81R38851 JH-D
  By: Chavez H.R. No. 3076
         WHEREAS, K. Michael Apodaca has demonstrated exceptional
  initiative and leadership through his active participation in
  electoral politics and his engagement with the urgent issues facing
  our state and nation; and
         WHEREAS, A 1999 graduate of Austin High School in El Paso,
  Mr. Apodaca first became involved in Democratic Party politics that
  same year as a member of the University of New Mexico College
  Democrats; after returning to the Lone Star State to study
  political science at The University of Texas at El Paso, he founded
  the University Democrats in 2002; he served as the organization's
  president until December 2004 and guided its many efforts to
  increase voter participation and raise public awareness about
  issues and candidates; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Apodaca also became active in El Paso Young
  Democrats in the early 2000s, which led to involvement with Texas
  Young Democrats; after serving as executive vice president for TYD,
  he was elected president in 2005, becoming the first person from the
  El Paso area to hold that office; moreover, his accomplishments
  were recognized with the TYD Delegate Male of the Year award for
  2003; and
         WHEREAS, The El Paso County Democratic Party has benefited
  from Mr. Apodaca's input as well; he was a precinct chair from 2002
  to 2006 and is currently a member of the State Democratic Executive
  Committee and is the chair of its Grassroots Committee; moreover,
  this hardworking political activist has worked in behalf of
  numerous candidates at the local and state level; and
         WHEREAS, The strength of the American political system
  depends on the actions of dedicated volunteers who devote their
  time and energy to supporting the ideals and issues they believe in,
  and Michael Apodaca has carried forth that tradition through his
  advocacy and his thoughtful contributions to the political dialog
  of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor K. Michael Apodaca for his active
  participation in civic affairs and extend to him sincere best
  wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Apodaca as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.