relating to certain employee misconduct registries and to the |
imposition of a disciplinary action on a licensed nursing facility |
administrator; providing a penalty. |
SECTION 1. Section 242.002, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by amending Subdivision (4) and adding Subdivision (5-a) to |
read as follows: |
(4) "Department" means the [Texas] Department of Aging |
and Disability [Human] Services. |
(5-a) "Executive commissioner" means the executive |
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission. |
SECTION 2. Subsections (a), (c), (d), and (e), Section |
242.313, Health and Safety Code, as added by Section 1.01, Chapter |
1280 (S.B. 84), Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, |
1997, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department may revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew a |
nursing facility administrator's license, assess an administrative |
penalty, issue a written reprimand, require participation in |
continuing education, or place an administrator on probation, after |
due notice and the opportunity for a hearing, on proof of any of the |
following grounds: |
(1) the license holder has wilfully or repeatedly |
violated a provision of this subchapter or a rule adopted under this |
subchapter; |
(2) the license holder has wilfully or repeatedly |
acted in a manner inconsistent with the health and safety of the |
residents of a facility of which the license holder is an |
administrator; |
(3) the license holder obtained or attempted to obtain |
a license through misrepresentation or deceit or by making a |
material misstatement of fact on a license application; |
(4) the license holder's use of alcohol or drugs |
creates a hazard to the residents of a facility; |
(5) a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction |
finds that the license holder is mentally incapacitated; |
(6) the license holder has been convicted in a court of |
competent jurisdiction of a misdemeanor or felony involving moral |
turpitude; [or] |
(7) the license holder has been convicted in a court of |
competent jurisdiction of an offense listed in Section 250.006; or |
(8) the license holder has been negligent or |
incompetent in the license holder's duties as a nursing facility |
administrator. |
(c) A license holder is entitled to a hearing in accordance |
with rules adopted [promulgated] by the executive commissioner |
[board] before a sanction is imposed under this section. |
(d) The executive commissioner [board] by rule shall adopt a |
broad schedule of sanctions for violations under this subchapter. |
The department shall use the schedule for any sanction imposed [as
the result of a hearing conducted] in accordance with the rules. |
(e) The executive commissioner [department] shall by rule |
establish criteria to determine whether deficiencies from a |
facility's survey warrant action against an administrator. The |
criteria shall include a determination of whether the survey |
indicates substandard quality of care related to an act or failure |
to act by the administrator, and whether a deficiency is related to |
an act or failure to act by the administrator. If a deficiency on |
which a disciplinary action against an administrator is initiated |
or completed is not substantiated, the disciplinary action shall be |
reversed. |
SECTION 3. Subsections (c) and (d), Section 242.316, Health |
and Safety Code, as added by Section 1.01, Chapter 1280 (S.B. 84), |
Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, are amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) If the person accepts the determination and the penalty |
recommended by the department, or if the person fails to timely |
respond to the notice, the department shall impose the recommended |
penalty. |
(d) If the person requests a hearing [or fails to respond
timely to the notice], the department shall set a hearing and give |
notice of the hearing to the person. The hearing shall be held in |
accordance with the [department's] rules on contested case hearings |
adopted by the executive commissioner. |
SECTION 4. Subsections (a) and (d), Section 242.318, Health |
and Safety Code, as added by Section 2.01, Chapter 1280 (S.B. 84), |
Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, are amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The board may revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew a |
nursing facility administrator's license, assess an administrative |
penalty, issue a written reprimand, require participation in |
continuing education, or place an administrator on probation, after |
due notice and the opportunity for a hearing, on proof of any of the |
following grounds: |
(1) the license holder has wilfully or repeatedly |
violated a provision of this subchapter or a rule adopted under this |
subchapter; |
(2) the license holder has wilfully or repeatedly |
acted in a manner inconsistent with the health and safety of the |
residents of a facility of which the license holder is an |
administrator; |
(3) the license holder obtained or attempted to obtain |
a license through misrepresentation or deceit or by making a |
material misstatement of fact on a license application; |
(4) the license holder's use of alcohol or drugs |
creates a hazard to the residents of a facility; |
(5) a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction |
finds that the license holder is mentally incapacitated; |
(6) the license holder has been convicted in a court of |
competent jurisdiction of a misdemeanor or felony involving moral |
turpitude; [or] |
(7) the license holder has been convicted in a court of |
competent jurisdiction of an offense listed in Section 250.006; or |
(8) the license holder has been negligent or |
incompetent in the license holder's duties as a nursing facility |
administrator. |
(d) The board by rule shall adopt a broad schedule of |
sanctions for violations under this subchapter. The board shall |
use the schedule for any sanction imposed [as the result of a
hearing conducted] in accordance with the rules. |
SECTION 5. Subsections (c) and (d), Section 242.321, Health |
and Safety Code, as added by Section 2.01, Chapter 1280 (S.B. 84), |
Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, are amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) If the person accepts the determination and the penalty |
recommended by the department, or if the person fails to timely |
respond to the notice, the department shall impose the recommended |
penalty. |
(d) If the person requests a hearing [or fails to respond
timely to the notice], the department shall set a hearing and give |
notice of the hearing to the person. The hearing shall be held in |
accordance with the [department's] rules on contested case hearings |
adopted by the executive commissioner. |
SECTION 6. The heading to Section 250.003, Health and |
Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 7. Section 250.003, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (a-1) and |
(d) to read as follows: |
(a) A facility may not employ an applicant: |
(1) [a person] if the facility determines, as a result |
of a criminal history check, that the applicant [a person] has been |
convicted of an offense listed in this chapter that bars employment |
or that a conviction is a contraindication to employment with the |
consumers the facility serves; |
(2) [, and] if the applicant is a nurse aide, until the |
facility further verifies that the applicant is listed in the nurse |
aide registry; and |
(3) until the facility verifies that the applicant is |
not designated in the registry maintained under this chapter or in |
the employee misconduct registry maintained under Section 253.007 |
as having a finding entered into the registry concerning abuse, |
neglect, or mistreatment of a consumer of a facility, or |
misappropriation of a consumer's property. |
(a-1) Except for an applicant for employment at or an |
employee of a facility licensed under Chapter 242 or 247, a person |
licensed under another law of this state is exempt from the |
requirements of this chapter. |
(d) In addition to the initial verification of |
employability, a facility shall: |
(1) annually search the nurse aide registry maintained |
under this chapter and the employee misconduct registry maintained |
under Section 253.007 to determine whether any employee of the |
facility is designated in either registry as having abused, |
neglected, or exploited a resident or consumer of a facility or an |
individual receiving services from a facility; and |
(2) maintain in each employee's personnel file a copy |
of the results of the search conducted under Subdivision (1). |
SECTION 8. Section 253.001, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by amending Subdivisions (1), (2), and (3) and adding |
Subdivision (3-a) to read as follows: |
(1) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of aging and |
disability [human] services. |
(2) "Department" means the [Texas] Department of Aging |
and Disability [Human] Services. |
(3) "Employee" means a person who: |
(A) works at a facility; |
(B) is an individual who provides personal care |
services, active treatment, or any other personal services to a |
resident or consumer of the facility; and |
(C) is not licensed by an agency of the state to |
perform the services the employee performs at the facility or is[;
[(D) is not] a nurse aide employed by a [nursing] |
facility. |
(3-a) "Executive commissioner" means the executive |
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission. |
SECTION 9. Chapter 253, Health and Safety Code, is amended |
by adding Section 253.0055 to read as follows: |
Sec. 253.0055. REMOVAL OF NURSE AIDE FINDING. If a finding |
of reportable conduct is the basis for an entry in the nurse aide |
registry maintained under Chapter 250 and the entry is subsequently |
removed from the nurse aide registry, the commissioner or the |
commissioner's designee shall immediately remove the record of |
reportable conduct from the employee misconduct registry |
maintained under Section 253.007. |
SECTION 10. Section 253.006, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 253.006. INFORMAL PROCEEDINGS. The executive |
commissioner [department] by rule shall adopt procedures governing |
informal proceedings held in compliance with Section 2001.056, |
Government Code. |
SECTION 11. Subsection (a), Section 253.007, Health and |
Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department shall establish an employee misconduct |
registry. If the department in accordance with this chapter finds |
that an employee of a facility has committed [commits] reportable |
conduct, the department shall make a record of the employee's name, |
the employee's address, the employee's social security number, the |
name of the facility, the address of the facility, the date the |
reportable conduct occurred, and a description of the reportable |
conduct. |
SECTION 12. Section 253.0075, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
receipt of a finding of an employee's reportable conduct by the |
Department of Family and Protective [and Regulatory] Services under |
Subchapter I, Chapter 48, Human Resources Code, the department |
shall record the information in the employee misconduct registry in |
accordance with Section 253.007. |
SECTION 13. Section 253.008, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
SEARCH. (a) Before a facility as defined in this chapter or an |
agency as defined in Section 48.401, Human Resources Code, [or a
person exempt from licensing under Section 142.003(a)(19)] may hire |
an employee, the facility or agency [person] shall search the |
employee misconduct registry under this chapter and the nurse aide |
registry maintained under Chapter 250 as required by the Omnibus |
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (Pub. L. No. 100-203) to |
determine whether the applicant for employment is designated in |
either registry as having abused, neglected, or exploited a |
resident or consumer of a facility or agency or an individual |
receiving services from a facility or agency [from a person exempt
from licensing under Section 142.003(a)(19)]. |
(b) A facility or agency [a person exempt from licensing
under Section 142.003(a)(19)] may not employ a person who is listed |
in either registry as having abused, neglected, or exploited a |
resident or consumer of a facility or agency or an individual |
receiving services from a facility or agency [from a person exempt
from licensing under Section 142.003(a)(19)]. |
(c) In addition to the initial verification of |
employability, a facility or agency shall: |
(1) annually search the employee misconduct registry |
and the nurse aide registry maintained under Chapter 250 to |
determine whether any employee of the facility or agency is |
designated in either registry as having abused, neglected, or |
exploited a resident or consumer of a facility or agency or an |
individual receiving services from a facility or agency; and |
(2) maintain in each employee's personnel file a copy |
of the results of the search conducted under Subdivision (1). |
SECTION 14. Section 253.009, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 253.009. NOTIFICATION. (a) Each facility as defined |
in this chapter and each agency as defined in Section 48.401, Human |
Resources Code, [and each person exempt from licensing under
Section 142.003(a)(19)] shall notify its employees in a manner |
prescribed by the Department of Aging and Disability Services |
[department]: |
(1) about the employee misconduct registry; and |
(2) that an employee may not be employed if the |
employee is listed in the registry. |
(b) The executive commissioner [department] shall adopt |
rules to implement this section. |
SECTION 15. Section 48.401, Human Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 48.401. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Agency" means: |
(A) an entity licensed under Chapter 142, Health |
and Safety Code; [or] |
(B) a person exempt from licensing under Section |
142.003(a)(19), Health and Safety Code; or |
(C) an entity investigated by the department |
under Subchapter F or under Section 261.404, Family Code. |
(2) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the |
Department of Family and Protective Services. |
(3) "Employee" means a person who: |
(A) works for an agency; |
(B) provides personal care services, active |
treatment, or any other personal services to an individual |
receiving agency services or to an individual who is a child for |
whom an investigation is authorized under Section 261.404, Family |
Code; and |
(C) is not licensed by the state to perform the |
services the person performs for the agency. |
(4) [(3)] "Employee misconduct registry" means the |
employee misconduct registry established under Chapter 253, Health |
and Safety Code. |
"Executive director" means the executive
director of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services.] |
(5) "Reportable conduct" includes: |
(A) abuse or neglect that causes or may cause |
death or harm to an individual receiving agency services; |
(B) sexual abuse of an individual receiving |
agency services; |
(C) financial exploitation of an individual |
receiving agency services in an amount of $25 or more; and |
(D) emotional, verbal, or psychological abuse |
that causes harm to an individual receiving agency services. |
SECTION 16. Section 48.403, Human Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 48.403. FINDING. After an investigation and following |
the procedures of this subchapter, if the department confirms or |
validates the occurrence of reportable conduct by an employee, the |
department shall immediately forward the finding to the [Texas] |
Department of Aging and Disability [Human] Services to record the |
reportable conduct in the employee misconduct registry under |
Section 253.007, Health and Safety Code. |
SECTION 17. Subsection (c), Section 48.404, Human Resources |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(c) If the employee notified of the violation accepts the |
finding of the department or fails to timely respond to the notice, |
the commissioner [executive director] or the commissioner's |
[executive director's] designee shall issue an order approving the |
finding and ordering that the department's findings be forwarded to |
the [Texas] Department of Aging and Disability [Human] Services to |
be recorded in the employee misconduct registry under Section |
253.007, Health and Safety Code. |
SECTION 18. Section 48.405, Human Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 48.405. HEARING; ORDER. (a) If the employee requests |
a hearing, the department or its designee shall: |
(1) set a hearing; |
(2) give written notice of the hearing to the |
employee; and |
(3) designate a hearings examiner to conduct the |
hearing. |
(b) The hearings examiner shall make findings of fact and |
conclusions of law and shall promptly issue to the commissioner |
[executive director] or the commissioner's [executive director's] |
designee a proposal for decision as to the occurrence of the |
reportable conduct. |
(c) Based on the findings of fact and conclusions of law and |
the recommendations of the hearings examiner, the commissioner |
[executive director] or the commissioner's [executive director's] |
designee by order may find that the reportable conduct has |
occurred. If the commissioner [executive director] or the |
commissioner's [executive director's] designee finds that |
reportable conduct has occurred, the commissioner [executive
director] or the commissioner's [executive director's] designee |
shall issue an order approving the finding. |
SECTION 19. Subsections (b) and (d), Section 48.406, Human |
Resources Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) Not later than the 30th day after the date the decision |
becomes final as provided by Chapter 2001, Government Code, the |
employee may file a petition for judicial review contesting the |
finding of the reportable conduct. If the employee does not request |
judicial review of the finding, the department shall send a record |
of the department's findings to the [Texas] Department of Aging and |
Disability [Human] Services to record in the employee misconduct |
registry under Section 253.007, Health and Safety Code. |
(d) If the court sustains the finding of the occurrence of |
the reportable conduct, the department shall forward the finding of |
reportable conduct to the [Texas] Department of Aging and |
Disability [Human] Services to record the reportable conduct in the |
employee misconduct registry under Section 253.007, Health and |
Safety Code. |
SECTION 20. Section 48.407, Human Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 48.407. INFORMAL PROCEEDINGS. The executive |
commissioner [department] by rule shall adopt procedures governing |
informal proceedings held in compliance with Section 2001.056, |
Government Code. |
SECTION 21. Section 48.408, Human Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
REGISTRY. (a) When the department forwards a finding of |
reportable conduct to the [Texas] Department of Aging and |
Disability [Human] Services for recording in the employee |
misconduct registry, the department shall provide the employee's |
name, the employee's address, the employee's social security |
number, if available, the name of the agency, the address of the |
agency, the date the reportable conduct occurred, and a description |
of the reportable conduct. |
(b) If a governmental agency of another state or the federal |
government finds that an employee has committed an act that |
constitutes reportable conduct, the department may send to the |
[Texas] Department of Aging and Disability [Human] Services, for |
recording in the employee misconduct registry, the employee's name, |
the employee's address, the employee's social security number, if |
available, the name of the agency, the address of the agency, the |
date of the act, and a description of the act. |
SECTION 22. The change in law made by Sections 1 through 5 |
of this Act applies only to a disciplinary action imposed on or |
after the effective date of this Act. A disciplinary action imposed |
before that date is governed by the law in effect at the time the |
action was initiated, and the former law is continued in effect for |
that purpose. |
SECTION 23. Not later than September 1, 2010, the executive |
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall |
adopt the rules necessary to implement the changes in law made by |
this Act related to the employee misconduct registry, the nurse |
aide registry, and records contained in those registries. The |
changes in law made by this Act apply only to reportable conduct |
that occurs on or after September 1, 2010. Reportable conduct that |
occurs before that date is governed by the law in effect immediately |
before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in |
effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 24. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009. |
______________________________ |
______________________________ |
President of the Senate |
Speaker of the House |
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 806 passed the Senate on |
April 2, 2009, by the following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0; and that |
the Senate concurred in House amendment on May 29, 2009, by the |
following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0. |
______________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 806 passed the House, with |
amendment, on May 27, 2009, by the following vote: Yeas 148, |
Nays 0, one present not voting. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |
Approved: |
______________________________ |
Date |
______________________________ |
Governor |