relating to the driver responsibility program. |
SECTION 1. Section 708.151, Transportation Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 708.151. NOTICE OF SURCHARGE. (a) The department |
shall send notices as required by Subsection (b) to [notify] the |
holder of a driver's license when [of the assessment of] a surcharge |
is assessed on that license. Each notice must: |
(1) be sent by first class mail [sent] to the person's |
most recent address as shown on the records of the department; |
(2) [. The notice must] specify the date by which the |
surcharge must be paid; and |
(3) state the consequences of a failure to pay the |
surcharge. |
(b) The department shall send a first notice not later than |
the fifth day after the date the surcharge is assessed. If before |
the 30th day after the date the first notice was sent the person |
fails to pay the amount of the surcharge or fails to enter into an |
installment payment agreement with the department, the department |
shall send a second notice. If before the 30th day after the date |
the second notice was sent the person fails to pay the amount of the |
surcharge or fails to enter into an installment payment agreement |
with the department, the department shall send a third notice. |
SECTION 2. Subsection (a), Section 708.152, Transportation |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) If before the 30th day after the date the department |
sends a third notice under Section 708.151 the person fails to pay |
the amount of a surcharge on the person's license or fails to enter |
into an installment payment agreement with the department, the |
license of the person is automatically suspended. |
SECTION 3. Subsection (b), Section 708.153, Transportation |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(b) A rule under this section: |
(1) may not require [permit] a person to pay a |
surcharge over a period of less [more] than 36 consecutive months; |
and |
(2) may provide that if the person fails to make a |
required installment payment, the department may reestablish the |
installment plan or declare the amount of the unpaid surcharge |
immediately due and payable. |
SECTION 4. Subchapter D, Chapter 708, Transportation Code, |
is amended by adding Section 708.158 to read as follows: |
Sec. 708.158. JURISDICTION. (a) For the time a surcharge |
under this chapter is outstanding, the court in which a person is |
convicted of the offense that is the basis for the surcharge has |
jurisdiction over the person, the department, and all agents of the |
department regarding all matters relating to the surcharge. |
(b) The court may reduce or waive a surcharge under this |
chapter. A person who is assessed a surcharge may file a pleading, |
request a hearing, or otherwise invoke the jurisdiction of the |
court described by Subsection (a) at any time the person is required |
to pay a surcharge or is subject to any other enforcement procedure |
described by this chapter. |
(c) The department may not assess a surcharge against a |
person who is indigent. For the purposes of this subsection, a |
person is indigent if: |
(1) the person provides evidence described by |
Subsection (d) to the court in which the person is convicted of the |
offense that is the basis for the surcharge; or |
(2) the person is a full-time student who: |
(A) is enrolled in a public, private, or |
independent institution of higher education; and |
(B) provides evidence described by Subsection |
(d) to the court in which the person is convicted of the offense |
that is the basis for the surcharge. |
(d) A person must provide the following information to the |
court in which the person is convicted of the offense that is the |
basis for the surcharge as evidence that the person's income or the |
person's household income does not exceed 200 percent of the |
applicable income level established by the federal poverty |
guidelines: |
(1) a copy of the person's most recent federal income |
tax return; |
(2) a copy of the person's most recent statement of |
wages; or |
(3) documentation from a federal agency, state agency, |
or school district that indicates that the person or a member of the |
person's family with whom the person resides receives assistance |
from: |
(A) the food stamp program or the financial |
assistance program established under Chapter 31, Human Resources |
Code; |
(B) the federal special supplemental nutrition |
program for women, infants, and children authorized by 42 U.S.C. |
Section 1786; |
(C) the medical assistance program under Chapter |
32, Human Resources Code; |
(D) the child health plan program under Chapter |
62, Health and Safety Code; or |
(E) the national free or reduced-price lunch |
program established under 42 U.S.C. Section 1751 et seq. |
(e) If a court holds a hearing and finds that a person is |
indigent based on the information provided to the court by the |
person under Subsection (d), the court shall notify the department |
that the person is indigent. |
SECTION 5. Subchapter B, Chapter 708, Transportation Code, |
is amended by adding Section 708.056 to read as follows: |
Sec. 708.056. DEDUCTION OF POINTS. The department by rule |
shall establish a procedure to provide for the deduction of one |
point accumulated by a person under this subchapter to account for |
each year that the person has not accumulated points under this |
subchapter. |
SECTION 6. The changes in law made by this Act apply only to |
a surcharge that is assessed on or after the effective date of this |
Act. A surcharge that was assessed before the effective date of |
this Act is subject to the law in effect on the date the surcharge |
was assessed, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 7. This Act takes effect September 1, 2009. |