By: Watson S.B. No. 1601
  relating to sanctions for public schools designated academically
         SECTION 1.  Section 39.1322, Education Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
         (e)  If the commissioner appoints a monitor, conservator,
  management team, or board of managers to the district under Section
  39.1324(c), a technical assistance team or campus intervention team
  appointed under this section shall work with and under the
  direction of the monitor, conservator, management team, or board of
  managers. The monitor, conservator, management team, or board of
  managers may recommend to the commissioner that all or part of the
  services of a technical assistance team or campus intervention team
  are no longer needed at a campus.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 39.1324(c), (d), (e), and (f),
  Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (c)  A campus subject to Subsection (a) shall implement the
  school improvement plan as approved by the commissioner.  The
  commissioner may appoint a monitor, conservator, management team,
  or [a] board of managers to the district to ensure and oversee the
  implementation of the school improvement plan. In making an
  appointment under this subsection, the commissioner shall consider
  individuals who have demonstrated success working in the management
  of campuses with student populations similar to the student
  population of the campus subject to the appointment.
         (d)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter,
  if the commissioner determines that a campus subject to Subsection
  (a) is not fully implementing the school improvement plan, the
  commissioner may order:
               (1)  repurposing [pursue alternative management] of
  the campus under Section 39.1327; or
               (2)  [may order] closure of the campus.
         (e)  If a campus is considered an academically unacceptable
  campus for the subsequent school year after the campus is
  reconstituted under this section, the commissioner shall review the
  progress of the campus and may order:
               (1)  repurposing of the campus under Section 39.1327;
               (2)  closure of the campus [or pursue alternative
  management under Section 39.1327].
         (f)  If a campus is considered academically unacceptable for
  two consecutive school years after the campus is reconstituted
  under Subsection (a), the commissioner shall order:
               (1)  repurposing of the campus under Section 39.1327;
               (2)  closure of the campus [or pursue alternative
  management under Section 39.1327].
         SECTION 3.  Section 39.1327, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  ACADEMICALLY UNACCEPTABLE CAMPUSES. (a)  A campus may be subject
  to this section if the campus has been identified as academically
  unacceptable under Section 39.132 and the commissioner orders
  repurposing of the campus [alternative management] under Section
  39.1324(d), (e), or (f).
         (b)  [The commissioner shall solicit proposals from
  qualified nonprofit entities to assume management of a campus
  subject to this section or may appoint to assume management of a
  campus subject to this section a school district other than the
  district in which the campus is located that is located in the
  boundaries of the same regional education service center as the
  campus is located.     A district appointed under this section shall
  assume management of a campus subject to this section in the same
  manner provided by this section for a qualified nonprofit entity or
  in accordance with commissioner rule.
         [(c)]  If the commissioner determines that the basis for
  identifying a campus as academically unacceptable is limited to a
  specific condition that may be remedied with targeted technical
  assistance, the commissioner may:
               (1)  provide the campus a one-year waiver under this
  section; and
               (2)  require the district to contract for the
  appropriate technical assistance.
         (c)  A district ordered to repurpose a campus under Section
  39.1324 shall submit a plan to the commissioner for approval. The
  plan must include a description of a rigorous and relevant academic
  program for the campus. The plan may include various instructional
         (d)  The commissioner may not approve the repurposing of a
  campus under Section 39.1324 unless:
               (1)  at least 50 percent of the students enrolled at the
  campus in the school year immediately preceding the repurposing of
  the campus are provided with the opportunity to enroll at another
  school, which may include another school on the same campus;
               (2)  the principal is not retained at the campus; and
               (3)  at least 75 percent of the teachers employed at the
  campus in the school year immediately preceding the repurposing of
  the campus are not retained at the campus, unless an exception is
  granted under Subsection (e).
         (e)  The commissioner or a management team appointed under
  Section 39.1324(c) may grant an exception to the requirement
  provided by Subsection (d) (3) for a teacher who provides
  instruction in a subject other than a subject for which an
  assessment instrument is administered under Section 39.023 (a) or
  (c). At the request of a district that is comprised of a single
  school providing instruction at the effected grade level, the
  commissioner may grant an exception to the requirement provided b
  Subsection (d)(1) if the commissioner finds that there is no school
  in the district in which the students may enroll. If the
  commissioner grants an exception to the requirement provided by
  Subsection (d)(1), he may order the school district to provide
  students with more intensive academic intervention.  At the request
  of the district, the commissioner may grant an exception to the
  requirement provided by Subsection (d) (3) for a teacher who
  provides instruction in a subject for which an assessment
  instrument is administered under Section 39.023 (a) or (c) if the
  district demonstrates that the students of the teacher demonstrated
  improved academic growth [performed at or above the statewide
  average on the assessment instrument for] in the teacher's subject ] in the teacher's subject
  of instruction [that was administered under Section 39.023(a) of
  (c)] in the school year immediately preceding the repurposing of ] in the school year immediately preceding the repurposing of
  the campus. The commissioner shall adopt objective standards for
  determining improved academic growth.
          (f)  If an educator is not retained under Subsection (d),
  the educator may be assigned to another position in the district.
         [(d)     The commissioner may annually solicit proposals under
  this section for the management of a campus subject to this
  section.     The commissioner shall notify a qualified nonprofit
  entity that has been approved as a provider under this
  section.     The district must execute a contract with an approved
  provider and relinquish control of the campus before January 1 of
  the school year.
         [(e)     To qualify for consideration as a managing entity under
  this section, the entity must submit a proposal that provides
  information relating to the entity's management and leadership team
  that will participate in management of the campus under
  consideration, including information relating to individuals that
               [(1)     documented success in whole school interventions
  that increased the educational and performance levels of students
  in academically unacceptable campuses;
               [(2)     a proven record of effectiveness with programs
  assisting low-performing students;
               [(3)     a proven ability to apply research-based school
  intervention strategies;
               [(4)     a proven record of financial ability to perform
  under the management contract; and
               [(5)     any other experience or qualifications the
  commissioner determines necessary.
         [(f)     In selecting a managing entity under this section, the
  commissioner shall give preference to a nonprofit entity that:
               [(1)  meets any qualifications under this section; and
               [(2)     has documented success in educating students from
  similar demographic groups and with similar educational needs as
  the students who attend the campus that is to be operated by a
  managing entity under this section.
         [(g)     The school district may negotiate the term of a
  management contract for not more than five years with an option to
  renew the contract.     The management contract must include a
  provision describing the district's responsibilities in supporting
  the operation of the campus. The commissioner shall approve the
  contract before the contract is executed and, as appropriate, may
  require the district, as a term of the contract, to support the
  campus in the same manner as the district was required to support
  the campus before the execution of the management contract.
         [(h)     A management contract under this section shall include
  provisions approved by the commissioner that require the managing
  entity to demonstrate improvement in campus performance, including
  negotiated performance measures.     The performance measures must be
  consistent with the priorities of this chapter.     The commissioner
  shall evaluate a managing entity's performance on the first and
  second anniversaries of the date of the management contract. If the
  evaluation fails to demonstrate improvement as negotiated under the
  contract by the first anniversary of the date of the management
  contract, the district may terminate the management contract, with
  the commissioner's consent, for nonperformance or breach of
  contract and select another provider from an approved list provided
  by the commissioner. If the evaluation fails to demonstrate
  significant improvement, as determined by the commissioner, by the
  second anniversary of the date of the management contract, the
  district shall terminate the management contract and select another
  provider from an approved list provided by the commissioner or
  resume operation of the campus if approved by the commissioner. If
  the commissioner approves the district's operation of the campus,
  the commissioner shall assign a technical assistance team to assist
  the campus.
         [(i)     Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, the
  funding for a campus operated by a managing entity must be not less
  than the funding of the other campuses in the district on a per
  student basis so that the managing entity receives at least the same
  funding the campus would otherwise have received.
         [(j)     Each campus operated by a managing entity under this
  section is subject to this chapter in the same manner as any other
  campus in the district.
         [(k)     The commissioner may adopt rules necessary to
  implement this section.
         [(l)     With respect to the management of a campus under this
               [(1)     a managing entity is considered to be a
  governmental body for purposes of Chapters 551 and 552, Government
  Code; and
               [(2)     any requirement in Chapter 551 or 552, Government
  Code, that applies to a school district or the board of trustees of
  a school district applies to a managing entity.]
         SECTION 4.  Section 39.134, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 39.134.  COSTS PAID BY DISTRICT.  The costs of
  providing a monitor, conservator, management team, campus
  intervention team, technical assistance team, [managing entity
  under Section 39.1327,] or service provider under Section 39.1331
  shall be paid by the district.  If the district fails or refuses to
  pay the costs in a timely manner, the commissioner may:
               (1)  pay the costs using amounts withheld from any
  funds to which the district is otherwise entitled; or
               (2)  recover the amount of the costs in the manner
  provided for recovery of an overallocation of state funds under
  Section 42.258.
         SECTION 5.  Section 39.135(c), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  A conservator or management team, if directed by the
  commissioner, shall prepare a plan for the implementation of action
  under Section 39.131(a)(9) or (10). The conservator or management
               (1)  may direct an action to be taken by the principal
  of a campus, the superintendent of the district, or the board of
  trustees of the district;
               (2)  may approve or disapprove any action of the
  principal of a campus, the superintendent of the district, or the
  board of trustees of the district;
               (3)  may not take any action concerning a district
  election, including ordering or canceling an election or altering
  the date of or the polling places for an election;
               (4)  may not change the number of or method of selecting
  the board of trustees;
               (5)  may not set a tax rate for the district; [and]
               (6)  may not adopt a budget for the district that
  provides for spending a different amount, exclusive of required
  debt service, from that previously adopted by the board of
  trustees; and
               (7)  may recommend to the commissioner that all or part
  of the services of a technical assistance team or campus
  intervention team appointed under Section 39.1322 are no longer
  needed at a campus.
         SECTION 6.  A campus ordered to pursue alternative
  management under Section 39.1324, Education Code, as that section
  existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that
  entered into a contract with a managing entity under Section
  39.1327, Education Code, as that section existed immediately before
  the effective date of this Act, is governed by Section 39.1327,
  Education Code, as that section existed immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, until the expiration of the contract,
  and Section 39.1327, Education Code, as that section existed
  immediately before the effective date of this Act, continues in
  effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.