81R793 CBH-D
  By: Ellis S.B. No. 128
  relating to a franchise tax credit for certain investments made in
  relation to sustainable commercial building projects.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter V to read as follows:
         Sec. 171.901.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Commercial building" means a building that will
  be used in connection with a trade or business.
               (2)  "Commercial building project" means:
                     (A)  the construction of a new commercial
                     (B)  a renovation of an existing commercial
  building that:
                           (i)  provides additional square footage;
                           (ii)  changes the functional use of the
  building; or
                           (iii)  begins not later than the 180th day
  after the date the ownership of the building changes; or
                     (C)  a major renovation of at least 50 percent of
  the square footage of a commercial building that involves a change
  in at least three of the building's systems, including the
  building's envelope, space conditioning, lighting, or water
  heating and process.
               (3)  "Sustainable commercial building project" means a
  commercial building project that is designed and implemented so
  that the commercial building or the renovated portion of the
  commercial building achieves certification under a
  high-performance building standard that:
                     (A)  is developed and revised through a
  consensus-based process;
                     (B)  provides minimum requirements for energy
  use, natural resources use, and indoor air quality;
                     (C)  requires substantiating documentation for
                     (D)  employs third-party, postconstruction or
  postrenovation review and verification for certification; and
                     (E)  is determined by the state energy
  conservation office to be nationally recognized in the building
         Sec. 171.902.  ENTITLEMENT TO CREDIT. A taxable entity is
  entitled to a credit in the amount and under the conditions and
  limitations provided by this subchapter against the tax imposed
  under this chapter.
         Sec. 171.903.  QUALIFICATION. Except as provided by Section
  171.905, a taxable entity qualifies for a credit under this
  subchapter only if:
               (1)  the taxable entity completes a sustainable
  commercial building project to construct or renovate a commercial
  building in this state that the taxable entity owns or has
  contracted to purchase; and
               (2)  the commercial building or the renovated portion
  of the commercial building to which the credit relates receives the
  appropriate certification before the original due date of the first
  report on which the taxable entity may claim the credit under
  Section 171.904(c) or (d).
         Sec. 171.904.  AMOUNT; LIMITATIONS. (a) The amount of a
  credit under this subchapter is equal to 35 percent of an amount
  equal to the sum of:
               (1)  $10 per square foot for the first 10,000 square
  feet added or affected by the sustainable commercial building
               (2)  $5 per square foot for the next 40,000 square feet
  added or affected by the sustainable commercial building project;
               (3)  $2 per square foot for any additional square feet
  added or affected by the sustainable commercial building project.
         (b)  In determining the square footage that may be included
  under Subsection (a), a taxable entity:
               (1)  may include:
                     (A)  temperature-conditioned floor areas; and
                     (B)  the ground-level footprint areas of parking
  structures or parking structure elements of the building; and
               (2)  may not include:
                     (A)  exterior square footage under overhangs,
  awnings, or canopies; or
                     (B)  walkways or unconditioned plaza areas
  beneath a temperature-conditioned portion of the building.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), a taxable entity
  must claim a credit under this subchapter over five consecutive
  reporting periods beginning with the report based on the period
  during which the sustainable commercial building project to which
  the credit relates was completed.  The amount of the credit a
  taxable entity may claim on a report is equal to:
               (1)  on the first two reports for which the taxable
  entity may claim the credit, 35 percent of the total amount of the
  credit; and
               (2)  on the last three reports on which the taxable
  entity may claim the credit, 10 percent of the total amount of the
         (d)  A taxable entity may claim the entire amount of the
  credit on the report based on the period during which the
  sustainable commercial building project to which the credit relates
  was completed if the sum of the amounts determined under
  Subsections (a)(1)-(3) does not exceed $20,000.
         (e)  The total credit claimed under this subchapter for a
  report may not exceed the amount of franchise tax due after any
  other applicable credits.
         (f)  A taxable entity may not carry any unused credit forward
  to a subsequent report.
         Sec. 171.905.  SALE OF TAX CREDIT.  (a) An entity that is not
  a taxable entity accrues a credit under this subchapter if the
  entity completes a sustainable commercial building project to
  construct or renovate a commercial building in this state that the
  entity owns or has contracted to purchase.
         (b)  An entity that accrues a credit under this section may
  sell the rights to the credit to one or more taxable entities. A
  taxable entity must purchase the rights with a lump-sum cash
  payment after the date the entity accrues the credit but before the
  original due date of the first report on which the taxable entity
  may claim the credit under Section 171.904(c) or (d). The total
  compensation an entity receives for the rights to a credit must be
  at least equal to:
               (1)  25.5 percent of the sum of the amounts determined
  under Sections 171.904(a)(1)-(3) if the sum is equal to more than
  $20,000; or
               (2)  30.5 percent of the sum of the amounts determined
  under Sections 171.904(a)(1)-(3) if the sum is equal to not more
  than $20,000 and each taxable entity purchasing the rights intends
  to claim the entire amount of the purchased credit on only one
         (c)  An entity that sells the rights to an accrued credit to
  more than one taxable entity may divide those rights in any manner
  the entity believes is appropriate provided that:
               (1)  the entity sells the rights to the entire credit;
               (2)  the entity receives total compensation for that
  credit that is at least equal to the appropriate amount required
  under Subsection (b).
         Sec. 171.906.  CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY. (a) For the
  initial and each succeeding report on which a credit is claimed
  under this subchapter, the taxable entity must file with its
  report, on a form prescribed by the comptroller, information that
  sufficiently demonstrates that the taxable entity is eligible for
  the credit. If the taxable entity purchases the rights to a credit
  under Section 171.905, the taxable entity must also file
  information that sufficiently demonstrates that the entity that
  sold the credit was eligible for the credit.
         (b)  The burden of establishing eligibility for, entitlement
  to, and the value of the credit is on the taxable entity.
         Sec. 171.907.  ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED. A taxable entity may
  not convey, assign, or transfer the credit allowed under this
  subchapter to another entity unless all of the assets of the taxable
  entity are conveyed, assigned, or transferred.
         SECTION 2.  This Act applies only to a report originally due
  on or after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2010.