyd, Abby Pettinos, Homer Robbins, Scott Sanders,
  and Suzanne Schreve; and
         WHEREAS, Each of these individuals has put in long hours,
  going above and beyond the call of duty on many occasions, and their
  service to the members of this chamber and to the State of Texas is
  to be commended; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the employees of the House Business Office
  and extend to them sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Adrian and the business office staff as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.