81R1637 KCR-D
  By: Ellis S.B. No. 107
  relating to the creation of the Texas Health Benefit Plan Security
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle G, Title 8, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Chapter 1510 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1510.001.  SHORT TITLE. This chapter may be cited as
  the Texas Health Benefit Plan Security Act.
         Sec. 1510.002.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Dependent" means:
                     (A)  a spouse of an enrollee;
                     (B)  an unmarried child who is under 19 years of
  age and is the child of an enrollee;
                     (C)  a child who is a student under 23 years of
  age, is the child of an enrollee, and is financially dependent on
  the enrollee; or
                     (D)  a child of any age who is the child of an
  enrollee, is disabled, and is dependent on the enrollee.
               (2)  "Eligible employee" means an individual employed
  by a small employer who works at least 20 hours per week for that
  employer. The term does not include an employee who works on a
  temporary or substitute basis or who works fewer than 26 weeks
               (3)  "Eligible individual" means:
                     (A)  a self-employed individual who works and
  resides in this state and is organized as a sole proprietorship or
  in any other legally recognized manner in which a self-employed
  individual may organize, a substantial part of whose income derives
  from a trade or business through which the individual has attempted
  to earn taxable income;
                     (B)  an individual who does not work more than 20
  hours a week for any single employer; or
                     (C)  an individual employed by a small employer
  who does not offer health benefit plan coverage.
               (4)  "Employer" includes the owner or responsible agent
  of an employing business who is authorized to sign contracts on
  behalf of the business.
               (5)  "Enrollee" means an eligible individual or
  eligible employee who enrolls in the program.
               (6)  "Health benefit plan" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 1501.002(5).
               (7)  "Health benefit plan issuer" means any of the
  following entities, if the entity issues a health benefit plan in
  this state:
                     (A)  an insurance company;
                     (B)  a group hospital service corporation
  operating under Chapter 842;
                     (C)  a fraternal benefit society operating under
  Chapter 885;
                     (D)  a stipulated premium company operating under
  Chapter 884;
                     (E)  a reciprocal exchange operating under
  Chapter 942;
                     (F)  a Lloyd's plan operating under Chapter 941;
                     (G)  a health maintenance organization operating
  under Chapter 843;
                     (H)  a multiple employer welfare arrangement that
  holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 846; or
                     (I)  an approved nonprofit health corporation
  that holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 844.
               (8)  "Participating employer" means a small employer
  who contracts with the department through the program.
               (9)  "Program" means the Health Benefit Plan Security
  Program established and operated under this chapter.
               (10)  "Provider" means any person, organization,
  corporation, or association who provides health care services and
  products and is authorized to provide those services and products
  under the laws of this state.
               (11)  "Small employer" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 1501.002(14). The commissioner, on or after September 1,
  2011, by rule may expand the definition of "small employer" for the
  purposes of this chapter to include other employers not described
  by Section 1501.002(14).
               (12)  "Third-party administrator" means an
  administrator regulated under Chapter 4151.
  CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS. During any negotiation with a health
  benefit plan issuer relating to a provider's reimbursement
  agreement with that issuer, the provider shall provide data
  relating to any reduction in or avoidance of bad debt or charity
  care costs by the provider as a result of the operation of the
         Sec. 1510.004.  CONSTRUCTION WITH OTHER LAW. (a)
  Notwithstanding any other law, including any otherwise applicable
  provision of Chapter 552, Government Code, any personally
  identifiable financial information, supporting data, or tax return
  of any individual obtained by the department under this chapter is
  confidential and not open to public inspection.
         (b)  Any health information obtained by the department under
  this chapter that is covered by the Health Insurance Portability
  and Accountability Act of 1996 (42 U.S.C. Section 1320d et seq.) or
  Chapter 181, Health and Safety Code, is confidential and not open to
  public inspection.
         Sec. 1510.005.  RULES. The commissioner shall adopt rules
  as necessary to implement this chapter, including rules relating to
  criteria for small employer and enrollee participation in the
  (a) The Health Benefit Plan Security Program is established in the
         (b)  The purpose of the program is to provide comprehensive,
  affordable health care coverage to eligible individuals and
  employees of small employers, and the dependents of eligible
  individuals and employees, on a voluntary basis.
         Sec. 1510.052.  DEPARTMENT PROGRAM POWERS AND DUTIES. (a)
  The department shall:
               (1)  determine the comprehensive services and benefits
  to be included by the program and develop the specifications for the
  health benefit plan coverage provided through the program;
               (2)  establish administrative and accounting
  procedures as recommended by the comptroller for the operation of
  the program;
               (3)  develop and implement a plan to publicize the
  existence of the program, including program eligibility
  requirements and enrollment procedures;
               (4)  arrange for the provision of health benefit plan
  coverage to eligible individuals and eligible employees through
  contracts with one or more qualified health benefit plan issuers;
               (5)  develop a high-risk pool for enrollees in
  accordance with Section 1510.102.
         (b)  The department may:
               (1)  enter into contracts with qualified third parties,
  both private and public, for any service necessary to implement and
  operate the program;
               (2)  take any legal actions necessary to:
                     (A)  avoid the payment of improper claims against
  the coverage provided by the program;
                     (B)  recover any amounts erroneously or
  improperly paid by the program;
                     (C)  recover any amounts paid by the program as a
  result of mistake of fact or law;
                     (D)  recover or collect savings offset payments
  due to the program under Subchapter F for the proper administration
  of the program; and
                     (E)  recover other amounts due the program;
               (3)  establish and administer a revolving loan fund to
  assist providers in the purchase of computer hardware and software
  necessary to implement any program requirements relating to the
  electronic submission of claims and solicit matching contributions
  to the fund from each health benefit plan issuer;
               (4)  apply for and receive funds, grants, or contracts
  from public and private sources; and
               (5)  conduct studies and analyses related to the
  provision of health care, health care costs, and quality.
         Sec. 1510.053.  PROGRAM AUDIT. The state auditor shall
  annually audit the program and provide a written copy of the audit
  to the commissioner and the legislative committees having primary
  jurisdiction over the department.
  (a) The department, through the program, shall provide health
  benefit plan coverage through one or more health benefit plan
  issuers not later than September 1, 2010, by:
               (1)  issuing requests for proposals from health benefit
  plan issuers;
               (2)  requiring health benefit plan issuers that wish to
  participate in the program to offer at least one health benefit plan
  that complies with the program's minimum requirements; and
               (3)  making payments to health benefit plan issuers
  that provide health benefit plan coverage to enrollees.
         (b)  The department, in order to provide health benefit plan
  coverage through the program, may:
               (1)  notwithstanding any other provision of this code,
  set allowable rates for administration and underwriting gains for
  health benefit plan issuers;
               (2)  require quality improvement, disease prevention,
  disease management, and cost-containment provisions in the
  contracts with participating health benefit plan issuers or may
  arrange for the provision of those services through contracts with
  other entities;
               (3)  administer continuation benefits for eligible
  individuals from employers with 20 or more employees who have
  purchased health benefit plan coverage through the program for the
  duration of their eligibility periods for continuation benefits
  under Title X, Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
  1985 (29 U.S.C. Section 1161 et seq.); and
               (4)  administer or contract to administer plans under
  Section 125, Internal Revenue Code of 1986, for employers and
  employees participating in the program, including medical expense
  reimbursement accounts and dependent care reimbursement accounts.
         Sec. 1510.102.  HEALTH HIGH-RISK POOL. (a) The department
  shall establish a health high-risk pool for enrollees.
         (b)  An enrollee must be included in the high-risk pool if:
               (1)  the total cost of health care services for the
  enrollee exceeds $100,000 in any 12-month period; or
               (2)  the enrollee has been diagnosed with acquired
  immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), angina pectoris, cirrhosis
  of the liver, coronary occlusion, cystic fibrosis, Friedreich's
  ataxia, hemophilia, Hodgkin's disease, Huntington's chorea,
  juvenile diabetes, leukemia, metastatic cancer, motor or sensory
  aphasia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia
  gravis, myotonia, heart disease requiring open-heart surgery,
  Parkinson's disease, polycystic kidney disease, psychotic
  disorders, quadriplegia, stroke, syringomyelia, or Wilson's
         (c)  The department shall develop appropriate disease
  management protocols, develop procedures for implementing those
  protocols, and determine the manner in which disease management
  must be provided to enrollees in the high-risk pool. The program may
  include disease management in its contract with health benefit plan
  issuers participating in the program, contract separately with
  another entity for disease management services, or provide disease
  management services directly through the program.
  ISSUERS. In order to participate in the program as a health benefit
  plan issuer, a health benefit plan issuer must:
               (1)  provide the health services and benefits as
  determined by the department, including a standard benefit package
  that meets the requirements for mandated coverage for specific
  health services, for specific diseases, and for providers of health
  services under the Medicaid program, and any supplemental benefits
  the department requires;
               (2)  ensure that providers contracting with a health
  benefit plan issuer participating in the program do not charge
  enrollees or third parties for covered health care services in
  excess of the amount allowed by the contract, except for applicable
  copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance;
               (3)  ensure that providers contracting with a health
  benefit plan issuer participating in the program do not refuse to
  provide coverage to an enrollee on the basis of health status,
  medical condition, previous insurance status, race, color, creed,
  age, national origin, citizenship status, gender, sexual
  orientation, disability, or marital status; and
               (4)  ensure that a provider contracting with a health
  benefit plan issuer participating in the program is reimbursed at
  the rate negotiated between the health benefit plan issuer and the
  contracting provider.
  ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS. (a) The department, through the program,
  shall contract with small employers to provide for health benefit
  coverage for employees and the dependents of employees.
         (b)  The department, through the program, may permit
  eligible individuals to purchase the program's benefit plan
  coverage for themselves and their dependents.
         Sec. 1510.152.  PREMIUMS, COSTS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS. (a)
  The program shall collect payments from small employers with whom
  the department has contracted under Section 1510.151(a) and
  enrollees, including eligible individuals who have purchased
  health benefit plan coverage from the program under Section
  1510.151(b), to cover the costs of:
               (1)  health benefit plan coverage for enrollees and the
  dependents of enrollees in contribution amounts determined by the
               (2)  quality assurance, disease prevention, disease
  management, and cost-containment programs;
               (3)  administrative services; and
               (4)  other health promotion costs.
         (b)  The commissioner shall establish the minimum required
  contribution levels to be paid by a small employer toward the
  employer's aggregate payment for the cost of coverage of the small
  employer's employees. The minimum required contribution level to be
  paid by a small employer:
               (1)  may not exceed 60 percent; and
               (2)  must be prorated for employees who work less than
  the number of hours of a full-time equivalent employee.
         (c)  The commissioner may establish a separate minimum
  contribution level to be paid by a small employer toward the
  employer's aggregate payment for the cost of coverage of the
  dependents of a small employer's employees.
         Sec. 1510.153.  CERTIFICATIONS. (a) The department shall
  require small employers with whom the department has contracted
  under Section 1510.151(a) to certify that:
               (1)  at least 75 percent of the employer's employees who
  work 30 hours or more per week and who do not have other creditable
  coverage are enrolled in a health benefit plan provided through the
  program; and
               (2)  the small employer and each enrollee employed by
  the employer otherwise meet the requirements of this chapter.
         (b)  The department may require an eligible individual to
  certify that all of the individual's dependents are covered under a
  health benefit plan issued by the program or another health benefit
  plan that offers creditable coverage as defined by Section
  1205.004(a) or 1501.102(a).
         (c)  The department may require an eligible individual who is
  employed by a small employer who does not offer health benefit
  coverage to certify that the employer did not provide access to an
  employer-sponsored health benefit plan in the 12-month period
  immediately preceding the eligible individual's application to the
         Sec. 1510.154.  EFFECT OF SUBSIDIES. (a) The program shall
  reduce the payment amounts for enrollees and eligible individuals
  who are eligible for a subsidy.
         (b)  The program shall require small employers with whom the
  department has contracted under Section 1510.151(a) to pass on any
  subsidy to the enrollee qualifying for the subsidy, up to the full
  amount of payments made by the enrollee.
         Sec. 1510.201.  ESTABLISHMENT OF SUBSIDIES. (a) The
  department shall establish sliding-scale subsidies for the
  purchase of insurance paid by enrollees whose income is less than
  300 percent of the federal poverty level and who are not eligible
  for coverage under the Medicaid program.
         (b)  The program may establish sliding-scale subsidies for
  the purchase of employer-sponsored health coverage paid by
  employees of businesses with more than 50 employees whose income is
  less than 300 percent of the federal poverty level and who are not
  eligible for coverage under the Medicaid program.
  eligible for a subsidy established under Section 1510.201, an
  enrollee must:
               (1)  have an income that is less than 300 percent of the
  federal poverty level, be a resident of this state, be ineligible
  for coverage under the Medicaid program, and be enrolled in a health
  benefit plan provided by the program; or
               (2)  be enrolled in a health benefit plan of an employer
  with more than 50 employees that meets any criteria established by
  the department, including any additional eligibility criteria.
         Sec. 1510.203.  LIMITATIONS ON SUBSIDIES. (a) The
  department shall limit the availability of subsidies to reflect
  limitations of available funds.
         (b)  The department may limit a subsidy to 40 percent of the
  payment made by an individual described by Section 1510.202(2) to
  more closely parallel the subsidy received by enrollees under
  Section 1510.202(1).
         (c)  A subsidy granted to an enrollee who is an eligible
  individual who is not employed by a small employer may not exceed
  the maximum subsidy level available to enrollees who are employed
  by a small employer.
         Sec. 1510.251.  DETERMINATION OF COST SAVINGS. After notice
  and a hearing, the commissioner shall determine annually:
               (1)  the aggregate measurable cost savings, including
  any reduction or avoidance of bad debt and charity care costs, to
  providers in this state as a result of the operation of the program;
               (2)  any increased coverage in the Medicaid program or
  the state child health plan that is funded through the program.
  The commissioner shall establish annually, at a rate that does not
  exceed the cost savings determined under Section 1510.251, a
  savings offset amount, to be paid quarterly during the 12-month
  period following the establishment of the offset amount by health
  benefit plan issuers, employee benefit excess insurance carriers,
  and third-party administrators other than health benefit plan
  issuers and administrators for accidental injury, specified
  disease, hospital indemnity, dental, vision, disability, income,
  long-term care, Medicare supplement, or other limited benefit
  health insurance.
         (b)  The commissioner shall make reasonable efforts to
  ensure that premium revenue, or claims plus any administrative
  expenses and fees with respect to third-party administrators, is
  counted only once in any savings offset payment.
         (c)  The commissioner shall allow a health benefit plan
  issuer to exclude from the issuer's gross premium revenue
  reinsurance premiums that have been counted by the primary insurer
  for the purpose of determining its savings offset payment. The
  program shall allow each employee benefit excess insurance carrier
  to exclude from its gross premium revenue the amount of claims that
  have been counted by a third-party administrator for the purpose of
  determining its savings offset payment.
         (d)  The program may verify each health benefit plan issuer,
  employee benefit excess insurance carrier, and third-party
  administrator's savings offset payment based on annual statements
  and other reports.
         Sec. 1510.253.  PAYMENT OF OFFSET AMOUNT. (a) Each health
  benefit plan issuer and employee benefit excess insurance carrier
  shall pay a savings offset in an amount determined by the
  commissioner, not to exceed four percent of annual health insurance
  premiums and employee benefit excess insurance premiums on policies
  that insure residents of this state. The savings offset payment may
  not exceed the aggregate measurable cost savings under Section
         (b)  A health benefit plan issuer shall pay the first savings
  offset amount on September 1, 2011, and subsequently each quarter.
         (c)  The quarterly savings offset payments are due 30 days
  after written notice to the health benefit plan issuers, employee
  benefit excess insurance carriers, and third-party administrators
  of the amount due, and accrue interest at 12 percent annually on or
  after that due date.
         Sec. 1510.254.  ANNUAL RECONCILIATION. The department shall
  annually reconcile the aggregate amount of annual offset payments
  paid by health benefit plan issuers to determine whether unused
  payments may be returned to health benefit plan issuers, employee
  benefit excess insurance carriers, and third-party administrators.
  Each health benefit plan issuer and health care provider shall
  demonstrate that best efforts have been made to ensure that an
  issuer has recovered savings offset payments made in accordance
  with this subchapter through negotiated reimbursement rates that
  reflect providers' reductions or stabilization in the cost of bad
  debt and charity care as a result of the operation of the program.
         (b)  A health benefit plan issuer shall use best efforts to
  ensure health benefit plan premiums reflect any recovery of savings
  offset payments as those savings offset payments are reflected
  through incurred claims experience.
         Sec. 1510.256.  DEPOSIT AND USE OF OFFSET PAYMENTS. (a)  
  Savings offset payments collected under this subchapter shall be
  deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the Texas
  Department of Insurance operating account.
         (b)  Savings offset payments may be used only to fund the
  subsidies authorized by Subchapter E and may not exceed savings
  from reductions in growth of the state's health care spending and
  bad debt and charity care.
         SECTION 2.  (a) The commissioner of insurance shall adopt
  the rules necessary to implement Chapter 1510, Insurance Code, as
  added by this Act, not later than January 1, 2010.
         (b)  The Texas Department of Insurance shall have the Texas
  Health Benefit Plan Security Program established under Chapter
  1510, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, fully operational and
  able to provide health benefit coverage not later than September 1,
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.