81R4452 PB-F
  By: Hinojosa S.B. No. 556
  relating to requirements for certain contracts with physicians and
  health care providers.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle F, Title 8, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Chapter 1459 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1459.001.  GENERAL DEFINITIONS. In this chapter,
  unless the context otherwise requires:
               (1)  "Edit" means a practice or procedure under which
  an adjustment is made regarding procedure codes that results in:
                     (A)  payment for some, but not all, of the health
  care procedures performed under a procedure code;
                     (B)  payment made under a different procedure
                     (C)  a reduced payment as a result of services
  provided to a patient that are claimed under more than one procedure
  code on the same service date;
                     (D)  a reduced payment related to a modifier used
  with a procedure code; or
                     (E)  a reduced payment based on multiple units of
  the same procedure code billed for a single date of service.
               (2)  "Health benefit plan issuer" means an insurance
  company, association, organization, group hospital service
  corporation, or health maintenance organization that delivers or
  issues for delivery an individual, group, blanket, or franchise
  insurance policy or insurance agreement, a group hospital service
  contract, or an evidence of coverage that provides health insurance
  or health care benefits. The term includes:
                     (A)  a life, health, and accident insurance
  company operating under Chapter 841 or 982;
                     (B)  a general casualty insurance company
  operating under Chapter 861;
                     (C)  a fraternal benefit society operating under
  Chapter 885;
                     (D)  a mutual life insurance company operating
  under Chapter 882;
                     (E)  a local mutual aid association operating
  under Chapter 886;
                     (F)  a statewide mutual assessment company
  operating under Chapter 881;
                     (G)  a mutual assessment company or mutual
  assessment life, health, and accident association operating under
  Chapter 887;
                     (H)  a mutual insurance company operating under
  Chapter 883 that writes coverage other than life insurance;
                     (I)  a Lloyd's plan operating under Chapter 941;
                     (J)  a reciprocal exchange operating under
  Chapter 942; and
                     (K)  a stipulated premium company operating under
  Chapter 884.
               (3)  "Health care contract" means a contract entered
  into or renewed between a health care contractor and a physician or
  health care provider for the delivery of health care services to
               (4)  "Health care contractor" means an individual or
  entity whose primary business purpose consists of contracting with
  physicians or health care providers for the delivery of health care
  services. The term includes a health benefit plan issuer and an
  administrator regulated under Chapter 4151.
               (5)  "Health care provider" means:
                     (A)  an individual licensed or certified in this
  state to practice pharmacy, chiropractic, nursing, physical
  therapy, podiatry, dentistry, optometry, occupational therapy, or
  another healing art; and
                     (B)  an ambulatory surgical center or a licensed
               (6)  "Line of business" means one of the following
  products offered by or administered by a health care contractor:
                     (A)  a health care plan offered by a health
  maintenance organization;
                     (B)  any other contract for the delivery of health
  care services;
                     (C)  Medicare coverage;
                     (D)  Medicaid coverage;
                     (E)  health care provided under a workers'
  compensation insurance policy; or
                     (F)  the state child health plan.
               (7)  "Physician" means:
                     (A)  an individual licensed to engage in the
  practice of medicine in this state; or
                     (B)  an entity organized under Subchapter B,
  Chapter 162, Occupations Code.
               (8)  "Procedure code" means an alphanumeric code used
  to identify a specific health procedure performed by a health care
  provider. The term includes:
                     (A)  the American Medical Association's Current
  Procedural Terminology code, also known as the "CPT code";
                     (B)  the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
  Services Health Care Common Procedure Coding System; and
                     (C)  other analogous codes published by national
  organizations and recognized by the commissioner.
         Sec. 1459.002.  DEFINITION OF MATERIAL CHANGE. For purposes
  of this chapter, a "material change" means a change to a contract
  that decreases the physician's or health care provider's payment or
  compensation, changes the administrative procedures required under
  the contract in a way that increases the provider's administrative
  expense, or adds coverage for a new line of business.
         Sec. 1459.003.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER.  (a) This chapter
  does not apply to:
               (1)  an exclusive contract with a single medical group
  in a specific geographic area to provide or arrange for health care
               (2)  an employment contract or arrangement between
  physicians or health care providers;
               (3)  a contract or arrangement entered into by a
  hospital or health care facility, other than an ambulatory surgical
  center or a licensed pharmacy, that is licensed or certified under
  state law; or
               (4)  contracts for pharmacy benefit management,
  including a contract with a pharmacy benefit manager under
  Subchapter D, Chapter 4151.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)(1) or (2), this chapter
  applies to contracts for health care services between a medical
  group and other medical groups.
         (c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)(4), this chapter applies
  to a contract for health care services between a health care
  contractor and a pharmacy, a pharmacist, or a professional
  corporation composed of pharmacies or pharmacists as permitted by
  the laws of this state.
         Sec. 1459.004.  CODE OF ETHICS; DISCRIMINATION LAWS.  This
  chapter may not be used to justify any act or omission by a
  physician or health care provider that is prohibited by any
  applicable professional code of ethics or a state or federal law
  prohibiting discrimination against any person.
  [Sections 1459.005-1459.050 reserved for expansion]
  DISCOUNTED FEE BASIS. (a) A health care contractor may not
  reimburse a physician or health care provider on a discounted fee
  basis for covered services furnished to a covered person unless:
               (1)  the health care contractor has directly contracted
  with the physician or provider and:
                     (A)  the physician or provider:
                           (i)  has agreed in writing to the terms of
  the contract for specific payors; and
                           (ii)  has agreed in writing to provide
  health care services under the terms of the contract;
                     (B)  the health care contractor has agreed in
  writing to provide coverage for those health care services under
  the terms of the health benefit plan; and
                     (C)  the contract was in effect at the time the 
  physician or provider furnished the covered services to the
               (2)  the health care contractor has contracted with a
  preferred provider organization and:
                     (A)  the preferred provider organization has
  directly contracted with the physician or provider;
                     (B)  the physician or provider has agreed in
  writing to the terms of the contract and has agreed in writing to
  provide health care services under the terms of the contract; and
                     (C)  the physician or provider has actual prior
  notice of the specific payors who may access the contract rate; or
               (3)  the health care contractor has contracted with:
                     (A)  any other entity and:
                           (i)  the entity has indirectly contracted
  with the provider;
                           (ii)  the physician or provider has agreed
  in writing to the terms of the contract and has agreed in writing to
  provide health care services under the terms of the contract; and
                           (iii)  the health care contractor can
  demonstrate that the contractor furnished the physician or
  provider, before the date on which the contract rate is purchased,
  leased, or accessed, written notice of the specific contractor's or
  other entity's right to access the contract rate under a specific
  contract, and, as applicable, underlying contracts, by
  demonstrating submission of the notice in compliance with
  Subsection (b); or
                     (B)  a preferred provider organization that has
  contracted with any other entity and:
                           (i)  the entity has directly or indirectly
  contracted with the provider;
                           (ii)  the physician or health care provider
  has agreed in writing to the terms of the provider contract and has
  agreed in writing to provide health care services under the terms of
  the contract; and
                           (iii)  the health care contractor can
  demonstrate that the contractor furnished the physician or health
  care provider, before the date on which the contract rate is
  purchased, leased, or accessed, written notice of the specific
  contractor's right to access the contract rate under a specific
  preferred provider organization contract, and, as applicable,
  underlying contracts, by demonstrating submission of the notice in
  compliance with Subsection (b).
         (b)  A health care contractor is presumed to have submitted
  timely notice of the contractor's right to reimburse the physician
  or health care provider on a discounted fee basis for covered
  services furnished to a covered person if the contractor submits a
  notice to the physician or provider, before the date on which the
  contractor purchases the discount, that contains the following:
               (1)  the name of the preferred provider organization or
  other entity that has the direct contract with the physician or
               (2)  the date of the contract; and
               (3)  the address to which the physician or provider may
  send a letter terminating the contract.
         (c)  The notice required by Subsection (b) may be provided:
               (1)  by United States mail, sent first class, return
  receipt requested, or by overnight delivery;
               (2)  electronically, if the health care contractor
  maintains proof of the electronic submission;
               (3)  by facsimile transmission, if the physician or
  health care provider accepts facsimile transmissions for the type
  of notice being sent and the health care contractor maintains proof
  of the transmission; or
               (4)  by hand delivery, if the health care contractor
  maintains proof of the delivery.
         Sec. 1459.052.  WAIVER OF CERTAIN RIGHTS PROHIBITED. Except
  as permitted by this chapter, a health care contractor may not
  require, as a condition of contracting, that a physician or health
  care provider waive any right or benefit to which the physician or
  health care provider may be entitled under a state or federal law or
  regulation that provides legal protections to a person solely based
  on the person's status as a physician or health care provider
  providing services in this state.
         Sec. 1459.053.  EFFECT ON NEW PATIENTS. (a) In this
  section, "new patient" means an individual who has not received
  services from a physician or health care provider in the three years
  immediately preceding the date of the notice under Subsection (b).
  A patient does not become a "new patient" solely by changing
  coverage from one health care contractor to another.
         (b)  On 60 days' notice, a physician or health care provider
  may decline to provide service under a health care contract to new
  patients covered by the health care contractor. The notice must
  state the reasons for the declination.
         Sec. 1459.054.  EFFECT OF CONTRACT TERMINATION. A contract
  provision concerning compensation or payment of a physician or
  health care provider does not survive the termination of a health
  care contract, other than a provision for continuation of coverage
  required by law or made with the agreement of the physician or
  health care provider.
         Sec. 1459.055.  DISCLOSURE TO THIRD PARTY. A health care
  contract may not preclude the use of the contract or disclosure of
  the contract to a third party to enforce this chapter or other state
  or federal law. The third party is bound by any applicable
  confidentiality requirements, including those stated in the
         Sec. 1459.056.  RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT.  In addition to
  termination rights described under Section 1459.152, a health care
  contract must provide to each party a right to terminate the
  contract without cause on at least 90 days' written notice.
         Sec. 1459.057.  ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS. A health care
  contract subject to this chapter may include an agreement for
  binding arbitration.
         Sec. 1459.058.  ENFORCEMENT. (a)  With respect to the
  enforcement of this chapter, including enforcement through
  arbitration, a physician or health care provider:
               (1)  may exercise private rights of action at law and in
               (2)  is entitled to equitable relief, including
  injunctive relief;
               (3)  is entitled to reasonable attorney's fees when the
  physician or health care provider is the prevailing party in an
  action to enforce this chapter, except to the extent that the
  violation of this chapter consisted of a mere failure to make
  payment under a contract; and
               (4)  may introduce as persuasive authority prior
  arbitration awards regarding a violation of this chapter.
         (b)  An arbitration award related to the enforcement of this
  chapter may be disclosed to persons who have a bona fide interest in
  the arbitration.
  [Sections 1459.059-1459.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 1459.101.  NOTICE REGARDING CHANGE TO CONTRACT. (a) A
  health care contractor must notify each physician and health care
  provider affected by a change to a health care contract of the
  change. The notice must include information sufficient for the
  physician or health care provider to determine the effect of the
         (b)  A change to a health care contract that is
  administrative only takes effect on the date stated in the notice,
  which may not be earlier than the 30th day after the date of the
         (c)  A health care contractor shall provide notice regarding
  a material change in the manner prescribed by Section 1459.102 and
  the contract.
         Sec. 1459.102.  MATERIAL CHANGES; NOTICE. (a)  A material
  change to a contract may be implemented only if the health care
  contractor provides written notice to the affected physician or
  health care provider regarding the proposed change at least 90 days
  before the effective date of the change.  The notice must be
  conspicuously entitled "Notice of Material Change to Contract."
         (b)  If the physician or health care provider does not object
  to the material change, the change takes effect in the manner
  specified in the notice of material change to the contract made
  under Subsection (a).
         (c)  If the physician or health care provider objects to the
  material change not later than the 30th day after the date of the
  notice under Subsection (a), the change does not take effect, and
  the objection does not constitute a basis on which the health care
  contractor may terminate the contract.
  [Sections 1459.103-1459.150 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 1459.151.  SUMMARY DISCLOSURE FORM. (a)  Each health
  care contract must include a summary disclosure form that states,
  in plain language, the following information:
               (1)  the terms of the contract governing compensation
  and payment;
               (2)  any line of business for which the physician or
  health care provider is to provide services;
               (3)  the duration of the contract and how the contract
  may be terminated;
               (4)  the identity of the health care contractor
  responsible for the processing of the physician's or health care
  provider's claims for compensation or payment;
               (5)  any internal mechanism required by the health care
  contractor to resolve disputes that arise under the terms or
  conditions of the contract;
               (6)  the subject and order of any addenda to the
  contract; and
               (7)  other information as required by this subchapter.
         (b)  The disclosure form is for informational purposes only
  and may not be construed as a term or condition of the contract.
         (c)  The disclosure form must reasonably summarize the
  applicable contract provisions.
         Sec. 1459.152.  TERMINATION INFORMATION. (a) A health care
  contract that provides for termination for cause by either party
  must state the reasons that may be grounds for termination for
  cause. The terms must be reasonable.
         (b)  The contract must state the time by which notice of
  termination for cause must be provided and to whom the notice must
  be given.
  AND RELATED PROGRAMS.  A health care contractor shall identify any
  utilization review program or management program, quality
  improvement program, or similar program that the contractor uses to
  review, monitor, evaluate, or assess the services provided under a
  (a)  The disclosure of payment and compensation terms under
  Sections 1459.151-1459.153 must include information sufficient for
  a physician or health care provider to determine the compensation
  or payment for the physician's or provider's services.
         (b)  The summary disclosure form under Section 1459.151 must
               (1)  the manner of payment, such as fee-for-service,
  capitation, or risk sharing;
               (2)  the methodology used to compute any fee schedule,
  such as use of a relative value unit system and conversion factor,
  percentage of Medicare payment system, or percentage of billed
               (3)  the fee schedule for procedure codes reasonably
  expected to be billed by the physician or health care provider for
  services provided under the contract and, on request, the fee
  schedule for other procedure codes used by, or which may be used by,
  the physician or health care provider; and
               (4)  the effect of edits, if any, on payment or
         (c)  As applicable, the methodology disclosure under
  Subsection (b)(2) must include:
               (1)  the name of any relative value system used;
               (2)  the version, edition, or publication date of that
               (3)  any applicable conversion or geographic factors;
               (4)  the date by which compensation or fee schedules
  may be changed by the methodology, if allowed under the contract.
         (d)  The fee schedule described by Subsection (b)(3) must
  include, as applicable, service or procedure codes and the
  associated payment or compensation for each code. The fee schedule
  may be provided electronically.
         (e)  The health care contractor shall provide the fee
  schedule described by Subsection (b)(3) to an affected physician or
  health care provider when a material change related to payment or
  compensation occurs. Additionally, a physician or health care
  provider may request that a written fee schedule be provided up to
  twice annually, and the health care contractor must provide the
  written fee schedule promptly.
         (f)  A health care contractor may satisfy the requirement
  under Subsection (b)(4) regarding the effect of edits by providing
  a clearly understandable, readily available mechanism that allows a
  physician or health care provider to determine the effect of an
  edit on payment or compensation before a service is provided or a
  claim is submitted.
  PROCESSING.  On completion of processing of a claim, a health care
  contractor shall provide information to the affected physician or
  health care provider stating how the claim was adjudicated and the
  responsibility of any party other than the contractor for any
  outstanding balance.
         Sec. 1459.156.  PROPOSED CONTRACT; CONFIDENTIALITY.  (a)  If
  a proposed contract is presented by a health care contractor for
  consideration by a physician or health care provider, the
  contractor shall provide in writing or make reasonably available
  the information required under Section 1459.154. If the
  information is not disclosed in writing, the information must be
  disclosed in a manner that allows the physician or health care
  provider to timely evaluate the proposed payment or compensation
  for services under the contract.
         (b)  The disclosure obligations under this chapter do not
  prevent a health care contractor from requiring a reasonable
  confidentiality agreement regarding the terms of a proposed
         (c)  Notwithstanding Subsections (a) and (b), a contract may
  be modified by operation of law as required by any applicable state
  or federal law or regulation, and the health care contractor may
  disclose this change by any reasonable means.
         SECTION 2.  (a) A health care contractor that contracts with
  a physician or health care provider is required to comply with
  Chapter 1459, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, beginning on
  January 1, 2010, and shall include the provisions required by that
  chapter in each health care contract entered into or renewed on or
  after that date.
         (b)  A health care contract in existence before January 1,
  2010, must comply with the disclosure requirements of Sections
  1459.151, 1459.153, 1459.154, and 1459.155, Insurance Code, as
  added by this Act, not later than January 31, 2010. Chapter 1459,
  Insurance Code, as added by this Act, may not be construed to
  require the renegotiation of a contract in existence before January
  1, 2010.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.