81R7940 CAE-D
  By: Shapiro S.B. No. 1302
  relating to the accessibility of services for certain students with
  autism or autism spectrum disorder.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 29, Education Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter K to read as follows:
         Sec. 29.401.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Parent" includes a guardian, custodian, or other
  person with authority to act on behalf of a student.
               (2)  "Program" means the autism services accessibility
  program for students described by this subchapter.
               (3)  "Qualifying school" means a nongovernmental
  community-based educational establishment that provides for the
  educational needs of students with autism. The term does not
  include a school that provides education in a home setting or that
  limits enrollment to relatives of the school's staff.
         Sec. 29.402.  PROGRAM. An eligible student under Section
  29.403 may, at the option of the student's parent:
               (1)  attend any public school in the district in which
  the student resides;
               (2)  attend a public school in a district other than the
  district in which the student resides; or
               (3)  access services as provided by Section 29.406
  through a qualifying school.
         Sec. 29.403.  ELIGIBLE STUDENT. (a) A student is eligible
  to participate in the program if:
               (1)  the student is, on September 1 of a school year, at
  least three but less than 11 years of age and is otherwise eligible
  to receive public school services and participate in a school
  district's special education program;
               (2)  the student has been diagnosed with autism or
  autism spectrum disorder; and
               (3)  an individualized education program has been
  developed for the student under Section 29.005.
         (b)  Each school year, a school district shall:
               (1)  provide written notice of the program to the
  parent of a student who is eligible to participate in the program
  under Subsection (a); and
               (2)  allow the parent an opportunity to enroll the
  student in the program.
         (c)  A student who establishes eligibility under this
  section may continue participating in the program each school year
  that the student is less than 11 years of age on September 1.
  DISTRICTS.  (a)  Except as provided by Section 29.405, an eligible
  student who as provided by Section 29.402(2) attends a public
  school in a school district other than the district in which the
  student resides is included in the average daily attendance of the
  district in which the student resides for purposes of Chapters 41
  and 42.
         (b)  The commissioner shall deduct an amount equal to the
  amount of funding to which the school district in which the eligible
  student resides is entitled under Chapter 42 for that student from
  the total state aid to which that district is entitled and shall
  transfer that amount to the district in which the student is
         (c)  If a student resides in a school district that does not
  receive state aid under Chapter 42, the district in which the
  student resides shall purchase attendance credits under Subchapter
  D, Chapter 41, in an amount equal to the amount of funding the
  district would receive for the student under Chapter 42 if the
  district were entitled to state aid under that chapter, and the
  commissioner shall transfer that amount to the school district in
  which the student is enrolled.
  eligible student who as provided by Section 29.402(2) attends a
  public school in a school district other than the district in which
  the student resides is counted in the average daily attendance of
  the school district in which the student attends school if the total
  amount of state aid that the enrolling district would receive by
  counting the student in the district's average daily attendance is
  greater than the amount of state aid the district would receive as a
  result of receiving a transfer of funds from the district in which
  the student resides under Section 29.404.
  SCHOOL. (a)  For a student who attends a qualifying school under
  this subchapter, a qualifying school is entitled to an annual
  amount of funding that is equal to the amount of funding to which
  the school district in which the student resides would be entitled
  under Chapter 42 for the student. The agency shall directly
  distribute the funding to the qualifying school.
         (b)  For an eligible student to participate in the program,
  the parent of the student must apply to the agency on behalf of the
  student not later than a date specified by the commissioner.  The
  application must specify the qualifying school the student plans to
  attend and demonstrate that the student has been accepted for
  admission by that school.  On receiving the application from the
  parent of an eligible student, the agency shall determine a
  student's eligibility in accordance with rules adopted under
  Section 29.415.  If the agency determines that the student is
  eligible for participation in the program, the agency shall notify
  the student's parent of the student's eligibility.
         (c)  The agency shall direct the distribution of funds to the
  qualifying school the student attends on a schedule adopted by the
  agency after educational services have been provided. The agency
  shall require that the qualifying school submit documentation of
  the student's attendance before the agency directs funds to the
  qualifying school.
         (d)  A student who attends a qualifying school under this
  subchapter is included in the average daily attendance of the
  school district in which the student resides for purposes of
  determining the amount of the student's program funding.  The
  amount of the student's program funding is deducted from the total
  state aid to which the school district is entitled.  If a student
  resides in a school district that does not receive state aid under
  Chapter 42, the school district shall purchase attendance credits
  under Subchapter D, Chapter 41, in an amount equal to the amount of
  the student's program funding.
         (e)  The student's program funding is the entitlement of the
  student, under the supervision of the student's parent, and not
  that of any school.
         (f)  A qualifying school may not share a student's program
  funding with or refund or rebate a student's program funding to the
  parent or the student in any manner.
         (g)  A student's program funding may not be financed by money
  appropriated from the available school fund.
  participate in the program, a qualifying school must:
               (1)  either:
                     (A)  be accredited by an accrediting association
  recognized by the commissioner to accredit nongovernmental schools
  in this state; or
                     (B)  have filed an application for accreditation
  by an accrediting association described by Paragraph (A) that has
  not been withdrawn, denied, or left pending for more than three
               (2)  not advocate or foster unlawful behavior or teach
  hatred of any person or group on the basis of race, ethnicity,
  national origin, or religion;
               (3)  comply with all health and safety laws applicable
  to nongovernmental schools; and
               (4)  hold a valid occupancy permit if required by the
  municipality in which the school is located.
         (b)  A qualifying school must comply with all state laws
  applicable to nongovernmental schools regarding criminal
  background checks for employees and may not employ a person who is
  not authorized under state law to work in a nongovernmental school.
         Sec. 29.408.  ADMISSIONS. (a) A qualifying school chosen by
  an eligible student's parent under this subchapter may not deny
  admission by discriminating on the basis of the student's race,
  ethnicity, or national origin and must comply with the requirements
               (1)  42 U.S.C. Section 2000d et seq. with respect to
  nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin;
               (2)  Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C.
  Section 794), with respect to nondiscrimination on the basis of
         (b)  Except as provided by this subsection, a qualifying
  school that has more qualified program applicants for attendance
  under this subchapter than available positions must fill the
  available program positions by a random selection process. To
  achieve continuity in education, a school may give preference among
  program applicants to a previously enrolled student and to other
  students residing in the same household as a previously enrolled
         (c)  A qualifying school may submit a written request for
  student records from the public school previously attended by an
  eligible student. Not later than the 10th working day after the
  date the public school receives the request, the public school
  shall deliver to the qualifying school a copy of the school's
  complete student records for that student, including attendance
  records, disciplinary records, past results of any assessment
  instruments administered to the student, the student's
  individualized education program, and any other comprehensive
  assessments from each school the student previously attended. A
  public school that is required to release student records under
  this subsection shall comply with any applicable provision of the
  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C.
  Section 1232g).
         Sec. 29.409.  ACADEMIC ACCOUNTABILITY. (a)  Each school
  year, a qualifying school shall establish academic goals for each
  eligible student enrolled in the school.  The goals must be
  developed in a manner similar to an individualized education
  program developed under Section 29.005.  At least every six weeks,
  the school shall provide a report to the student's parent
  describing the student's progress toward achieving the academic
  goals developed for the student under this subsection.
         (b)  Each qualifying school that enrolls a student under this
  subchapter shall annually administer in the spring:
               (1)  the appropriate assessment instrument required
  under Section 39.023; or
               (2)  a nationally norm-referenced assessment
  instrument approved by the agency.
         (c)  The school shall provide:
               (1)  the student's results on assessment instruments
  required under Subsection (b) to the student's parent; and
               (2)  the aggregated results of the assessment
  instruments required under Subsection (b) to the public.
         Sec. 29.410. ANNUAL REVIEW. (a) Within the final two months
  of each school year, the parent of a student enrolled in a
  qualifying school must meet with the admission, review, and
  dismissal committee that was formed by the school district in which
  the student resides to develop the student's individualized
  education program. At the meeting, the parent and committee must:
               (1)  review the student's progress while enrolled in
  the qualifying school;
               (2)  set goals for the upcoming school year; and
               (3)  set goals with specific timelines for the
  potential transition of the student back into the public school
         (b)  Notwithstanding Section 29.406, the commissioner shall
  adjust the funding provisions specified by that section as
  necessary to permit the school district that facilitates the
  meeting required by Subsection (a) to retain $100 each year to pay
  costs associated with the meeting.
         Sec. 29.411.  FINANCIAL SOLVENCY. The commissioner may
  adopt rules requiring a qualifying school that accepts funding
  under this subchapter to demonstrate financial solvency.
         Sec. 29.412.  QUALIFYING SCHOOL AUTONOMY. (a) A qualifying
  school that accepts funding under this subchapter is not an agent or
  arm of the state or federal government.
         (b)  Except as provided by this subchapter, the
  commissioner, the agency, the State Board of Education, or any
  other state agency may not regulate the educational program of a
  qualifying school that accepts funding under this subchapter.
         (c)  A qualifying school that accepts funding under this
  subchapter is not required to implement an individualized education
  program developed for the student under Section 29.005.  The
  student's parent and the qualifying school are responsible for
  determining the services and educational program to be provided to
  the student in accordance with the academic goals developed for the
  student under Section 29.409(a).
  It is the responsibility of the parent of an eligible student to:
               (1)  locate and select a qualifying school;
               (2)  apply for admission to the qualifying school; and
               (3)  apply in the manner provided under Section 29.406
  for participation in the program.
         (b)  A student participating in the program must comply with
  the student code of conduct of the qualifying school the student
  attends. A student must attend the qualifying school each school
  day unless the student is excused by the school for illness or other
  good cause.
         Sec. 29.414.  TRANSFER. (a)  An eligible student
  participating in the program may transfer to a public school or
  another qualifying school in the manner authorized by commissioner
  rule.  If a student transfers to another school under this section
  after the beginning of the school year, the commissioner shall
  prorate the amount of the student's program funding between the
  qualifying schools or the qualifying school and the school
  district, as applicable, according to the length of the student's
  attendance at each school.
         (b)  The commissioner may adopt rules regarding the
  frequency with which a parent may transfer an eligible student from
  a qualifying school to another qualifying school or to a public
         Sec. 29.415.  RULES. (a) The commissioner shall adopt rules
  as necessary to implement, administer, and enforce the program,
  including rules regarding:
               (1)  the calculation and distribution of payments for
  qualifying schools;
               (2)  application and approval procedures for
  qualifying school and student participation in the program,
  including timelines for the application and approval procedures;
               (3)  student transfers under Section 29.414.
         (b)  A rule adopted under this section is binding on any
  other state or local governmental entity, including a political
  subdivision, as necessary to implement, administer, and enforce the
         Sec. 29.416.  PROGRAM COMPLIANCE. (a)  The agency shall
  enforce this subchapter and any rule adopted under this subchapter
  and may withhold funds from any district or qualifying school that
  violates this subchapter or a rule adopted under this subchapter.
         (b)  The commissioner may revoke a qualifying school's
  permission to participate in the program if the commissioner
  determines that the school:
               (1)  has not met the requirements provided by this
               (2)  has intentionally and substantially
  misrepresented information required by this subchapter; or
               (3)  has failed to refund to the state in a timely
  manner any overpayment of program funding made to the school.
         (c)  If the commissioner revokes a qualifying school's
  permission to participate in the program under Subsection (b), the
  agency shall immediately notify the parent of an eligible student
  attending the school of the revocation.
         Sec. 29.417.  LIABILITY. The agency is not civilly liable
  for any action arising as the result of a student's participation in
  the program.
         Sec. 29.418.  EVALUATION OF PROGRAM.  (a) The commissioner
  shall designate an impartial organization with experience in
  evaluating programs similar to the program established under this
  subchapter to conduct an annual evaluation of the program. The
  evaluation must be conducted without the use of state funds.
         (b)  An evaluation under this section must compare
  differences between qualifying schools and public schools and must
  include consideration of:
               (1)  student satisfaction;
               (2)  parent satisfaction;
               (3)  behavioral problems of program students attending
  qualifying schools as compared with students attending public
               (4)  class size;
               (5)  the fiscal impact to the state and school
               (6)  academic performance by comparable students as
  measured by an assessment instrument required under Section
               (7)  factors resulting in more than 25 percent of
  eligible students in a school district attending a different school
  district or a qualifying school under this subchapter; and
               (8)  the practices of a qualifying school that
  contribute to any change in student behavior or academic
         (c)  The evaluation must apply appropriate analytical and
  behavioral science methodologies to ensure public confidence in the
         (d)  Not later than December 1, 2012, the commissioner shall
  submit to each member of the legislature a copy of the evaluation
  conducted under this section.
         (e)  School districts and qualifying schools shall cooperate
  with the organization conducting the evaluation and shall provide
  student assessment instrument results and any other information
  necessary to complete the evaluation in compliance with any
  applicable provision of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
  Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g).
         (f)  The agency may accept grants to assist in funding the
         Sec. 29.419.  APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT. (a) The autism
  services accessibility program is subject to Chapter 325,
  Government Code (Texas Sunset Act), as if the program were a state
  agency. Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter,
  the program is abolished and this subchapter expires September 1,
         (b)  To the extent Chapter 325, Government Code, imposes a
  duty on a state agency under review, the agency shall perform that
  duty as it relates to the program.
         SECTION 2.  (a) The Texas Education Agency shall make the
  autism services accessibility program under Subchapter K, Chapter
  29, Education Code, as added by this Act, available for
  participation beginning with the 2010-2011 academic school year.
         (b)  As soon as practicable, the commissioner of education
  shall adopt and implement rules necessary for the administration of
  the program.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.