relating to the academic costs charged to resident undergraduate |
students by general academic teaching institutions and certain |
reports regarding the operational costs of those institutions. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 54, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 54.017 to read as follows: |
(1) "General academic teaching institution" has the |
meaning assigned by Section 61.003. |
(2) "Total academic costs": |
(A) includes: |
(i) tuition for which the rates are |
prescribed by this chapter; |
(ii) tuition charged by a general academic |
teaching institution under Section 54.0513 or another law |
authorizing a general academic teaching institution to establish |
tuition rates; |
(iii) mandatory academic fees; and |
(iv) any other academic-related general |
fees and course fees, including fees for laboratories, field trips, |
access to Internet or multimedia service, equipment replacement, |
and instructional technology; and |
(B) does not include optional fees charged to a |
student for voluntary services or a fee approved by students of the |
institution in a referendum held at the institution for that |
purpose. |
(b) The total academic costs charged by a general academic |
teaching institution to an undergraduate student who is a resident |
of this state for an academic year may not exceed the total academic |
costs that the institution would have charged to a similarly |
situated student in the preceding academic year by more than the |
lesser of: |
(1) five percent; or |
(2) if the legislature has appropriated from |
undedicated general revenue funds available to pay the |
institution's core operational costs estimated by the Legislative |
Budget Board under Section 51.973 for the current state fiscal |
biennium a greater percentage than the legislature appropriated |
from undedicated general revenue funds available to pay the |
institution's core operational costs for the preceding state fiscal |
biennium, a percentage that would produce an amount of total |
academic costs charged to students that, when added to the |
additional amount of undedicated general revenue funds available to |
pay core operational costs of the institution, would result in a |
total increase of five percent in total academic costs charged to |
students and undedicated general revenue funds available to pay |
core operating costs for that academic year. |
(b-1) This subsection applies to total academic costs |
charged to students for the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 academic years. |
Subsection (b) does not apply to those costs in an academic year to |
which this subsection applies. In an academic year to which this |
subsection applies, the total academic costs charged by a general |
academic teaching institution to an undergraduate student who is a |
resident of this state may not exceed the total academic costs that |
the institution would have charged to a similarly situated student |
in the preceding academic year by more than: |
(1) five percent; or |
(2) if the institution's average per student total |
academic costs for the most recent academic year for which the |
information is available are less than the statewide average for |
those costs for that year as determined by the Texas Higher |
Education Coordinating Board, the greater of: |
(A) five percent; or |
(B) $360. |
(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (b), a general academic |
teaching institution may charge a student an amount of total |
academic costs that exceeds the maximum amount prescribed by that |
subsection if the amount of the increase was approved by the |
students of the institution in a referendum held in the preceding |
academic year at the institution for that purpose. The institution |
may hold a referendum for purposes of this subsection. |
(d) For purposes of this section, students are similarly |
situated if they share the same residency status, degree program, |
course load, course level, tuition exemption status, and other |
circumstances affecting the total academic costs charged to the |
student. |
(e) This section does not ensure that the total academic |
costs charged to an individual student will not increase by more |
than the limitation prescribed by Subsection (b) based on a change |
in the student's residency status, degree program, course load, |
course level, tuition exemption status, or other circumstance |
affecting the total academic costs charged to the student. |
(f) The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall |
adopt rules as necessary to administer this section. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter D, Chapter 54, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 54.202 to read as follows: |
In this section, "general academic teaching institution" has the |
meaning assigned by Section 61.003. |
(b) A general academic teaching institution shall exempt |
from the payment of tuition and mandatory fees charged by the |
institution for a fall or spring semester a person who: |
(1) enrolls in the institution for that semester as a |
first-time, entering freshman student, disregarding any |
college-level courses in which the person enrolled in the preceding |
summer session; |
(2) enrolls for that semester in at least 15 semester |
credit hours; |
(3) is a resident of this state for purposes of |
Subchapter B; |
(4) has filed a Free Application for Federal Student |
Aid (FAFSA); and |
(5) has a household adjusted gross income for the most |
recently completed tax year that is $30,000 or less. |
(c) A person may receive an exemption under this section for |
not more than 15 semester credit hours. |
(d) The exemption provided by this section does not apply to |
a transfer student. |
(e) The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board may adopt |
rules for the administration of this section. |
SECTION 3. Subchapter Z, Chapter 51, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 51.973 to read as follows: |
COMMITTEE. (a) Not later than December 1 of each odd-numbered |
year, the Legislative Budget Board shall submit to the senate |
finance committee, the house appropriations committee, and the |
standing committee of each house with primary jurisdiction over |
higher education, for consideration by the members of those |
committees in determining the amount of general revenue |
appropriations to general academic teaching institutions and |
tuition rates at those institutions, the Legislative Budget Board's |
estimate of the core operational costs for the next state fiscal |
biennium for each general academic teaching institution, based on a |
methodology that: |
(1) projects for each year of the next biennium: |
(A) changes in student enrollment for each |
institution; and |
(B) a rate of inflation; and |
(2) uses data from each institution's annual financial |
report regarding costs for instruction, academic support, |
institutional support, operations and maintenance of physical |
plants, and student services. |
(b) Beginning in 2013, the Legislative Budget Board shall |
submit with its estimate under Subsection (a) a comparison of each |
institution's actual core operational costs for the preceding state |
fiscal biennium to the board's previous estimate of the |
institution's core operational costs for that biennium. |
(c) A legislative oversight committee is established to |
oversee the Legislative Budget Board's development of the |
methodology described by Subsection (a). The legislative oversight |
committee is composed of six members as follows: |
(1) three members of the senate appointed by the |
lieutenant governor; and |
(2) three members of the house of representatives |
appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. |
(d) The lieutenant governor shall designate one of the |
legislative oversight committee members appointed by the |
lieutenant governor as committee co-chair, and the speaker shall |
designate one of the committee members appointed by the speaker as |
committee co-chair. |
(e) An appointed member of the legislative oversight |
committee serves at the pleasure of the appointing official. |
(f) The legislative oversight committee shall meet at the |
call of the chair and may request reports and other information from |
the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board or any general |
academic teaching institution as necessary to carry out the |
committee's duties under this section. |
SECTION 4. Not later than September 1, 2010, each general |
academic teaching institution shall submit to the Legislative |
Budget Board, the senate finance committee, the house |
appropriations committee, and the standing committee of each house |
with primary jurisdiction over higher education a detailed plan for |
reducing the institution's operational costs, excluding the |
institution's core academic budget, by at least five percent. |
SECTION 5. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board |
shall adopt the rules required by Section 54.017, Education Code, |
as added by this Act, as soon as practicable after this Act takes |
effect. For that purpose, the coordinating board may adopt the |
initial rules in the manner provided by law for emergency rules. |
SECTION 6. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2009. |