By: Jackson  S.B. No. 1354
         (In the Senate - Filed March 4, 2009; March 17, 2009, read
  first time and referred to Committee on Business and Commerce;
  March 30, 2009, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
  Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 8, Nays 0; March 30, 2009,
  sent to printer.)
  relating to the licensing and regulation of plumbers.
         SECTION 1.  Subdivisions (4), (5), (7), (8), and (10),
  Section 1301.002, Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows:
               (4)  "Journeyman plumber" means a person licensed under
  this chapter who:
                     (A)  has met the qualifications for registration
  as a plumber's apprentice or for licensing as a tradesman
  plumber-limited license holder;
                     (B)  has completed at least 8,000 hours working
  under the supervision of a master plumber;
                     (C)  installs, changes, repairs, services, or
  renovates plumbing or supervises any of those activities; [and]
                     (D)  has passed the required examination; and
                     (E)  has fulfilled the other requirements of the
               (5)  "Master plumber" means a person licensed under
  this chapter who:
                     (A)  is skilled in the design, planning, and
  superintending of plumbing and in the practical installation,
  repair, and servicing of plumbing;
                     (B)  has worked as a journeyman plumber:
                           (i)  for at least four years; or
                           (ii)  for at least one year and has
  successfully completed a training program approved by the United
  States Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship or another
  nationally recognized apprentice training program accepted by the
  board [secures permits for plumbing work];
                     (C)  [is knowledgeable about the codes,
  ordinances, or rules governing the activities described by
  Paragraphs (A) and (B);
                     [(D)]  performs or supervises plumbing work;
                     (D) [(E)]  has passed the required examination;
                     (E)  has fulfilled the other requirements of the
               (7)  "Plumbing" means:
                     (A)  a fixture, appurtenance, appliance, or
  piping, including a disposal system, used [in or around a building
  in which a person lives or works or in which persons assemble,] to:
                           (i)  supply, distribute, circulate, or
  recirculate water, other liquid, or gas; or
                           (ii)  eliminate sewage for a personal or
  domestic purpose;
                     (B)  a fixture, appurtenance, appliance, or
  piping used outside a building to connect the building to:
                           (i)  a supply of water, other liquid,
  medical gases and vacuum, or other gas on the premises; or
                           (ii)  the main in the street or alley or at
  the curb;
                     (C)  a fixture, appurtenance, appliance, or
  piping, including a drain or waste pipe, used to carry wastewater or
  sewage from or within a building to:
                           (i)  a sewer service lateral at the curb or
  in the street or alley; or
                           (ii)  a disposal or septic terminal that
  holds private or domestic sewage; or
                     (D)  the installation, repair, service, or
  maintenance of a fixture, appurtenance, appliance, or piping
  described by Paragraph (A), (B), or (C).
               (8)  "Plumbing inspector" means a person who:
                     (A)  is employed by a political subdivision or
  state agency, or contracts as an independent contractor with a
  political subdivision or state agency, to inspect plumbing in
  connection with health and safety laws, including ordinances, and
  plumbing and gas codes; [and]
                     (B)  has passed the required examination; and
                     (C)  has fulfilled the other requirements of the
               (10)  "Tradesman plumber-limited license holder" means
  a person who:
                     (A)  has completed at least 4,000 hours working
  under the direct supervision of a journeyman or master plumber as a
  plumber's apprentice;
                     (B)  has passed the required examination [and
  fulfilled the other requirements of the board];
                     (C)  constructs and installs plumbing for
  one-family or two-family dwellings; [and]
                     (D)  has not met or attempted to meet the
  qualifications for a journeyman plumber license; and
                     (E)  has fulfilled the other requirements of the
         SECTION 2.  Section 1301.052, Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  MUNICIPALITIES.  A person is not required to be licensed under this
  chapter to perform plumbing, other than plumbing performed in
  conjunction with new construction, repair, or remodeling, on a
  property that is:
               (1)  located in a subdivision or on a tract of land that
  is not required to be platted under Section 232.0015, Local
  Government Code; [or]
               (2)  not connected to a public water system and is
  located outside a municipality; [or]
               (3)  located outside a municipality and connected to a
  public water system that does not require a license to perform
  plumbing; or
               (4)  located inside a municipality that is within a
  county that has fewer than 50,000 inhabitants and that:
                     (A)  has [with] fewer than 5,000 inhabitants; and
                     (B)  by municipal ordinance or order of the county
  commissioners court has authorized a person who is not licensed
  under this chapter to perform plumbing [, unless an ordinance of the
  municipality requires the person to be licensed].
         SECTION 3.  Subsection (a), Section 1301.053, Occupations
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person is not required to be licensed under this
  chapter to perform:
               (1)  plumbing incidental to and in connection with the
  business in which the person is employed or engaged if the person:
                     (A)  is regularly employed as or acting as a
  maintenance person or maintenance engineer; and
                     (B)  does not engage in plumbing for the public;
               (2)  construction, installation, or maintenance on the
  premises or equipment of a railroad if the person is an employee of
  the railroad who does not engage in plumbing for the public;
               (3)  plumbing if the person is engaged by a public
  service company to:
                     (A)  lay, maintain, or operate its service mains
  or lines to the point of measurement; and
                     (B)  install, change, adjust, repair, remove, or
  renovate appurtenances, equipment, or appliances;
               (4)  appliance installation and service work, other
  than installation and service work on water heaters, that involves
  connecting appliances to existing openings with a code-approved
  appliance connector if the person performs the work as an appliance
  dealer or an employee of an appliance dealer; or
               (5)  water treatment installations, exchanges,
  services, or repairs.
         SECTION 4.  Subsection (a), Section 1301.203, Occupations
  Code, is amended to as follows:
         (a)  The board may employ a field representative to assist
  the board in enforcing this chapter and rules adopted under this
  chapter. A field representative must [be]:
               (1)  hold a license as a plumber under this chapter;
               (2)  be knowledgeable of this chapter and municipal
  ordinances relating to plumbing; and
               (3)  be [(2)] qualified by experience and training in
  plumbing practice.
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter H, Chapter 1301, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 1301.405 to read as follows:
  INSTALLER. (a)  To renew the certificate of registration, a person
  who holds a certificate of registration under this chapter as a
  drain cleaner, drain cleaner-restricted registrant, or residential
  utilities installer must annually complete at least six hours of
  approved training that includes training in health and safety
  requirements, board-approved plumbing codes, and water
         (b)  A person may receive credit for participating in a
  training program only if the program is provided:
               (1)  by a person approved by the board; and
               (2)  according to criteria adopted by the board.
         (c)  The board by rule may exempt certain persons from the
  requirements of this section if the board determines that the
  exemption is in the public interest.
         SECTION 6.  Section 1301.551, Occupations Code, is amended
  by adding Subsections (e), (f), (g), and (h) to read as follows:
         (e)  A municipality or other political subdivision in this
  state that requires a plumbing contractor to obtain a permit before
  the person performs plumbing shall by telephone, fax, or e-mail:
               (1)  accept permit applications;
               (2)  collect required fees; and
               (3)  issue the required permits.
         (f)  If drawings of proposed plumbing work are required by
  the municipality or other political subdivision, the municipality
  or political subdivision shall specify how permit drawings are to
  be submitted.
         (g)  A person who is required to obtain a permit under this
  section is not required to pay a plumbing registration fee or
  administrative fee in a municipality or any other political
         (h)  A plumbing contractor must register, electronically or
  in person, with a municipality or other political subdivision that
  requires registration before performing plumbing regulated by the
  municipality or other political subdivision.
         SECTION 7.  Sections 1301.552 and 1301.553, Occupations
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
  IN POLITICAL SUBDIVISION. A political subdivision that requires a
  plumbing contractor to obtain a permit before performing plumbing
  in the political subdivision shall verify through the board's
  Internet website that the plumbing contractor has on file with the
  board [master plumber to have a bond before issuing a permit to the
  master plumber shall accept either a bond or] a certificate of
  insurance. The certificate of insurance must:
               (1)  be written by a company licensed to do business in
  this state;
               (2)  provide for commercial general liability
  insurance for the master plumber for a claim for property damage or
  bodily injury, regardless of whether the claim arises from
  negligence or on a contract; and
               (3)  provide coverage of not less than $300,000 for all
  claims arising in a one-year period.
  DISTRICT]. [(a)]  If the boundaries of a municipality and another
  political subdivision [a municipal utility district] overlap, only
  the affected municipality may perform a plumbing inspection and
  collect a permit fee.
         [(b)     The standard used in the plumbing inspection may not be
  less restrictive than the standard used by the municipal utility
         SECTION 8.  (a)  Not later than January 1, 2010, the Texas
  State Board of Plumbing Examiners shall adopt the rules and approve
  the programs necessary to implement the changes in law made by this
  Act to Chapter 1301, Occupations Code.
         (b)  The changes in law made by this Act to the requirements
  for issuance of a license or certificate of registration under
  Chapter 1301, Occupations Code, as amended by this Act, apply only
  to an application submitted for the issuance or renewal of a license
  or certificate of registration under Chapter 1301, Occupations
  Code, on or after January 1, 2010. An application submitted before
  that date is governed by the law in effect when the application was
  submitted, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
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