By: Nichols, Eltife, Williams  S.B. No. 1668
         (In the Senate - Filed March 10, 2009; March 20, 2009, read
  first time and referred to Committee on Agriculture and Rural
  Affairs; May 4, 2009, reported favorably by the following vote:  
  Yeas 3, Nays 1; May 4, 2009, sent to printer.)
  relating to application requirements and performance standards for
  agricultural biomass and landfill diversion incentive grants.
         SECTION 1.  Section 22.001, Agriculture Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 22.001.  POLICY AND PURPOSE.  It is the policy of this
  state and the purpose of this chapter to reduce air pollution,
  improve air quality, protect public health, help this state
  diversify its energy supply, and divert waste from landfills
  through new price-support incentives to encourage the generation of
  [construction of facilities to generate] electric energy with
  certain types of agricultural residues, forest wood waste, urban
  wood waste, storm-generated biomass debris, and energy-dedicated
         SECTION 2.  Section 22.003, Agriculture Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (b-1) to read as
         (b)  Subject to Section 22.005, a farmer, logger, or diverter
  is entitled to receive a grant in the amount of $20 for each
  bone-dry ton of qualified agricultural biomass, forest wood waste,
  urban wood waste, or storm-generated biomass debris provided by the
  farmer, logger, or diverter in a form suitable for generating
  electric energy to a facility that:
               (1)  is located in this state;
               (2)  [was placed in service after August 31, 2009;
               [(3)]  generates electric energy for its own use or for
  sale [sold] to a third party by using qualified agricultural
  biomass, forest wood waste, urban wood waste, or storm-generated
  biomass debris;
               (3) [(4)]  uses the best available emissions control
  technology, considering the technical practicability and economic
  reasonableness of reducing or eliminating the air contaminant
  emissions resulting from the facility;
               (4) [(5)]  maintains its emissions control equipment
  in good working order; and
               (5) [(6)]  is in compliance with its operating permit
  issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality under
  Chapter 382, Health and Safety Code.
         (b-1)  Consistent with Subsection (d), the commissioner by
  rule shall establish:
               (1)  requirements an applicant must comply with to be
  eligible for a grant under this chapter;
               (2)  performance standards that must be met by a
  recipient of a grant under this chapter;
               (3)  audit procedures that ensure that the recipient of
  a grant meets the performance standards established by this
  section; and
               (4)  procedures for recovering grant funds from a
  recipient who fails to meet the requirements or standards
  established by the commissioner for the grant.
         SECTION 3.  The Texas Department of Agriculture shall adopt
  rules consistent with Section 22.003, Agriculture Code, as amended
  by this Act, not later than December 1, 2009.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
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