81R4906 JRD-D
  By: Watson S.B. No. 737
  relating to conducting a study to improve transparency in the
  state's budgeting process and electronic access to information
  about the state budget.
         SECTION 1.  STUDY. (a) The governor and the Legislative
  Budget Board jointly shall lead a collaborative study concerning
  improved transparency in the state's budgeting process and improved
  electronic access to information about the state budget.
         (b)  In addition to the governor and the Legislative Budget
  Board, the following state officers, agencies, and institutions
  each shall designate one or more appropriate representatives to
  participate in the study as a member of a study team:
               (1)  the comptroller;
               (2)  the Department of Information Resources;
               (3)  the Texas Legislative Council;
               (4)  the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs;
               (5)  any other state officer, agency, or institution
  invited by the governor or the Legislative Budget Board to
  participate in the study.
         (c)  The study team must generally address improving
  transparency and electronic access to information in connection
  with the process of developing the state's budget, the writing and
  consideration by the legislature of the general appropriations
  bill, and the expenditure of appropriated funds by the agencies and
  institutions of state government. In particular, the study team
  must address:
               (1)  how to better provide to members of the public and
  decision-makers information and analysis about all types of state
  budgetary information, with an emphasis on providing useful
  information and analysis about the 25 state programs that account
  for the greatest amount of state expenditures;
               (2)  how to better provide members of the legislature,
  legislative staff, state agencies, members of the press, and
  members of the public timely electronic access in an open standards
  format to proposed riders, proposed line-item appropriations, and
  reports concerning the general appropriations bill throughout any
  session of the legislature in which the general appropriations bill
  is being considered for adoption; and
               (3)  any enhancements and additions to information
  technologies employed by the legislative and executive branches of
  state government that would be necessary to improve access and
  transparency in the manner recommended by the team.
         (d)  The comptroller and the Legislative Budget Board shall
  develop cost estimates for the study team's recommendations.
         (e)  The governor and the Legislative Budget Board shall
  report the results of the study, including the study team's
  recommendations and the comptroller's and Legislative Budget
  Board's cost estimates for the recommendations, to the lieutenant
  governor and each member of the legislature by June 1, 2010.
         SECTION 2.  EXPIRATION.  This Act expires September 1, 2011.
         SECTION 3.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This Act takes effect September
  1, 2009.