By: Estes S.B. No. 372
  relating to the sale by the Brazos River Authority of certain
  residential and commercial lots in the immediate vicinity of Possum
  Kingdom Lake to leaseholders of those lots.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 221, Water Code, is amended by adding
  Section 221.020 to read as follows:
  COMMERCIAL LEASES.  (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "FERC Order" means the order of the Federal Energy
  Regulatory Commission issuing a license to the authority for
  project number 1490-003-Texas.
               (2)  "1980 FERC Order" means that modifying order
  signed in 1980 by FERC that, among other things, removed the
  leasehold lots from the Project Lands.
               (2)  "Lake" means Possum Kingdom Lake.
               (3)  "Project Lands" means those lands identified and
  defined in the 1980 FERC Order and do not include the lease lots to
  be sold to the Residential Leaseholders and Commercial
               (4)  "Buffer Zone" means that strip of land abutting
  the lake as identified and defined in the 1980 FERC Order.
               (3)  "Residential Leaseholder" means a person or entity
  who leases a lot in the immediate vicinity of the lake from the
  authority for residential purposes.
               (4)  "Commercial Leaseholder" means a person or entity
  who leases a lot in the immediate vicinity of the lake from the
  authority to produce income.
         (b)  A leaseholder may purchase the lot as provided by this
         (c)  The authority shall make available a form for an
  application of intent to purchase the lot within ninety days of the
  effective date of this section.  Such application shall be a deemed
  a contract subject to the provisions set out herein.  A leaseholder
  who desires to purchase a lot must submit a completed application to
  the authority.  Until September 1, 2010, the authority may only
  accept applications from leaseholders leasing for residential
  purposes.  Until February 1, 2010, the authority shall give
  preference in processing applications to applicants who receive an
  ad valorem tax exemption under Section 11.13, Tax Code, for a
  structure on the applicants' lots.  After September 1, 2010, the
  authority may accept applications from leaseholders leasing for
  commercial purposes.  The authority shall accept and process
  applications in the order in which they are received.
         (d)  Each lot sold under this section shall be sold for no
  less than fair market value of the interest being acquired.  Within
  30 days of receiving an application of the intent to purchase, the
  authority shall select a disinterested appraiser certified under
  Chapter 1103, Occupations Code, to determine the fair market value
  of the interest being acquired and such fair market value shall be
  as of January 1, 2009.  Such appraiser shall complete the appraisal
  within 60 days of his selection and send the completed appraisal to
  the authority and the prospective purchaser within such 60 day
  period.  If the prospective purchaser disputes the fair market
  value determined by such appraisal, the prospective purchaser may
  employ another disinterested appraiser who satisfies the
  requirements above to conduct a second appraisal which shall be
  completed and sent to the authority within 60 days of the date the
  prospective purchaser receives the authority's appraisal.  If the
  authority rejects the value proffered by the second appraiser,
  within 30 days of the date the authority receives the prospective
  purchaser's appraisal, the two appraisers shall meet and attempt to
  reach an agreement on the fair market value of the interest being
  acquired.  If the two appraisers fail to reach agreement within 10
  days of the meeting, within 10 days of such impasse, the authority
  shall request that the state comptroller of public accounts appoint
  a disinterested third appraiser who satisfies the requirements of
  this subsection to reconcile the two previous appraisals.  The
  determination of the value by the third appraiser may not be less
  than the lower value or more than the higher value of the two
  previous appraisals.  The third appraiser's report must be
  completed within 30 days of the date the dispute is submitted to him
  and the fair market value determined by the third appraiser is final
  and binding on all parties.  Each party shall pay for his, her or its
  respective appraisal, except that the cost of the third appraisal,
  if necessary, shall be borne equally by the purchaser and the
  authority.  The appraisal shall not take into account the value of
  any improvements constructed on the lot or over the water that are
  the property of the prospective purchaser.  The closing of the sale
  shall take place within 30 days of an agreed appraisal or
  determination of the value by the third appraiser.
         (e)  A prospective purchaser of a lot is responsible for:
               (1)  a survey of the lot dated not more than one year
  before the effective date of this section and prepared by a licensed
  state land surveyor or a registered professional land surveyor.  
  However, a survey dated more than one year before the effective date
  of this section shall be deemed acceptable if accompanied by an
  affidavit signed by the leaseholder stating facts that indicate no
  improvements have been made to the property that would change the
  submitted survey, and that such survey would be acceptable to a
  title company for purposes of issuing any policy of title
               (2)  All reasonable, normal, customary, and documented
  closing costs associated with the sale of the lot; and
               (3)  If applicable, reasonable and necessary costs
  incurred and documented by the authority for FERC approval of the
  sale of the lot to be purchased under this section.
         (f)  The lease in effect as of January 1, 2009 or after shall
  remain in effect until such transaction is completed.  A lease of
  the lot expires on the date the sale of the lot is complete.
         (g)  If an eligible leaseholder is unable or unwilling to
  purchase the lot, the leaseholder  shall submit a purchase
  application form waiver and indicate on such form that they wish to
  continue leasing and affirm their understanding that the obligation
  of a prospective purchaser, transferee, heir or devisee to purchase
  the lot through conventional financing or otherwise, must be
  exercised upon transfer of the property to any party not subject to
  the lease existing on the date of the purchase application form
  waiver.  Such waiver shall be memorialized in a written affirmation
  signed by all parties to the existing lease, or any subsequent
  lease, and appended as an amendment thereto.  In the event an
  eligible leaseholder submits a waiver under this subsection, upon
  sale, the lease valuation date shall be January 1st of the year in
  which the property is sold or transferred and subsection (f) above
  shall have no applicability.
         (h)  A lot sold under this section is subject to all existing
  restrictions, including any applicable easements, placed on the lot
  by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission under the FERC order,
  if any, but does not include the terms of the existing leases unless
  otherwise mentioned herein.
         (i)  A residential lot sold under this section may be used
  only for a single-family residential structure and related
  facilities and only for normal residential, noncommercial,
  recreational use and enjoyment.
         (j)  If applicable, a commercial leaseholder that purchases
  a lot and sublets said lot for residential use shall comply with
  Section 94.204, Property Code.
         (k)  The sale of a lot under this section does not include any
  shoreline buffer zone that abuts the lot and is part of the project
  area covered by the FERC order.  Subject to approval by the Federal
  Energy Regulatory Commission, the authority shall grant a person or
  entity who purchases a lot an exclusive easement for use of the
  buffer zone that abuts the lot.  The authority shall retain
  ownership of the buffer zone and exercise control over the buffer
  zone consistent with the FERC order.  The easement granted to a
  purchaser shall be limited to uses permitted under the terms of the
  FERC order and the authority's shoreline management plan and shall
  be consistent with the use allowed since the implementation of the
  Buffer Zone.
         (l)  The owner of a lot sold under this section shall pay the
  authority any reasonable fees set by the authority for any services
  the authority provides and the owner desires.  However, the owner of
  a lot is under no obligation to accept or pay for services from the
  authority that are provided by another public or private entity.
         (m)  If an existing road on land owned by the authority
  connects a county road to a lot sold under this section, the
  authority may not deny a person access to that road.  The authority
  does not have a duty to maintain any road.
         (n)  A purchaser of a lot under this section shall comply
               (1)  the authority's "Shoreline Management Plan and
  Customer Guide," and any amendments to that document to the extent
  such plan applies to the Buffer Zone and any other land retained by
  the authority;
               (2)  the applicable rules, regulations, and orders of
  the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;
               (3)  the authority's "Regulations for Governance for
  Brazos River authority Lakes and Associated Lands," as published on
  the authority's Internet website; and
               (4)  other rules and regulations adopted by the
  authority regarding conduct on and use of the lake or land owned by
  the authority.
         (o)  To maintain the quality of the lake's water and of the
  environment in the lake's vicinity, a person who purchases a lot
  under this section agrees to:
               (1)  obtain the written consent of the authority before
  altering the natural drainage of the terrain within the project
  area and buffer zone;
               (2)  comply with any local, state, or federal laws
  related to water quality or the environment, including laws
  governing toxic wastes and hazardous substances; and
               (3)  pay the cost of obtaining any Federal Energy
  Regulatory Commission approvals required for future improvements
  that are the property of the purchaser and in the project area
  covered by the FERC order; and
               (4)  connect to and use, at the lot owner's expense, any
  wastewater treatment system that becomes available to lot owners
  and lessees, not later than 24 months after the system becomes
         (p)  A leaseholder who purchases a lot under this section may
  not remove or disturb, or cause or permit to be removed or
  disturbed, any historical, archaeological, architectural, or other
  cultural artifact, relic, remains, or object of antiquity.  If such
  an item is discovered on the lot, the lot owner shall immediately
  notify the authority and protect the site and the item from further
  disturbance until the authority gives written clearance to proceed.
         (q)  A leaseholder who purchases a lot under this section
  agrees that the water level in the lake varies and that the
  authority is not responsible for keeping the lake full.
         (r)  The authority reserves the right to modify Morris
  Sheppard (Possum Kingdom) Dam so that the water surface elevation
  of the lake is raised from 1,000 feet above mean sea level to 1,015
  feet above mean sea level.  The authority is not responsible or
  liable for any personal injury or damage to a lot or improvements on
  the lot caused by the resultant increase in the water level or
  caused by natural flooding.
         (s)  The authority reserves the right of ingress and egress
  for a person authorized by the authority, including an authority
  agent or employee, over and across a lot purchased under this
  section for all reasonable purposes of the authority, including the
  construction of any roads, drainage facilities and power, water,
  gas, and other utility mains and lines that the authority considers
  necessary.  The authority agrees to repair, or compensate the lot
  owner for any taking of property or damage it causes under this
         (t)  The authority reserves its interest in all oil, gas, and
  other minerals in and under the real property sold under this
         (u)  The authority may use proceeds from the sale of a lot
  under this section for any authority purpose.
         (v)  If a declaration of intent to purchase by a leaseholder
  is made under this section, the purchase must be completed by
  January 1, 2015.
         (w)  If the owner of a lot sold under this section does not
  comply with this section, the authority may seek any available
  legal remedy.
         (x)  The following laws do not apply to sale of a lot under
  this section:
               (1)  Chapters 232 and 272, Local Government Code;
               (2)  Section 49.226, Water Code; and
               (3)  Section 221.013, Water Code.
         (y)  In the event of a dispute arising under this section
  between the authority and a person who purchases a lot under this
  section, the prevailing party shall recover court costs and any
  reasonable attorney's fees and the authority expressly waives any
  claim to governmental immunity if such a dispute arises.
         (z)  A provision that applies to the purchaser of a lot under
  this section applies to any subsequent owner of the lot.
         SECTION 2.  If the provisions of this section conflict with
  any other provisions of this code, then the provisions of this
  section shall prevail, notwithstanding all such conflicting
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.