81R6033 YDB-D
  By: Lucio S.B. No. 775
  relating to the licensing and regulation of clinical laboratory
  science professionals; providing penalties.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle M, Title 3, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 703 to read as follows:
         Sec. 703.001.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as the
  Clinical Laboratory Science Practice Act.
         Sec. 703.002.  PUBLIC POLICY; LEGISLATIVE PURPOSE.  (a)  The
  legislature declares as a policy of this state that:
               (1)  the practice of clinical laboratory science by
  health care professionals affects the public health, safety, and
  welfare and is subject to control and regulation in the public
  interest; and
               (2)  clinical laboratories and clinical laboratory
  science professionals provide essential services to health care
  professionals by furnishing vital information that may be used in
  the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases or impairment
  and the assessment of human health.
         (b)  The purpose of this chapter is to ensure better
  protection of the public health by:
               (1)  requiring minimum qualifications for clinical
  laboratory science professionals; and
               (2)  ensuring that clinical laboratory tests are
  performed with the highest degree of professional competency by
  individuals engaged in providing the services in this state.
         Sec. 703.003.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Advisory board" means the Clinical Laboratory
  Science Advisory Board.
               (2)  "Categorical clinical laboratory scientist" means
  an individual licensed under this chapter to perform clinical
  laboratory scientist services in one major practice area of a
               (3)  "Clinical laboratory" means a facility in which a
  clinical laboratory test is performed.
               (4)  "Clinical laboratory science professional" means
  an individual licensed under this chapter to practice clinical
  laboratory science.
               (5)  "Clinical laboratory scientist" means an
  individual licensed under this chapter to perform clinical
  laboratory scientist services. The term includes a medical
               (6)  "Clinical laboratory scientist services" means:
                     (A)  the performance of clinical laboratory
                     (B)  the establishment and implementation of
  protocols, quality assessment, method development and selection,
  equipment selection and maintenance, and all activities related to
  the pre-analytic, analytic, and post-analytic phases of clinical
  laboratory testing; and
                     (C)  the direction, supervision, consultation,
  education, and performance of research functions related to
  clinical laboratory testing.
               (7)  "Clinical laboratory specialist in cytogenetics"
  means an individual licensed under this chapter to perform
  cytogenetic testing, including culturing, harvesting, staining,
  microscopy, and chromosome analysis, and to direct, supervise,
  consult, educate, and perform research functions related to
  clinical laboratory testing.
               (8)  "Clinical laboratory specialist in
  histocompatibility" means an individual licensed under this
  chapter to perform histocompatibility testing by molecular and
  serological techniques and to direct, supervise, consult, educate,
  and perform research functions related to clinical laboratory
               (9)  "Clinical laboratory specialist in molecular
  biology" means an individual licensed under this chapter to perform
  each aspect of molecular analysis, including recombinant DNA
  technology, polymerase chain reaction, and hybridization
  techniques and to direct, supervise, consult, educate, and perform
  research functions related to clinical laboratory testing.
               (10)  "Clinical laboratory technician" means an
  individual licensed under this chapter to perform clinical
  laboratory technician services. The term includes a medical
  laboratory technician.
               (11)  "Clinical laboratory technician services" means
  the performance of clinical laboratory tests in accordance with
  established and approved protocols that require the limited
  exercise of independent judgment and are performed under the
  supervision of a clinical laboratory scientist, laboratory
  supervisor, or laboratory director.
               (12)  "Clinical laboratory test" means a
  microbiological, serological, chemical, biological,
  hematological, immunological, immunohematological, radiobioassay,
  cytochemical, cytobiological, or biophysical test or procedure
  performed on material derived from or existing in a human body that
  provides information for the diagnosis, prevention, or monitoring
  of a disease or impairment or assessment of a clinical condition.
  The term includes the pre-analytic, analytic, and post-analytic
  phases of testing.
               (13)  "Commissioner" means the commissioner of state
  health services.
               (14)  "Department" means the Department of State Health
               (15)  "Executive commissioner" means the executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission.
               (16)  "Point-of-care testing" means analytical patient
  testing activities provided at a health care facility but performed
  outside the central medical laboratory facilities that do not
  require permanent dedicated space, including testing using
  analytical instruments at a temporary patient care location.
               (17)  "Practice of clinical laboratory science" means
  practice by an individual who manages, supervises, educates,
  consults, researches, or performs clinical laboratory testing or
  technical procedures in a clinical laboratory. The term does not
  include the activities of a licensed physician or of a person
  performing only clerical duties or other duties not directly
  related to the performance of clinical laboratory testing.
               (18)  "Trainee" means an individual who has not
  fulfilled the educational requirements to take an approved
  nationally recognized certification examination or who is in the
  process of obtaining full-time comprehensive experience under
               (19)  "Waived test" means a simple laboratory
  examination or procedure that, under the United States Food and
  Drug Administration's interpretation of the Clinical Laboratory
  Improvement Amendments (42 C.F.R. Part 493), employs a simple and
  accurate methodology that renders the likelihood of erroneous
  results negligible or poses no reasonable risk of harm to the
  patient if performed incorrectly.
         Sec. 703.004.  EXEMPTIONS. This chapter does not apply to:
               (1)  an individual licensed under the laws of this
  state and engaged in health care services within the scope of the
  license holder's licensed practice;
               (2)  an individual engaged in the practice of clinical
  laboratory science in the employ of the federal government or a
  federal bureau, division, or agency and in the discharge of the
  employee's official duties;
               (3)  an individual engaged in the practice of clinical
  laboratory science and engaged exclusively in research, provided
  that the results of an examination performed are not used in health
  maintenance, diagnosis, or treatment of disease;
               (4)  a student or trainee enrolled in a clinical
  laboratory science education program, provided that:
                     (A)  the activities constitute a part of a planned
  course in the program;
                     (B)  the individual is designated by title as an
  intern, trainee, or student; and
                     (C)  the individual works directly under an
  individual licensed by this state to practice clinical laboratory
  science or an individual exempt from this chapter under Subdivision
               (5)  an individual solely performing waived or
  provider-performed microscopy tests under the Clinical Laboratory
  Improvement Amendments (42 C.F.R. Part 493); or
               (6)  an individual performing tests categorized under
  the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (42 C.F.R. Part 493)
  as non-waived point-of-care testing, but only if the acute care
  facility complies with the following requirements:
                     (A)  in the laboratory, a clinical laboratory
  scientist or individual who qualifies as a laboratory director
  under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (42 C.F.R.
  Part 493) is responsible for:
                           (i)  designing and providing or supervising
  the training programs for the point-of-care testing personnel;
                           (ii)  supervising and monitoring the quality
  assurance and quality control activities of the testing site;
                           (iii)  assisting in the selection of
                           (iv)  reviewing the results of proficiency
  testing and recommending corrective action, if necessary; and
                           (v)  monitoring the continued competency of
  the testing personnel; and
                     (B)  processes are in place at the facility and
  are acceptable to the department to ensure and document the
  continued competency of the point-of-care testing personnel.
         Sec. 703.005.  APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT.  The Clinical
  Laboratory Science Advisory Board is subject to Chapter 325,
  Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).  Unless continued in existence
  as provided by that chapter, the advisory board is abolished and
  this chapter expires September 1, 2021.
  [Sections 703.006-703.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 703.051.  RULES.  (a)  The executive commissioner shall
  adopt rules necessary to administer this chapter, including rules
               (1)  the qualifications for licensure under each
  category of clinical laboratory science professional;
               (2)  the renewal of licensure;
               (3)  standards of professional conduct for each
  category of clinical laboratory science professional;
               (4)  authorization or approval of nationally
  recognized, validated, criterion-based certification examinations
  for clinical laboratory science professionals; and
               (5)  criteria for the continuing education of clinical
  laboratory science professionals as required for license renewal.
         (b)  The executive commissioner by rule shall prescribe the
  activities that may be performed by each category of license holder
  under this chapter.
         Sec. 703.052.  FEES.  The commissioner shall establish and
  collect reasonable and necessary fees in amounts sufficient to
  cover the costs of administering this chapter.
         Sec. 703.053.  DEPARTMENT POWERS AND DUTIES.  (a)  The
  department may authorize disbursements necessary to implement this
  chapter, including disbursements for office expenses, equipment
  costs, and other necessary facilities.
         (b)  The department may examine any criminal conviction,
  guilty plea, or deferred adjudication of an applicant for issuance
  or renewal of a license, including by obtaining any criminal
  history record information permitted by law.
         Sec. 703.054.  PERSONNEL.  The department may employ
  personnel necessary to administer this chapter.
         Sec. 703.055.  REGISTRY OF LICENSE HOLDERS. (a) The
  department shall maintain a registry of the name and addresses of
  each individual licensed under this chapter and each individual
  whose license has been suspended or revoked in the preceding year.
         (b)  The department shall post the registry on the
  department's Internet website and make copies of the registry
  available to the public on request.
         Sec. 703.056.  CONSUMER INTEREST INFORMATION.  (a)  The
  department shall prepare information of consumer interest
               (1)  the functions performed by the department under
  this chapter; and
               (2)  the rights of a consumer affected by this chapter.
         (b)  The information must describe the procedure by which a
  consumer complaint is filed with and resolved by the department.
         (c)  The department shall make the information available to
  the public.
  [Sections 703.057-703.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 703.101.  ADVISORY BOARD.  (a)  The Clinical Laboratory
  Science Advisory Board is an advisory body to the department and
  executive commissioner.
         (b)  The advisory board consists of seven members appointed
  by the governor as follows:
               (1)  four members who are licensed clinical laboratory
  science professionals, with at least one who is not a physician
  laboratory director and at least one who is a clinical laboratory
               (2)  one member who is a physician certified by the
  American Board of Pathology, the American Board of Osteopathic
  Pathology, or another certification board the department
  determines has certification requirements at least as stringent as
  those of the American Board of Pathology or the American Board of
  Osteopathic Pathology;
               (3)  one member who is a physician and is not a
  laboratory director or pathologist; and
               (4)  one public member.
         (c)  The governor may make appointments to the advisory board
  from lists submitted by organizations of clinical laboratory
  science professionals and organizations of physician pathologists.
         (d)  Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the
  advisory board.
         Sec. 703.102.  TERMS; VACANCIES.  (a)  Members serve
  staggered three-year terms and until their successors are appointed
  and qualified.
         (b)  A vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the
  unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment.
         (c)  A member may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
         Sec. 703.103.  PUBLIC MEMBER ELIGIBILITY.  A member who
  represents the public may not be:
               (1)  an officer, director, or employee of an individual
  regulated under this chapter;
               (2)  an individual required to register as a lobbyist
  under Chapter 305, Government Code; or
               (3)  an individual related to an individual described
  by Subdivision (1) or (2) within the second degree by affinity or
         Sec. 703.104.  COMPENSATION; REIMBURSEMENT.  A member of the
  advisory board serves without compensation. If authorized by the
  commissioner, an advisory board member is entitled to reimbursement
  for actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing the
  functions of the advisory board, subject to the General
  Appropriations Act.
         Sec. 703.105.  MEETINGS. The advisory board shall meet
  twice annually and may meet at other times at the call of the
         Sec. 703.106.  ADVISORY BOARD DUTIES.  The advisory board
  shall provide advice and recommendations to the department and
  executive commissioner on technical matters relevant to the
  administration and enforcement of this chapter, including
  examination approval, licensing standards and qualifications,
  renewal requirements, standards of professional conduct, and
  continuing education requirements.
  [Sections 703.107-703.150 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 703.151.  LICENSE REQUIRED.  (a)  Except as provided by
  Section 703.004, an individual may not perform or offer to perform
  clinical laboratory tests or represent that the individual is a
  clinical laboratory science professional unless the individual
  holds an appropriate license issued under this chapter.
         (b)  The executive commissioner by rule may establish the
  qualifications and licensing requirements for additional
  categories of clinical laboratory license professionals as the
  executive commissioner determines necessary to protect the public
  health and safety.
         Sec. 703.152.  APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. (a) An applicant
  for a license under this chapter must:
               (1)  submit to the department a completed application
  on a form prescribed by the commissioner;
               (2)  submit to the department any other information
  required by department rule;
               (3)  demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
  commissioner the qualifications required by this chapter and
  department rule;
               (4)  demonstrate the applicant's honesty,
  trustworthiness, and integrity; and
               (5)  pay the application fee.
         (b)  The department shall issue the appropriate license to
  each individual who meets the qualifications required by this
  chapter and department rule.
         (c)  The department may conduct an examination of any
  criminal conviction of an applicant, including obtaining any
  criminal history record information permitted by law.
         Sec. 703.153.  CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENTIST. An applicant
  for a clinical laboratory scientist license must:
               (1)  hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally
  accredited college or university;
               (2)  have successfully completed the clinical
  laboratory experience or training required by department rule;
               (3)  be certified by a nationally recognized
  certification organization approved by the executive commissioner;
               (4)  pay the application fee and license fee; and
               (5)  comply with any other requirements established by
  department rule.
  An applicant for a categorical clinical laboratory scientist
  license must:
               (1)  hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally
  accredited college or university;
               (2)  have successfully completed the clinical
  laboratory experience or training required by department rule;
               (3)  be certified by a nationally recognized
  certification organization approved by the executive commissioner;
               (4)  pay the application fee and license fee; and
               (5)  comply with any other requirements established by
  department rule.
         Sec. 703.155.  CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN. An applicant
  for a clinical laboratory technician license must:
               (1)  hold at least an associate degree from a
  regionally accredited college or university;
               (2)  have successfully completed the clinical
  laboratory experience or training required by department rule;
               (3)  be certified by a nationally recognized
  certification organization approved by the executive commissioner;
               (4)  pay the application fee and license fee; and
               (5)  comply with any other requirements established by
  department rule.
  BIOLOGY. An applicant for a clinical laboratory specialist in
  molecular biology license must:
               (1)  hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally
  accredited college or university;
               (2)  have successfully completed the clinical
  laboratory experience or training required by department rule;
               (3)  be certified by a nationally recognized
  certification organization approved by the executive commissioner;
               (4)  pay the application fee and license fee; and
               (5)  comply with any other requirements established by
  department rule.
  CYTOGENETICS. An applicant for a clinical laboratory specialist in
  cytogenetics license must:
               (1)  hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally
  accredited college or university;
               (2)  have successfully completed the clinical
  laboratory experience or training required by department rule;
               (3)  be certified by a nationally recognized
  certification organization approved by the executive commissioner;
               (4)  pay the application fee and license fee; and
               (5)  comply with any other requirements established by
  department rule.
  HISTOCOMPATIBILITY. An applicant for a clinical laboratory
  specialist in histocompatibility license must:
               (1)  hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally
  accredited college or university;
               (2)  have successfully completed the clinical
  laboratory experience or training required by department rule;
               (3)  be certified by a nationally recognized
  certification organization approved by the executive commissioner;
               (4)  pay the application fee and license fee; and
               (5)  comply with any other requirements established by
  department rule.
         Sec. 703.159.  TEMPORARY LICENSE.  (a)  The executive
  commissioner by rule may establish a procedure for issuance of
  temporary licenses to individuals otherwise qualified under this
  chapter who intend to engage in the practice of clinical laboratory
  science in this state for a limited period not to exceed one year.
         (b)  Unless otherwise noted on the license, a temporary
  license is valid until the first anniversary of the date of issuance
  and may be renewed once at the discretion of the commissioner.
         Sec. 703.160.  PROVISIONAL LICENSE.  The department may
  issue a provisional license under this chapter to an applicant who
  holds a license in another state, submits a proper application, and
  pays the required fees if the department determines that the
  applicant is licensed in a state in which the requirements for
  issuance of the license are at least as stringent as the
  requirements under this chapter and department rule.
         Sec. 703.161.  LICENSE RENEWAL. (a)  A license issued under
  this chapter expires on the second anniversary of the date of
         (b)  A license holder may renew the license by paying the
  required renewal fee and:
               (1)  successfully completing at least 10 hours each
  year of continuing education courses, clinics, lectures, training
  programs, seminars, or other programs related to clinical
  laboratory practice that are approved or accepted by the
  department; or
               (2)  successfully completing recertification by a
  national certifying organization recognized by the department that
  mandates at least 10 hours each year of continuing education for
         (c)  The executive commissioner by rule may require
  additional evidence of competency to practice clinical laboratory
  science as the executive commissioner considers reasonably
  appropriate as a prerequisite to the renewal of any license under
  this chapter if the requirements are:
               (1)  uniformly applied;
               (2)  reasonably related to the measurement of
  qualification, performance, or competence; and
               (3)  desirable and necessary for the protection of the
  public health.
  [Sections 703.162-703.200 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 703.201.  GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION.  The
  department may refuse to issue or renew, revoke, or suspend a
  license, place on probation, censure, or reprimand a license
  holder, or take any other disciplinary action, including the
  imposition of a civil penalty under Section 703.202 or the
  imposition of an administrative penalty under Section 703.204, the
  department considers appropriate for:
               (1)  a material misstatement in furnishing information
  to the department;
               (2)  a violation or negligent or intentional disregard
  of this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter;
               (3)  a conviction for any crime under the laws of the
  United States or any state of the United States that is a felony or a
  misdemeanor, an essential element of which is dishonesty, or of any
  crime that is directly related to the practice of the profession;
               (4)  a misrepresentation made to obtain a license;
               (5)  a violation of any standard of professional
  conduct adopted by the executive commissioner;
               (6)  dishonorable, unethical, or unprofessional
  conduct of a character likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the
               (7)  the provision of professional services while
  mentally incompetent or under the influence of alcohol, a narcotic,
  or a controlled dangerous substance that is in excess of
  therapeutic amounts or without valid medical indication;
               (8)  directly or indirectly contracting to perform
  clinical laboratory tests in a manner that offers or implies an
  offer of rebate, fee-splitting inducements or arrangements, or
  other remuneration;
               (9)  aiding or assisting another individual in
  violating any provision of this chapter or a rule adopted under this
  chapter; or
               (10)  a misrepresentation with regard to the existence
  or category of license or other certification or professional
  qualification held in connection with any employment application.
         Sec. 703.202.  CIVIL PENALTY.  (a)  A person who violates
  this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter is liable to this
  state for a civil penalty of not more than $500 for each violation.
         (b)  The amount of the penalty shall be based on:
               (1)  the seriousness of the violation;
               (2)  the history of previous violations;
               (3)  the amount necessary to deter a future violation;
               (4)  any other matter that justice may require.
         (c)  The attorney general may sue to collect a civil penalty
  under this section.  In the suit the attorney general may recover,
  on behalf of the state, the reasonable expenses incurred in
  obtaining the penalty, including investigation and court costs,
  reasonable attorney's fees, witness fees, and other expenses.
         Sec. 703.203.  HEARINGS; ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE. (a) If
  the department proposes to deny a license or take disciplinary
  action against a license holder, the license holder is entitled to a
         (b)  The proceedings relating to a license denial and
  disciplinary action by the department under this chapter are
  governed by Chapter 2001, Government Code. A hearing under this
  chapter may be conducted by a hearings officer designated by the
         Sec. 703.204.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. (a) The
  commissioner may impose an administrative penalty on an individual
  licensed under this chapter who violates this chapter or a rule or
  order adopted under this chapter.
         (b)  The amount of the penalty may not exceed $500.  Each day
  a violation continues or occurs is a separate violation for the
  purpose of imposing a penalty.  The amount shall be based on:
               (1)  the seriousness of the violation, including the
  nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the violation;
               (2)  the economic harm caused by the violation;
               (3)  the history of previous violations;
               (4)  the amount necessary to deter a future violation;
               (5)  efforts to correct the violation; and
               (6)  any other matter that justice may require.
         (c)  The individual may stay enforcement during the time the
  order is under judicial review if the individual pays the penalty to
  the court clerk or files a supersedeas bond with the court in the
  amount of the penalty. An individual who cannot afford to pay the
  penalty or file the bond may stay enforcement by filing an affidavit
  in the manner required by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure for a
  party who cannot afford to file security for costs, except that the
  department may contest the affidavit as provided by those rules.
         (d)  A proceeding to impose an administrative penalty is
  subject to Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         SECTION 2.  As soon as possible after the effective date of
  this Act, the governor shall appoint the members of the Clinical
  Laboratory Science Advisory Board in accordance with Chapter 703,
  Occupations Code, as added by this Act. In making the initial
  appointments, the governor shall designate:
               (1)  three members, including a pathologist member, a
  nonphysician laboratory director member, and a clinical laboratory
  scientist member, for terms expiring February 1, 2013;
               (2)  two members, including the public member and a
  nonpathologist physician member, for terms expiring February 1,
  2012; and
               (3)  two members for terms expiring February 1, 2011.
         SECTION 3.  As soon as possible after the effective date of
  this Act, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission shall adopt the rules, standards, procedures,
  and fees necessary to implement Chapter 703, Occupations Code, as
  added by this Act, and Section 5 of this Act.
         SECTION 4.  Notwithstanding Chapter 703, Occupations Code,
  as added by this Act, an individual engaged in the practice of
  clinical laboratory science is not required to hold a license under
  that chapter to engage in the practice of clinical laboratory
  science before September 1, 2011.
         SECTION 5.  Notwithstanding Chapter 703, Occupations Code,
  as added by this Act, the Department of State Health Services shall
  issue a license to a qualified applicant under this section who:
               (1)  applies for a license under this section not later
  than September 1, 2011;
               (2)  submits to the department the information required
  by department rule;
               (3)  submits to the department the job description of
  the position the applicant most recently performed and a sworn
  statement by the applicant's employer attesting to the applicant's
  job description;
               (4)  has at least three years of acceptable experience,
  in the preceding five years, in the applicable practice of clinical
  laboratory science;
               (5)  is certified by or eligible for certification by a
  nationally recognized certification agency approved by the
  department; and
               (6)  pays the application and licensing fee.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.