81R980 CBH-F
  By: Shapleigh S.B. No. 247
  relating to the computation of the cost of goods sold for franchise
  tax purposes by certain taxable entities.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 171.10125 to read as follows:
         Sec. 171.10125.  COMPUTATION OF COST OF GOODS SOLD BY
               (1)  "Border" means the border between this state and
  the United Mexican States.
               (2)  "Strategic investment area" means an area
  determined by the comptroller under Subsection (h) that is:
                     (A)  a county in this state with above state
  average unemployment and below state average per capita income; or
                     (B)  an area within this state that is a federally
  designated urban enterprise community or an urban enhanced
  enterprise community.
         (b)  This section applies only to a taxable entity that:
               (1)  has a business or facility located within a
  strategic investment area; and
               (2)  conducts at least 90 percent of the taxable
  entity's total business in the strategic investment area.
         (c)  In addition to Subsection (b), at least two of the
  following conditions must apply for this section to apply to a
  taxable entity:
               (1)  the taxable entity is licensed by the appropriate
  local, state, and federal agencies on both sides of the border to
  conduct border trade;
               (2)  the taxable entity is enrolled in the
  Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) and Free and
  Secure Trade (FAST) programs or is participating with companies
  that are enrolled;
               (3)  the taxable entity invests in and implements
  security, tracking, communication, and surveillance technology
  systems used on commercial vehicles that operate in the strategic
  investment area or in manufacturing and distribution plants located
  on this state's side of the border or makes investment expenditures
  specifically related to and incurs direct costs related to the
  implementation of advanced technologies that protect elements of
  the supply chain, including:
                     (A)  secure trailers with intelligent locking
  devices and seals;
                     (B)  systems that detect tampering or
  compromising of cargo;
                     (C)  systems and protocols that provide instant
  alarms and response to cargo deviation;
                     (D)  efforts required to collaborate with
  appropriate federal and state agencies on both sides of the border;
                     (E)  systems and software that allow for the
  tracking and monitoring of vehicles and manufacturing and logistics
  facilities engaged in border trade;
               (4)  the taxable entity makes direct expenditures
  related to a business that implements or operates security systems
  that conduct or share information with appropriate federal and
  state agencies relating to the assessment of drivers' dock
  personnel and other individuals who are fundamentally important to
  the border trade process;
               (5)  the taxable entity incurs direct costs of
  creating, and training personnel for, new jobs in specialized,
  highly skilled positions related to biotechnology, defense,
  medical, software, and other value-added manufacturing fields in
  the border region; or
               (6)  the taxable entity makes other direct investments
  in integrated supply chain transportation systems that incorporate
  sophisticated, embedded broadband communications technology that
  integrates with public sector disaster, hazardous materials
  transfer, congestion relief, vehicle tracking, or emergency
  management systems.
         (d)  Subject to Subsection (f), a taxable entity to which
  this section applies may subtract as a cost of goods sold under
  Section 171.1012 any expenditure made or cost incurred relating to
  an item or event listed in Subsection (c) that is not otherwise
  included as a cost of goods sold under Section 171.1012.
         (e)  An expenditure made or cost incurred relating to an item
  or event listed in Subsection (c) that is for not more than $150,000
  must be subtracted or depreciated on the report for the period in
  which the expenditure is made or the cost incurred. An expenditure
  made or cost incurred that is for more than $150,000 may be
  subtracted or depreciated equally in three consecutive reports.
         (f)  The total amount that may be subtracted under this
  section by all taxable entities during a reporting period may not
  exceed $3 million. If the total amount subtracted as a cost of
  goods sold under this section will exceed $3 million during a
  reporting period, the comptroller shall allocate the $3 million
  that may be subtracted on a pro rata basis. The comptroller may
  require a taxable entity to notify the comptroller of the amount the
  taxable entity intends to subtract under this section before the
  due date of the report on which the taxable entity will subtract the
         (g)  If the comptroller decreases the amount that a taxable
  entity may subtract under Subsection (f), the taxable entity may,
  subject to the limitation provided by Subsection (f), carry the
  difference in the amounts backward for not more than three
  consecutive reports or forward for not more than seven consecutive
         (h)  Not later than September 1 each year, the comptroller
  shall determine areas that qualify as strategic investment areas
  using the most recently completed full calendar year data available
  on that date and, not later than October 1, the comptroller shall
  publish a list and map of the designated areas.  The designation is
  effective for the following calendar year for purposes of this
         (i)  A taxable entity may not establish a credit under this
  section on or after January 1, 2017.
         SECTION 2.  This Act applies only to a report originally due
  on or after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2010.