81R4921 PMO-F
  By: Watson S.B. No. 815
  relating to consumer labeling requirements for certain health
  benefit plans; providing penalties.
         SECTION 1.  PURPOSE AND FINDINGS.  The legislature finds
  that health care coverage is one of the most important purchases
  many Texans make, yet basic information that allows comparison
  between health benefit plans is difficult to find, if the
  information is available at all. Further, the large number of
  health benefit plans available in Texas with differing benefits,
  exclusions, and costs creates a complex array of information that
  complicates consumer decision making. The legislature further
  finds that important information typically considered to be
  indecipherable in health benefit plan documents must be brought to
  consumers' attention. A standard labeling requirement is,
  therefore, necessary to allow consumers to gain the information
  needed to make reasoned health benefit plan purchases.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 541, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter K to read as follows:
         Sec. 541.501.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Direct losses incurred" means the sum of direct
  losses paid plus an estimate of losses to be paid in the future for
  all claims arising from all prior and current reporting periods,
  minus the corresponding estimate made at the close of business for
  the preceding period. This amount does not include home office and
  overhead costs, advertising costs, commissions and other
  acquisition costs, taxes, capital costs, administrative costs,
  utilization review costs, or claims processing costs.
               (2)  "Direct losses paid" means the sum of all payments
  made during the reporting period for claimants before reinsurance
  has been ceded or assumed. This amount does not include home office
  and overhead costs, advertising costs, commissions and other
  acquisition costs, taxes, capital costs, administrative costs,
  utilization review costs, or claims processing costs.
               (3)  "Direct premiums earned" means the amount of
  premium attributable to the coverage already provided in a given
  period before reinsurance has been ceded or assumed.
               (4)  "Enrollee" means an individual who is eligible to
  receive health care services under a health benefit plan.
               (5)  "Insurance facts label" means a notice that
  complies with the requirements of this subchapter.
         Sec. 541.502.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies to any health benefit plan that:
               (1)  provides benefits for medical or surgical expenses
  incurred as a result of a health condition, accident, or sickness,
  including an individual, group, blanket, or franchise insurance
  policy or insurance agreement, a group hospital service contract,
  or an individual or group evidence of coverage that is offered by:
                     (A)  an insurance company;
                     (B)  a group hospital service corporation
  operating under Chapter 842;
                     (C)  a fraternal benefit society operating under
  Chapter 885;
                     (D)  a stipulated premium company operating under
  Chapter 884;
                     (E)  a health maintenance organization operating
  under Chapter 843;
                     (F)  a multiple employer welfare arrangement that
  holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 846;
                     (G)  an approved nonprofit health corporation
  that holds a certificate of authority under Chapter 844; or
                     (H)  an entity not authorized under this code or
  another insurance law of this state that contracts directly for
  health care services on a risk-sharing basis, including a
  capitation basis; or
               (2)  provides health and accident coverage through a
  risk pool created under Chapter 172, Local Government Code,
  notwithstanding Section 172.014, Local Government Code, or any
  other law.
  LABEL REQUIRED. (a)  The following written communications must
  contain an insurance facts label:
               (1)  a document used by a health benefit plan issuer to
  advertise a health benefit plan;
               (2)  a written communication, other than an explanation
  of benefits, from a health benefit plan issuer to an enrollee; and
               (3)  a written communication from a health benefit plan
  issuer to a potential enrollee.
         (b)  The following communications, if made for the purpose of
  advertising a health benefit plan, must include the phrase "Check
  our label at:" followed by the Internet website address where a
  health benefit plan issuer's insurance facts label can be viewed:
               (1)  a television or radio advertisement;
               (2)  a billboard advertisement;
               (3)  an advertisement published or posted on the
  Internet; and
               (4)  any nonwritten media not otherwise described in
  this section.
  An insurance facts label must include a box outline that contains
  only white background.
         (b)  An insurance facts label must:
               (1)  be conspicuous and not less than three inches in
  height and two inches in width;
               (2)  be enclosed by a one-half point box rule within
  three points of text measure; and
               (3)  separate all lines of text by two points, leading
  above and below.
         (c)  The phrase "Insurance Facts" must:
               (1)  appear in a widely used sans serif font that is no
  smaller than 13 point; and
               (2)  be located inside and at the top of the box to fit
  the width of the label flush left and right.
         (d)  The health benefit plan name and the name of the company
               (1)  appear in a widely used sans serif font that is no
  smaller than 10 point; and
               (2)  be located immediately below the phrase "Insurance
  Facts" and separated from the phrase "Insurance Facts" by a
  seven-point rule.
         (e)  Any disclaimer or other information not otherwise
  required to appear at a specific location on the label by this
  subchapter must appear in a widely used sans serif font that is no
  smaller than six point and located at the bottom of the label box.
         Sec. 541.505.  REQUIRED HEADINGS; FORMAT.  (a)  An insurance
  facts label must contain the following headings:
               (1)  "Monthly Premium";
               (2)  "Percent of Expense Paid by Plan In-Network";
               (3)  "Percent of Expense Paid by Plan Out-of-Network";
               (4)  "Annual Out-of-Pocket Expense (est.)";
               (5)  "Your Total Annual Cost (est.)";
               (6)  "Justified Complaints";
               (7)  "Premium to Direct Patient Care Ratio";
               (8)  "Expected Profit"; and
               (9)  "Benefit Levels."
         (b)  The headings described by this section must be flush
  left in the label box and appear in a widely used sans serif font
  that is no smaller than eight point.
         (c)  "Monthly Premium" must be the first heading and must be:
               (1)  located immediately below the health benefit plan
  and health benefit plan issuer name; and
               (2)  separated from all other headings by a three-point
         (d)  A numeric value that corresponds to a heading must
  appear flush right in a widely used sans serif font that is no
  smaller than eight point.
         (e)  Any heading that is immediately followed by a disclaimer
  or information other than another heading or a subheading must be
  separated from the disclaimer or other information by a seven-point
         (f)  Each heading must be separated from another heading and
  any applicable subheadings by a one-quarter-point rule.
         Sec. 541.506.  REQUIRED HEADINGS; DEFINITIONS.  For the
  purposes of Section 541.505, the following terms have the following
               (1)  "Monthly Premium" means the average dollar amount
  an enrollee pays each month for coverage under a health benefit
               (2)  "Percent of Expense Paid by Plan In-Network" means
  the percentage of a submitted charge for an in-network service that
  a health benefit plan pays.
               (3)  "Percent of Expense Paid by Plan Out-of-Network"
  means the percentage of a submitted charge a health benefit plan
  pays for services provided out-of-network.
               (4)  "Annual Out-of-Pocket Expense (est.)" means the
  estimated dollar amount of the cost incurred by a consumer with
  average health care needs over 12 months.  "Average health care
  need" means health care service required by a health benefit plan's
  enrollees under 60 years of age who:
                     (A)  were not required to pass a medical
  examination for coverage; or
                     (B)  were required to pass a medical examination
  by the health benefit plan, if the plan requires all enrollees to
  pass a medical examination.
               (5)  "Your Total Annual Cost (est.)" is the dollar
  amount of the sum of annual out-of-pocket expense estimate and
  annual premium.
               (6)  "Justified Complaints" means complaints for the
  previous two years submitted to the department against a health
  benefit plan issuer for which the department determined that:
                     (A)  after examination and investigation, a
  violation of a policy provision, contract provision, rule, or
  statute occurred; or
                     (B)  a prudent layperson may regard a practice or
  service below customary business practice.
               (7)  "Premium to Direct Patient Care Ratio" means the
  ratio of a health benefit plan's direct losses incurred to the
  direct premiums earned.
               (8)  "Expected Profit" means the actuarially set
  percentage of premium allowed for profit.
               (9)  "Benefit Levels" means the dollar value of the
  items listed in Section 541.507(a)(1)-(13).
         Sec. 541.507.  REQUIRED SUBHEADINGS; FORMAT.  (a)  
  Subheadings under the "Benefit Levels" heading must disclose the
  dollar value provided by the underlying certificate, policy, or
  contract, and must be as follows:
               (1)  "Annual Deductible";
               (2)  "Annual Family Deductible";
               (3)  "Annual In-Network Deductible";
               (4)  "Annual Out-of-Network Deductible";
               (5)  "Out-of-Pocket Maximum";
               (6)  "Office Visit Copayment" listed separately for
  primary care providers and specialists;
               (7)  "Prescription Copayment";
               (8)  "Lifetime Maximum Benefit";
               (9)  "Emergency Room Visit Copayment";
               (10)  "Number of Electric Wheelchairs per Lifetime";
               (11)  "Outpatient Surgery Copayment";
               (12)  "Inpatient Cost Sharing"; and
               (13)  "Number of Justified Complaints."
         (b)  Each subheading required by this section must be
  indented six points from the left and appear in a widely used sans
  serif font that is no smaller than eight point.
         (c)  A numeric value that corresponds to a subheading must
  appear flush right in a widely used sans serif font that is no
  smaller than eight point.
         (d)  Each subheading must be separated from another
  subheading and the heading "Monthly Premium" by a one-quarter-point
         Sec. 541.508.  RULES. (a)  The commissioner may:
               (1)  require differing titles, headings, and
  subheadings as may otherwise be required by this subchapter as
  necessary to prevent confusion between insurance and noninsurance
  products; and
               (2)  adopt rules as necessary to implement and
  administer this subchapter.
         (b)  The commissioner shall adopt rules regulating:
               (1)  the use of insurance and noninsurance terms in the
  insurance facts label to prevent confusion in the marketplace
  between insurance and noninsurance products;
               (2)  the manner in which a health benefit plan may use
  space available in the label box after disclosure of the consumer
  information required by this subchapter;
               (3)  allowable disclaimers below the headings and
  subheadings on the label; and
               (4)  the format for a label containing information
  about a multiple health benefit plan.
         Sec. 541.509.  REMEDIES AND ENFORCEMENT. (a) A violation of
  this subchapter is an unfair and deceptive act or practice in the
  business of insurance under this chapter.
         (b)  The department may examine records and investigate to
  determine whether a violation of this subchapter has occurred.
         (c)  All procedures, settlements, sanctions, and penalties
  provided under Subchapters C, E, G, and H are available under this
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.