81R9624 TRH-D
  By: Nichols S.B. No. 1361
  relating to certificates of public convenience and necessity for
  water or sewer services.
         SECTION 1.  Section 13.254, Water Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a-1) and (a-3) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  As an alternative to decertification under Subsection
  (a), the owner of a tract of land that is at least 25 [50] acres and
  that is not in a platted subdivision actually receiving water or
  sewer service may petition the commission under this subsection for
  expedited release of the area from a certificate of public
  convenience and necessity [so that the area may receive service
  from another retail public utility. The petitioner shall deliver,
  via certified mail, a copy of the petition to the certificate
  holder, who may submit information to the commission to controvert
  information submitted by the petitioner.     The petitioner must
  demonstrate that:
               [(1)     a written request for service, other than a
  request for standard residential or commercial service, has been
  submitted to the certificate holder, identifying:
                     [(A)  the area for which service is sought;
                     [(B)     the timeframe within which service is needed
  for current and projected service demands in the area;
                     [(C)     the level and manner of service needed for
  current and projected service demands in the area; and
                     [(D)     any additional information requested by the
  certificate holder that is reasonably related to determination of
  the capacity or cost for providing the service;
               [(2)     the certificate holder has been allowed at least
  90 calendar days to review and respond to the written request and
  the information it contains;
               [(3)  the certificate holder:
                     [(A)  has refused to provide the service;
                     [(B)     is not capable of providing the service on a
  continuous and adequate basis within the timeframe, at the level,
  or in the manner reasonably needed or requested by current and
  projected service demands in the area; or
                     [(C)     conditions the provision of service on the
  payment of costs not properly allocable directly to the
  petitioner's service request, as determined by the commission; and
               [(4)     the alternate retail public utility from which
  the petitioner will be requesting service is capable of     providing
  continuous and adequate service within the timeframe, at the level,
  and in the manner reasonably needed or requested by current and
  projected service demands in the area].
         (a-3)  Within 60 [90] calendar days from the date the
  petition is filed with the commission [determines the petition
  filed pursuant to Subsection (a-1) to be administratively
  complete], the commission shall grant the petition [unless the
  commission makes an express finding that the petitioner failed to
  satisfy the elements required in Subsection (a-1) and supports its
  finding with separate findings and conclusions for each element
  based solely on the information provided by the petitioner and the
  certificate holder.     The commission may grant or deny a petition
  subject to terms and conditions specifically related to the service
  request of the petitioner and all relevant information submitted by
  the petitioner and the certificate holder].  The commission may not
  deny a petition based on the fact that a certificate holder is a
  borrower under a federal loan program. In addition, the commission
  may require an award of compensation as otherwise provided by this
         SECTION 2.  The changes in law made by Section 13.254, Water
  Code, as amended by this Act, apply only to a petition filed on or
  after the effective date of this Act. A petition filed before the
  effective date of this Act is subject to the law in effect on the
  date the petition is filed, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.