81R5932 AJA-F
  By: Lucio S.B. No. 979
  relating to foreclosure sales of residential real property;
  providing a penalty.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 402, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 402.035 to read as follows:
  The attorney general, in consultation with interested stakeholders
  as the attorney general considers appropriate, shall prescribe the
  form and content of the written notice that must be sent by a
  mortgage servicer to a debtor under Sections 51.002 and 51.0022,
  Property Code.
         (b)  The notice must:
               (1)  be written in plain language in English and
               (2)  be entitled "Rights of Homeowners or Tenants of
  Homeowners Facing Foreclosure" or the Spanish equivalent of that
  title, as applicable; and
               (3)  include:
                     (A)  an explanation of foreclosure, including a
  description of the various processes of foreclosure of a mortgage
  lien on residential property as applicable to each type of mortgage
                     (B)  a statement that state law requires that the
  debtor in default under a residential mortgage lien be given at
  least 45 days to cure the default;
                     (C)  a description of the handling of payments
  made after the time for cure has expired;
                     (D)  the debtor's right to the return of payments
  in certain circumstances;
                     (E)  a statement that the debtor and the public
  must be given at least 21 days' notice of the foreclosure sale and
  that a foreclosure sale may occur only on the first Tuesday of a
                     (F)  a description of the options available to the
  debtor in default to prevent the foreclosure;
                     (G)  a description of and warning against typical
  activities that may be encountered by the debtor in connection with
  the foreclosure, including any unconscionable actions or courses of
  action under Subchapter E, Chapter 17, Business & Commerce Code;
                     (H)  a description of the rights and remedies of a
  tenant whose landlord loses the property to foreclosure, including
  a tenant's right to credit a security deposit toward rent under
  certain circumstances and to withhold rent from a landlord during
  and after the foreclosure process; and
                     (I)  a description of and contact information for
  resources available to the debtor to assist in preventing the
  foreclosure or in filing an action concerning the foreclosure
  process or the lien being foreclosed, including local bar
  associations, the State Bar of Texas, and nonprofit legal
  assistance programs.
         (c)  The attorney general shall update the notice prescribed
  under this section at least annually and maintain the most current
  version of the notice on the attorney general's Internet website.
         SECTION 2.  Section 24.005(b), Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  If the occupant is a tenant at will or by sufferance, the
  landlord must give the tenant at least three days' written notice to
  vacate before the landlord files a forcible detainer suit unless
  the parties have contracted for a shorter or longer notice period in
  a written lease or agreement. If a building is purchased at a tax
  foreclosure sale or a trustee's foreclosure sale under a lien
  superior to the tenant's lease and the tenant timely pays rent and
  is not otherwise in default under the tenant's lease after
  foreclosure, the purchaser must give a residential tenant of the
  building at least 90 [30] days' written notice to vacate and must
  otherwise comply with Section 51.011 [if the purchaser chooses not
  to continue the lease. The tenant is considered to timely pay the
  rent under this subsection if, during the month of the foreclosure
  sale, the tenant pays the rent for that month to the landlord before
  receiving any notice that a foreclosure sale is scheduled during
  the month or pays the rent for that month to the foreclosing
  lienholder or the purchaser at foreclosure not later than the fifth
  day after the date of receipt of a written notice of the name and
  address of the purchaser that requests payment. Before a
  foreclosure sale, a foreclosing lienholder may give written notice
  to a tenant stating that a foreclosure notice has been given to the
  landlord or owner of the property and specifying the date of the
         SECTION 3.  Section 51.002, Property Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsections (d-1) and (d-2) to
  read as follows:
         (d)  Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, the
  mortgage servicer of the debt shall serve a debtor in default under
  a deed of trust or other contract lien on residential real property
  [used as the debtor's residence] with written notice by certified
  mail, and first class regular mail, addressed to the debtor at the
  debtor's last known address stating that the debtor is in default
  under the deed of trust or other contract lien and giving the debtor
  at least 45 [20] days to cure the default before notice of sale can
  be given under Subsection (b). The entire calendar day on which the
  notice required by this subsection is given, regardless of the time
  of day at which the notice is given, is included in computing the
  45-day [20-day] notice period required by this subsection, and the
  entire calendar day on which notice of sale is given under
  Subsection (b) is excluded in computing the 45-day [20-day] notice
         (d-1)  In addition to the notice of sale sent by certified
  mail under Subsection (b)(3), the mortgage servicer must send the
  notice of sale by first class regular mail addressed to the debtor
  at the debtor's last known address and by first class regular mail
  sent to the property's physical address and addressed to
         (d-2)  The mortgage servicer must include with each notice
  sent by regular or certified mail under Subsection (b)(3), (d), or
  (d-1) a copy of the notice prescribed by the attorney general under
  Section 402.035, Government Code.
         SECTION 4.  Chapter 51, Property Code, is amended by adding
  Sections 51.0022, 51.010, 51.011, and 51.012 to read as follows:
  CERTAIN NOTICE. (a)  Before giving a notice of sale under Section
  51.002(b), a mortgage servicer must return to the debtor any
  payments received from the debtor after the last notice of default
  was sent to the debtor under Section 51.002(d).
         (b)  If the mortgage servicer receives a payment from the
  debtor after giving notice of sale under Section 51.002(b), and the
  foreclosure sale occurs on the date in the notice of sale, the
  mortgage servicer shall return those payments on or before the 10th
  day after the date of the sale.
         (c)  A payment returned under this section by mail must
  include a copy of the notice prescribed by the attorney general
  under Section 402.035, Government Code. If a payment is returned
  under this section by electronic means, the mortgage servicer shall
  mail a notice of the payment's return to the debtor by first class
  regular mail with a copy of the notice prescribed by the attorney
  general under Section 402.035, Government Code.
         (d)  This section applies only to a lien on residential real
  property occupied by the debtor as the debtor's homestead.
  DEBTS. (a) A deed of trust or other contract lien on residential
  real property occupied by the debtor as the debtor's homestead may
  not be foreclosed and a power of sale under the contract may not be
  exercised without a court judgment foreclosing the lien and
  ordering the sale of the property by a sheriff or constable if the
  debt in default:
               (1)  had an annual percentage rate, as defined by the
  federal Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1601 et seq.), that
  was at least three percentage points more than the prime rate as
  published by the Wall Street Journal two weeks before the date the
  debt was incurred;
               (2)  allows the contract interest rate to increase:
                     (A)  by more than two percentage points in any
  one-year period; or
                     (B)  more often than once a year;
               (3)  has a universal default provision that allows for
  a change in the interest rate when there is:
                     (A)  a default by the debtor on any obligation to
  the lender or any other lender; or
                     (B)  a decrease in the debtor's credit score;
               (4)  has a prepayment penalty;
               (5)  allows negative amortization;
               (6)  provides for a scheduled payment that is more than
  twice as large as the average of earlier scheduled monthly
  payments; or
               (7)  allows for the payment of interest only.
         (b)  This section does not apply to an interim construction
         Sec. 51.011.  TENANT'S TIME TO VACATE; PAYMENT OF RENT. (a)
  A person who purchases residential real property at a foreclosure
  sale under this chapter and gives a notice to vacate under Section
  24.005 to a tenant who occupies the property at the time of the
  foreclosure sale under a lease agreement entered into after the
  date the lien that was the subject of the foreclosure sale attached
  to the property may not require the tenant to vacate the property
  before the 90th day after the date the notice is sent.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), on a written
  demand by the purchaser, a tenant described by Subsection (a) must
  pay rent to the purchaser of the property as required by the lease
  agreement that applied to the tenant on the date of the foreclosure
  sale and otherwise comply with the terms of that lease.
         (c)  A tenant who, before the foreclosure sale, has paid rent
  for a rental period that includes the date of the foreclosure sale
  is not required to pay rent to the purchaser until rent for the
  first rental period commencing after the foreclosure sale is due.
         (d)  Unless the purchaser acknowledges and delivers in
  writing a statement that the new owner is responsible for the
  tenant's security deposit and specifying the exact dollar amount of
  the deposit, the tenant is entitled to credit the security deposit
  toward the rent owed the purchaser without the necessity of
  judicial action.
         Sec. 51.012.  WAIVER. A provision of a contract, agreement,
  or other document that purports to waive a right of a debtor or
  exempt a mortgage servicer, mortgagee, trustee, substitute
  trustee, or government official from a duty under this chapter is
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter A, Chapter 92, Property Code, is
  amended by adding Section 92.021 to read as follows:
  (a) Notwithstanding any other law or a provision of a lease
  agreement, if a tenant receives written notice that the leased
  premises are subject to a foreclosure sale, the tenant is
  authorized to withhold the payment of rent without any adverse
  action, penalty, fee, or charge until:
               (1)  the property is purchased at a foreclosure sale;
               (2)  the default giving rise to the foreclosure sale
  has been cured, the sale has been canceled, the tenant has been
  given at least 10 days' notice and proof of the cure and
  cancellation, and the tenant has been provided a method to confirm
  the facts directly with the lienholder who initiated the
  foreclosure sale.
         (b)  A landlord who violates this section or threatens to
  violate this section is liable to the tenant for:
               (1)  actual damages;
               (2)  a civil penalty of three times the monthly rent;
               (3)  reasonable attorney's fees.
         (c)  A landlord who violates this section or threatens to
  violate this section commits an offense. An offense under this
  subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.
         SECTION 6.  (a) Not later than November 1, 2009, the attorney
  general shall prescribe the form and content of the notice under
  Section 402.035, Government Code, as added by this Act.
         (b)  Section 24.005(b), Property Code, as amended by this
  Act, and Section 51.011, Property Code, as added by this Act, apply
  only to a notice to vacate residential real property purchased at a
  foreclosure sale on or after the effective date of this Act. Notice
  to vacate residential real property purchased at a foreclosure sale
  before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in
  effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that
  law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (c)  Except as provided by this section, Chapter 51, Property
  Code, as amended by this Act, applies only to a sale of residential
  real property in which notice of default under Section 51.002,
  Property Code, is provided on or after December 1, 2009. A sale in
  which notice of default is provided before December 1, 2009, is
  subject to the law in effect immediately before the effective date
  of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (d)  Section 92.021, Property Code, as added by this Act,
  applies only to a lease agreement entered into or renewed on or
  after the effective date of this Act.  A lease agreement entered
  into or renewed before the effective date of this Act is governed by
  the law in effect immediately before the effective date of this Act,
  and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.