81R7877 JD-F
  By: Wentworth S.B. No. 1316
  relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of certain
  open-space land devoted principally to ecological research.
         SECTION 1.  Section 23.51, Tax Code, is amended by amending
  Subdivision (1) and adding Subdivisions (9) and (10) to read as
               (1)  "Qualified open-space land" means land that is
  currently devoted principally to agricultural use to the degree of
  intensity generally accepted in the area and that has been devoted
  principally to agricultural use or to production of timber or
  forest products for five of the preceding seven years. Qualified
  open-space land also means [or] land that is devoted [used]
  principally to [as an] ecological research [laboratory] by a public
  or private college or university.  Qualified open-space land
  includes all appurtenances to the land.  For the purposes of this
  subdivision, appurtenances to the land means private roads, dams,
  reservoirs, water wells, canals, ditches, terraces, and other
  reshapings of the soil, fences, and riparian water
  rights.  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this subdivision,
  land that is currently devoted principally to wildlife management
  as defined by Subdivision (7)(B) or (C) to the degree of intensity
  generally accepted in the area qualifies for appraisal as qualified
  open-space land under this subchapter regardless of the manner in
  which the land was used in any preceding year.
               (9)  "Devoted principally to ecological research"
  means that as of January 1 the land is subject to a written
  agreement that is signed by the owner of the land or the owner's
  designee and an authorized official of a public or private college
  or university, allows the college or university to engage in
  ecological research on the land throughout the year, subject to
  reasonable notice, and provides that other uses of the land are
  subordinate to ecological research.  In this subdivision,
  "authorized official of a public or private college or university"
  means an administrative official of a public or private college or
  university who has the authority to enter into a binding contract on
  behalf of the college or university.
               (10)  "Ecological research" means ecological research
  in furtherance of farming, ranching, or wildlife management
  purposes and includes such activities as site visits, surveys, data
  and sample collection, monitoring, site manipulation, and periods
  of idleness between those activities. Ecological research does not
  require the physical presence of a researcher on the land for a
  greater number of days in a calendar year than necessary for
  scientifically valid ecological research.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter D, Chapter 23, Tax Code, is amended by
  adding Section 23.522 to read as follows:
  ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH. (a) Notwithstanding Section 23.54(e), the
  chief appraiser may require that an annual application be submitted
  on the form prescribed by the comptroller under Section 23.54(b).  
  The chief appraiser may not approve an application for the
  appraisal of land under this subchapter as land devoted principally
  to ecological research unless the owner of the land provides the
  chief appraiser with a written statement, signed by a supervising
  faculty member, from the public or private college or university
  allowed to engage in ecological research on the land that affirms
               (1)  at least three ecological research projects will
  be conducted on the land during the tax year for which the appraisal
  is sought;
               (2)  the ecological research to be conducted on the
  land is in furtherance of farming, ranching, or wildlife management
               (3)  other uses of the land are subordinate to the
  ecological research; and
               (4)  site visits to the land will be conducted in a
  number that is scientifically valid and generally acceptable in the
  field of ecological research.
         (b)  Land, including any improvement to the land, that is
  actually used in the occupancy of a residence homestead, as defined
  by Section 11.13(j)(1), is not eligible for appraisal under this
  subchapter as land devoted principally to ecological research.
         (c)  The entire tract of land that is subject to the written
  agreement between the owner and the applicable public or private
  college or university must be appraised under this subchapter as
  land devoted principally to ecological research if at least three
  ecological research projects are being conducted on any portion of
  the land in the current tax year and the land is otherwise eligible
  for appraisal under this subchapter.
         (d)  On approval of an application for appraisal of land
  under this subchapter as land devoted principally to ecological
  research, the chief appraiser shall classify the land in the native
  pasture category and appraise the land in accordance with Section
         (e)  The chief appraiser may require an owner of land allowed
  appraisal under this subchapter as land devoted principally to
  ecological research in a prior year to annually submit, before
  April 1 of each year, a report signed by a supervising faculty
  member of the public or private college or university that confirms
  and documents that each element in the written statement provided
  under Subsection (a) was properly implemented in the prior year. If
  the owner of the land fails or refuses to submit an annual report,
  or if the chief appraiser determines that a report does not provide
  the required documentation, not later than May 1, the chief
  appraiser shall notify the owner that appraisal of the land under
  this subchapter as land devoted principally to ecological research
  is denied for the prior year and include in the notice an
  explanation of the owner's right to protest the denial. If the
  owner does not file a timely protest or if the final determination
  of the protest is that the land was not eligible for appraisal under
  this subchapter as land devoted principally to ecological research:
               (1)  the chief appraiser shall change or correct the
  appraisal records as necessary; and
               (2)  as soon as practicable, the assessor for each
  taxing unit shall prepare and deliver a bill for any additional
  taxes on the land and interest due.
         (f)  The denial of appraisal of land under this subchapter as
  land devoted principally to ecological research in a previous year
  under Subsection (e) does not disqualify the land for appraisal
  under this subchapter as land devoted principally to ecological
  research in the current year.
         (g)  Land that has been appraised for at least two of the
  preceding three years under this subchapter as land devoted
  principally to ecological research qualifies under Sections
  23.51(2) and (7) for appraisal under this subchapter regardless of
  the manner in which the land was used in any prior year if the land
  is otherwise eligible for appraisal under this subchapter.
         SECTION 3.  This Act applies only to the appraisal of land
  for ad valorem tax purposes for a tax year that begins on or after
  the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2010.