81R10246 PMO-F
  By: Carona S.B. No. 1551
  relating to the operation and regulation of certain consolidated
  insurance programs.
         SECTION 1.  Title 2, Insurance Code, is amended by adding
  Subtitle C to read as follows:
         Sec. 151.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Administrator" means a person who operates and
  manages a consolidated insurance program on behalf of a principal.  
  The term includes a person who, in the regular course of business,
  operates and manages a consolidated insurance program as an agent
  of a principal.
               (2)  "Consolidated insurance program" means a program
  under which a principal provides general liability insurance
  coverage, workers' compensation insurance coverage, or both that
  are incorporated into an insurance program for a single
  construction project or multiple construction projects.
               (3)  "Construction project" means construction,
  remodeling, maintenance, or repair of improvements to real
  property, including the immediate construction location and areas
  incidental and necessary to the work as defined in a construction
  document.  A construction project under this chapter does not
  include a single-family home, duplex, triplex, or quadruplex.
               (4)  "Contractor" means a person enrolled in the
  consolidated insurance program who has entered into a construction
  contract or a professional services contract.
               (5)  "Insurer" means an insurance company, including a
  mutual insurance company or a capital stock company, a reciprocal
  or interinsurance exchange, a Lloyd's plan, or another legal entity
  authorized to engage in the business of general liability insurance
  or workers' compensation insurance in this state. The term
  includes an eligible surplus lines insurer.
               (6)  "Principal" means the person who procures the
  insurance contract or policy and who is typically the first-named
  insured on a general liability insurance contract or policy.
         Sec. 151.002.  RULES. The commissioner shall adopt rules in
  the manner provided by Subchapter A, Chapter 36, as necessary to
  implement and enforce the purpose and intent of this chapter.
  [Sections 151.003-151.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 151.051.  COVERAGE OF CONTRACTORS. (a)  Each
  contractor on a construction project covered by a consolidated
  insurance program must:
               (1)  be included as a named insured on each insurance
  policy under the program; and
               (2)  have equal rights under the policy with the
  principal and other contractors, subject to insurance industry
  standard differences between a first-named insured and a named
         (b)  Subsection (a) does not apply to a policy or contract
  that is issued individually in the name of the contractor as the
  first-named insured under a consolidated insurance program.
         (c)  The principal or a contractor may not require, by
  contract or otherwise, another contractor to obtain an additional
  insured endorsement on the other contractor's separately
  maintained insurance policy with respect to a construction project
  covered under a consolidated insurance program that is of the same
  type of insurance coverage as the insurance coverage provided to
  the other contractor by the consolidated insurance program, other
  than an insurance policy covering offsite work for ongoing
  operations related to the project and not covered by the
  consolidated insurance program. Such a requirement is void and
         (d)  The coverages under the consolidated insurance program
  must be primary and noncontributory to any insurance policy
  separately maintained by a contractor covered by the consolidated
  insurance program that is of the same general type as the insurance
  coverages provided by the consolidated insurance program.
  CERTAIN COVERAGE REQUIRED. (a) Except as provided by Subsection
  (b), a consolidated insurance program that provides completed
  operations insurance coverage separate from or together with
  general liability coverage must continue completed operations
  insurance coverage until the expiration of the limitations period
  for bringing an action for damages under Section 16.009, Civil
  Practice and Remedies Code.
         (b)  A consolidated insurance program may not provide
  completed operations insurance coverage for a period shorter than
  the limitations period under Section 16.009, Civil Practice and
  Remedies Code, unless the commissioner determines that the coverage
  is not available in the insurance market. If the commissioner
  determines that the coverage is not available, the commissioner
  shall determine the maximum period that the coverage is available,
  and the consolidated insurance program must provide coverage for
  that period. The commissioner shall make a determination under
  this subsection by rule as the commissioner finds necessary or on a
  request of an insurer, administrator, or principal.
         (c)  A consolidated insurance program must include premises
  liability coverage, for 18 months after the date of substantial
  completion of the construction project, for ongoing operations for
  the contractor's warranty work, remedial work, or other work on a
  construction project covered by the consolidated insurance
         (d)  A contractor's separately maintained insurance policy
  must include coverage for ongoing operations of the contractor for:
               (1)  preconstruction services and initial construction
  work related to the project performed prior to the date of coverage
  for the contractor under the consolidated insurance program; and
               (2)  warranty work, remedial work, or other work on a
  construction project covered by a consolidated insurance program
  that occurs after the coverage required under Subsection (c) has
         (e)  The consolidated insurance program must provide
  completed operations coverage for specially fabricated materials
  or equipment if the installer of the fabricated materials is
  covered under the program and fabricated the materials or
         Sec. 151.053.  NOTICE OF CERTAIN CHANGES. (a) Except as
  provided by Subsection (g), the insurer may not reduce coverage,
  nonrenew coverage, or cancel coverage, or change the limits under a
  consolidated insurance program except for:
               (1)  nonpayment of premium;
               (2)  failure to comply with safety standards required
  by the program;
               (3)  failure of the principal to disclose relevant and
  material information on the date on which the parties entered the
  contract for the consolidated insurance program; or
               (4)  the provision of materially misleading or false
  information to an insurer before the date on which the parties
  entered the contract for the consolidated insurance program.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), after work covered
  by the consolidated insurance program has begun, the coverages or
  limits under the consolidated insurance program may not be reduced,
  nonrenewed, or canceled under Subsection (a) without written notice
  provided to the principal and all contractors. The notice required
  under this subsection must be provided by the insurer or
  administrator not later than the 60th day before the effective date
  of the reduction, nonrenewal, or cancellation.
         (c)  A notice to cancel coverage due to nonpayment of premium
  is effective only after written notice is provided to the principal
  and all contractors at least 10 days before the scheduled effective
  date of the cancellation due to nonpayment of premium.
         (d)  The insurer or administrator shall notify each
  contractor in writing if any coverage or limit is reduced,
  nonrenewed, or canceled. The notice under this subsection must be
  sent not later than the effective date of the reduction,
  nonrenewal, or cancellation of coverage.
         (e)  If an insurer fails to comply with this section, a
  reduction, nonrenewal, or cancellation is not effective until the
  insurer complies with this section.
         (f)  If the insurer gives notice of cancellation based on one
  of the grounds listed in Subdivision (a)(1) or (a)(2), the
  principal shall have a reasonable opportunity to pay the premium
  due or to fulfill the principal's obligation under the consolidated
  insurance program.
         (g)  This section does not apply to a reduction in limits due
  to an insurer incurring losses or expenses for a claim made under
  the policy.
         Sec. 151.054.  NOTICE REGARDING REDUCTION IN LIMIT. (a)  The
  principal shall notify all contractors in writing not later than
  the 10th day after the date the total limit of liability for any
  type of coverage issued under the consolidated insurance program is
  reduced by:
               (1)  50 percent; and
               (2)  each additional 25 percentage point reduction
  after the initial 50 percent reduction.
         (b)  The reduction in the limit under Subsection (a) shall be
  computed based on incurred losses and expenses.
         (c)  The notice under Subsection (a) must describe:
               (1)  the initial limit of liability coverage; and
               (2)  the limit of liability coverage that remains as of
  the notice date.
         (d)  If the limits of a policy have been expended, triggering
  the limits of another policy, the notice under Subsection (a) is
  required only if the combined limit of all policies providing the
  coverage has been reached.
         Sec. 151.055.  INSURER REQUIREMENTS; INSURER RATINGS. (a)  
  All insurance coverages under a consolidated insurance program for
  a construction project must be provided by an insurer that has:
               (1)  a financial strength rating of at least A- and a
  financial size rating of at least Class VII, as currently reported
  by the A. M. Best Company; or
               (2)  an equivalent rating made by a similar rating
  organization recognized by the commissioner.
         (b)  Insurance policies providing coverage under the
  consolidated insurance program shall be delivered to the
  first-named insured not later than the 30th day after the date on
  which the coverage takes effect.
         (c)  The requirements of this section must be maintained for
  the duration of the construction project.
         Sec. 151.056.  DUTY AND COMPLIANCE BY PRINCIPAL. (a)  A
  principal under a consolidated insurance program owes a duty to
  each contractor covered under the consolidated insurance program to
  comply with the requirements of this chapter.
         (b)  The duty includes:
               (1)  paying the premium for the insurance coverage; and
               (2)  securing replacement insurance that meets the
  requirements of this chapter, or reimbursing an enrolled contractor
  for the cost of replacement insurance that meets the requirements
  of this chapter, if the insurer of the consolidated insurance
  program fails to provide the coverage under the program.
         Sec. 151.057.  CONTRACTOR INSURANCE. This chapter, or a
  requirement of a contract entered into under this chapter, may not
  be construed as preventing a contractor from obtaining any
  insurance coverage not provided by the consolidated insurance
  program to protect the contractor or the construction project.
         Sec. 151.058.  INDEMNITY AND SUBROGATION. (a) Rights under
  an indemnity or hold harmless provision between a principal and
  contractor or between contractors for claims or events insured
  under a consolidated insurance program are limited to rights to
  recover only under the consolidated insurance program.
         (b)  An insurer providing coverage under the consolidated
  insurance program does not have subrogation rights against a
  contractor or against any insurance policy of the principal or
  contractor for losses paid under the consolidated insurance
         Sec. 151.059.  DEFENSE COVERAGE FOR CLAIM OR SUIT. (a) In a
  lawsuit or arbitration proceeding that is covered by the
  consolidated insurance program, an insurance policy under the
  program must provide coverage for the defense of each contractor.
  This coverage may be provided by a joint defense provision under the
  program or by separate agreement among the affected contractors.
         (b)  Defense costs for a contractor under Subsection (a) may
  not be included in the limit of liability of an insurance policy
  under the consolidated insurance program if the defense costs for
  the principal are not included in the limit of liability.
  Sections 2053.002 and 2251.052, Insurance Code, and Section 1,
  Chapter 50 (H.B. 32), Acts of the 53rd Legislature, Regular
  Session, 1953 (Article 5.77, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code), do not
  apply to rates used for an insurance policy issued under a
  consolidated insurance program under this chapter to the extent
  that those laws require an insurer to produce rates for individual
  PENALTIES. (a) A principal shall pay any:
               (1)  coverage deductible, self-insured retention, or
  loss in a retrospective rating plan or other loss-sensitive rating
  plan under a consolidated insurance program;
               (2)  penalty incurred under the program; and
               (3)  deductible or self-insured retention applicable
  to any policy provided under the consolidated insurance program,
  except as provided by Subsection (b).
         (b)  A principal may not assess a contractor covered under
  the consolidated insurance program for a deductible, self-insured
  retention, loss, or penalty described by Subsection (a), except for
  a property damage claim deductible or self-insured retention if:
               (1)  the action of the contractor caused the property
  damage claim; and
               (2)  the insurance carrier assesses the deductible or
  self-insured retention against the principal.
         (c)  If the principal fails to pay a deductible, self-insured
  retention, penalty or other item required of the principal by this
  section, a contractor covered under the program may not be required
  to pay the deductible, self-insured retention, penalty or other
  item required of the principal.
  [Sections 151.062-151.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 151.101.  GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Subject to Section
  151.052, aggregate and per-occurrence limits of all general
  liability insurance and employer liability coverages under a
  consolidated insurance program apply collectively to all
  contractors under the program for the duration of each construction
  project covered by the program.
         Sec. 151.102.  LIMITS. (a) Except as provided by Subsection
  (b), for a construction project the general liability limit must be
  not less than $25 million.
         (b)  For a construction project covered by a rolling
  consolidated insurance program, the general liability limit must be
  not less than $50 million.
         (c)  For employer liability coverage under a consolidated
  insurance program, the per-occurrence liability limit may not be
  less than the applicable general liability limits. Any umbrella or
  excess policy limits provided under the consolidated insurance
  program shall extend to a principal's or contractor's employer
  liability coverage regardless of whether that employer liability
  coverage is provided under the consolidated insurance program or by
  the principal's or contractor's separately maintained policy.
  [Sections 151.103-151.150 reserved for expansion]
  At the time a principal or contractor is soliciting bids for a
  construction project that may be covered by a consolidated
  insurance program, the principal or contractor must disclose
  prominently in the project specifications, or in any request for
  bids or proposals, that the project may be covered by a consolidated
  insurance program subject to this chapter.
         (b)  The disclosure must be sufficient to:
               (1)  allow the bidder to compare the bidder's own
  insurance program with the coverages, limits, and operation of the
  consolidated insurance program; and
               (2)  accurately predict the credits, deductibles, or
  other costs to the bidder associated with the program.
         Sec. 151.152.  REQUIRED PRECONTRACT DISCLOSURE. Not later
  than the 14th day before the date on which a principal or contractor
  executes a contract for a construction project covered by a
  consolidated insurance program, the principal or contractor that
  solicited the bid must make a written disclosure to the contractor
  that contains detailed information concerning the consolidated
  insurance program.
  [Sections 151.153-151.200 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 151.201.  ADMINISTRATOR. Each principal shall appoint
  a qualified administrator for the consolidated insurance program
  whose primary duty is administration of the program.
         Sec. 151.202.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATOR. (a) An
  administrator shall comply in a timely manner with the requirements
  of this section.
         (b)  The administrator shall administer the enrollment of
  all contractors covered by the consolidated insurance program as
  necessary to ensure prompt coverage, effective on the date that the
  contractor begins work on the construction project.
         (c)  The administrator shall:
               (1)  maintain a current consolidated insurance program
  manual that contains a detailed description of the consolidated
  insurance program;
               (2)  provide all contractors with a current copy of the
  manual that is consistent with the insurance provided and the scope
  of the program:
                     (A)  on the date of the contractor's enrollment in
  the program; and
                     (B)  not later than the 10th day after any changes
  are made to the manual; and
               (3)  provide each contractor on the date of the
  contractor's enrollment in the program with a certificate that
  evidences the contractor's coverage under the program.
         (d)  In addition to the certificate provided under
  Subsection (c)(3), the administrator shall obtain from the insurer
  or a licensed agent of the insurer and deliver a certificate of
  insurance on behalf of a contractor to evidence the coverages and
  limits provided by the consolidated insurance program not later
  than the 10th day after receipt of a request from a contractor.
         (e)  If the insurer has issued insurance policies, the
  administrator shall ensure that each contractor receives insurance
  policies, or renewal certificates for previously issued policies,
  for all coverages provided by the consolidated insurance program
  not later than the earlier of:
               (1)  the 30th day after the date the contractor is
  enrolled in the program; or
               (2)  the date the contractor begins work on the
         (f)  The administrator may comply with the requirements of
  Subsection (e) by providing access to the documents on its Internet
  website or by electronic transmission to the contractor. If the
  contractor expressly requests that the items be provided in written
  form, the administrator shall provide the items in written form to
  the contractor.
         (g)  The administrator shall coordinate:
               (1)  any regular reporting required of a contractor and
  any audits required of a contractor;
               (2)  all meetings with the insurer, whether with the
  principal, a contractor, or any other party; and
               (3)  availability of any on-site medical facilities or
  other mandatory initial medical care providers and contact
  information for contractors.
         (h)  The administrator shall disseminate to all contractors
  clear procedures for proper filing of claims under the consolidated
  insurance program.
         (i)  The administrator shall ensure that:
               (1)  all insurance coverages provided by the
  consolidated insurance program are maintained; and
               (2)  all contractors are notified in writing promptly
  of any changes or cancellation in coverages provided by the
  consolidated insurance program.
         (j)  The administrator shall monitor the financial standing
  of the insurer as provided by Section 151.055 and shall provide
  written notice to the principal and all contractors of any
  significant negative change not later than the 10th day after the
  date of the negative change.  This subsection may not be interpreted
  to mean that the principal or administrator is a guarantor of the
  insurer's obligations under an insurance policy.
         (k)  The administrator shall provide oversight and
  coordinate the filing of claims for the principal and any affected
  contractor until:
               (1)  the construction project is completed;
               (2)  the coverage periods have expired; and
               (3)  the claims are resolved.
         (l)  Before the date on which the operation of the
  consolidated insurance program and administration of the program
  is closed, the administrator shall provide to the principal and
  each contractor a written notice that contains the contact person's
  name, company name, mailing address, telephone number, facsimile
  number, and electronic mail address, and any other necessary
  contact information of the person and company responsible for any
  closed, open, or future claims under the coverages provided by the
  consolidated insurance program.
         (m)  For purposes of this chapter and insurance benefits
  under the consolidated insurance program, the administrator owes a
  duty to the principal and each contractor that participates in the
  program to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
  PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBLE. (a)  The administrator shall maintain
  errors and omissions insurance coverage in the minimum amount of $5
  million per occurrence for any liability of the administrator under
  this chapter.
         (b)  The principal may not require the contractor to
  indemnify, hold harmless, or defend the principal or administrator
  for the acts or omissions of the administrator. Any such
  requirements shall be void and against public policy.
  [Sections 151.204-151.250 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 151.251.  ACCESS TO RECORDS. The principal shall
  provide access to information, including electronic records,
  relating to the consolidated insurance program to all contractors
  covered by the program until the second anniversary of the
  expiration of any applicable statute of repose.
  [Sections 151.252-151.300 reserved for expansion]
  PENALTIES. The commissioner may impose a sanction under Chapter
  82, issue a cease and desist order under Chapter 83, or assess an
  administrative penalty under Chapter 84 on any person regulated by
  the department who violates this chapter or a rule or order adopted
  by the commissioner under this chapter.
  [Sections 151.302-151.350 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 151.351.  VENUE. Venue for a suit brought under this
  chapter is in the county in which the construction project is
  [Sections 151.352-151.400 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 151.401.  NONWAIVER.  A provision of this chapter may
  not be waived by contract or otherwise.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 151, Insurance Code, as added by this
  Act, applies only to a new or renewed consolidated insurance
  program for a construction project that begins on or after January
  1, 2010. A consolidated insurance program for a construction
  project that begins before January 1, 2010, is governed by the law
  as it existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and
  that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.