81R4377 SGA-F
  By: Lucio S.B. No. 1643
  relating to the artificial reef program; creating offenses and
  providing criminal and civil penalties.
         SECTION 1.  Section 89.001, Parks and Wildlife Code, is
  amended by adding Subdivision (2-a) to read as follows:
               (2-a) "Permit" means a permit issued by the United
  States secretary of the army to the department, or person other than
  the department as provided by Section 89.004, for siting,
  constructing, monitoring, maintaining, and managing an artificial
  reef in accordance with the criteria and standards established
  under the National Fishing Enhancement Act.
         SECTION 2.  Section 89.002(b), Parks and Wildlife Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  In carrying out the duties under Subsection (a) [of this
  section], the department shall:
               (1)  plan and review permit applications for artificial
               (2)  coordinate with relevant state and federal
               (3)  hold public hearings on proposed artificial reefs;
               (4)  oversee maintenance and placement requirements of
  artificial reefs; and
               (5)  develop rules and guidelines for [, in conjunction
  with the advisory committee, in] the collection of fees, grants,
  and donations to the artificial reef account.
         SECTION 3.  Section 89.006, Parks and Wildlife Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 89.006.  REEF CONSTRUCTION BY OTHERS. (a) The
  department may authorize a person to place a donation of reef
  materials in a permitted zone in accordance with this chapter and
  commission rules and guidelines.
         (b)  The commission by rule may establish and provide for the
  collection of a fee to cover costs associated with issuing an
  authorization under Subsection (a).
         SECTION 4.  Section 89.041(b), Parks and Wildlife Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The account is composed of:
               (1)  all funds received under Sections 89.006,
  [Section] 89.043, 89.044, and 89.083 [of this code], including
  interest and earnings;
               (2)  revenue collected under Section 11.027(c) that is
  associated with artificial reefs; and
               (3)  money from any other source provided by law.
         SECTION 5.  Section 89.042, Parks and Wildlife Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  Money in the artificial reef account may be used only for carrying
  out the purposes of this chapter [The funds received under Section
  89.043 of this code are dedicated to the department for the purpose
  of carrying out this chapter, including siting, designing,
  constructing, monitoring, and otherwise managing an artificial
  reef or artificial reef system].
         SECTION 6.  Subchapter C, Chapter 89, Parks and Wildlife
  Code, is amended by adding Section 89.044 to read as follows:
         Sec. 89.044.  CONCESSIONS. The department may operate or
  grant contracts to operate concessions in connection with the
  artificial reef program under this chapter.
         SECTION 7.  Chapter 89, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter E to read as follows:
         Sec. 89.081.  PENALTY. A person who violates this chapter, a
  rule adopted under this chapter, or an authorization issued under
  Section 89.006 commits an offense that is a Class C Parks and
  Wildlife misdemeanor.
         Sec. 89.082.  CIVIL PENALTY. A person who violates this
  chapter, a rule adopted under this chapter, or an authorization
  issued under Section 89.006 is subject to a civil penalty of not
  less than $100 or more than $10,000 for each act of violation and
  for each day of violation, to be recovered as provided by this
         Sec. 89.083.  ENFORCEMENT. (a)  If a person has violated,
  is violating, or is threatening to violate this chapter, a rule
  adopted under this chapter, or an authorization issued under
  Section 89.006, the director may bring suit:
               (1)  to restrain the person from continuing the
  violation or threat of violation;
               (2)  to recover the civil penalty under Section 89.082;
               (3)  to recover the amount spent to remediate the
  damage caused by the violation; or
               (4)  for any appropriate combination of the remedies
  described by this subsection.
         (b)  On application for injunctive relief and a finding that
  a person is violating or threatening to violate a provision of this
  chapter, a rule adopted under this chapter, or an authorization
  issued under Section 89.006, a court shall grant the injunctive
  relief the facts may warrant, without requirement for bond.
         (c)  At the request of the director, the attorney general or
  the county attorney of the county in which the violation or threat
  of violation occurred shall bring suit for injunctive relief, to
  recover a civil penalty, to recover the amount spent to remediate
  the damage caused by the violation, or for any appropriate
  combination of those remedies.
         (d)  Except as provided by Subsection (e), amounts recovered
  under this section shall be credited to the artificial reef
         (e)  The actual cost of investigation, reasonable attorney's
  fees, and reasonable expert witness fees may be recovered, and
  those recovered amounts shall be credited to the same operating
  funds from which expenditures occurred.
         Sec. 89.084.  MORE THAN ONE DEFENDANT. If more than one
  defendant is named in an action under this chapter, each defendant
  against whom judgment is rendered is jointly and severally liable
  for recovery provided by this chapter.
  PERMISSIBLE. The pendency or determination of a civil action
  brought under this chapter or a criminal prosecution for the same
  violation does not bar the other action.
         SECTION 8.  Section 89.041(c), Parks and Wildlife Code, is
         SECTION 9.  (a) The change in law made by this Act applies
  only to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this
  Act. For purposes of this section, an offense is committed before
  the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurs
  before the effective date.
         (b)  An offense committed before the effective date of this
  Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed,
  and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.