By: Patrick S.B. No. 1835
  relating to the offenses of unauthorized duplication, unauthorized
  recording, and improper labeling of recordings.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 641, Business & Commerce Code, is
  transferred to Chapter 32, Penal Code, redesignated as Subchapter
  E, Chapter 32, Penal Code, and amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 32.71  [641.001]. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter
               (1)  "Fix" means to embody in a recording or other
  tangible medium of expression, by or under the authority of the
  author, so that the matter embodied is sufficiently permanent or
  stable to permit it to be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise
  communicated for a period of more than transitory duration.
               (2)  "Live performance" means a recitation, rendering,
  or playing of a series, in an audible sequence, of:
                     (A)  images;
                     (B)  musical, spoken, or other sounds; or
                     (C)  a combination of images and sounds.
               (3)  "Owner" means a person who owns the sounds fixed in
  a master phonograph record, master disc, master tape, master film,
  or other recording:
                     (A)  on which sound is recorded; and
                     (B)  from which the transferred recorded sounds
  are directly or indirectly derived.
               (4)  "Recording" means a tangible medium on which
  sounds, images, or both are recorded or otherwise stored,
                     (A)  an original phonograph record, disc, tape,
  audio or video cassette, wire, film, electronic storage device, or
  other medium now existing or later developed; or
                     (B)  a copy or reproduction that wholly or partly
  duplicates the original.
         Sec. 32.72  [641.051].  UNAUTHORIZED DUPLICATION OF CERTAIN
  RECORDINGS. (a)  This section applies only to a recording that was
  initially fixed before February 15, 1972.
         (b)  A person commits an offense if the person:
               (1)  knowingly reproduces for sale or causes to be
  transferred any recording with intent to sell the recording or
  cause the recording to be sold or use a recording or cause the
  recording to be used for commercial advantage or private financial
  gain through public performance without the consent of the owner;
               (2)  with the knowledge that the sounds on a recording
  have been reproduced or transferred without the consent of the
  owner, transports the recording within this state for commercial
  advantage or private financial gain; or
               (3)  with the knowledge that a recording has been
  reproduced or transferred without the consent of the owner:
                     (A)  advertises, offers for sale, sells, or rents
  the recording;
                     (B)  causes the sale, resale, or rental of the
  recording; or
                     (C)  possesses the recording for a purpose
  described by Paragraph (A) or (B).
         (c)  [An offense under this section is punishable by:
               [(1)     imprisonment for a term of not more than five
  years, a fine not to exceed $250,000, or both, if:
                     [(A)     the offense involves at least 1,000
  unauthorized recordings during a 180-day period; or
                     [(B)     the defendant has been previously convicted
  under this section;
               [(2)     imprisonment for a term of not more than two
  years, a fine not to exceed $250,000, or both, if the offense
  involves more than 100 but fewer than 1,000 unauthorized recordings
  during a 180-day period; or
               [(3)     confinement in the county jail for a term of not
  more than one year, a fine not to exceed $25,000, or both, if the
  offense is not otherwise punishable under Subdivision (1) or (2).
         [(d)]  This section does not apply to any fees due to the
  American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers.
         Sec. 32.73  [641.052].  UNAUTHORIZED RECORDING OF LIVE
  PERFORMANCE. (a)  A person commits an offense if the person, with
  the knowledge that a live performance has been recorded or fixed
  without the consent of the owner:
               (1)  for commercial advantage or private financial
  gain, advertises, offers for sale, sells, rents, or transports,
  causes the sale, resale, rental, or transportation of, or possesses
  for one or more of these purposes a recording containing sounds of
  the live performance; or
               (2)  with the intent to sell for commercial advantage
  or private financial gain, records or fixes the live performance,
  or causes the live performance to be recorded or fixed on a
         (b)  [An offense under this section is punishable by:
               [(1)     imprisonment for a term of not more than five
  years, a fine not to exceed $250,000, or both, if:
                     [(A)     the offense involves at least 1,000
  unauthorized recordings embodying sound or at least 65 unauthorized
  audiovisual recordings during a 180-day period; or
                     [(B)     the defendant has been previously convicted
  under this section;
               [(2)     imprisonment for a term of not more than two
  years, a fine not to exceed $250,000, or both, if the offense
  involves more than 100 but fewer than 1,000 unauthorized recordings
  embodying sound or more than seven but fewer than 65 unauthorized
  audiovisual recordings during a 180-day period; or
               [(3)     confinement in the county jail for a term of not
  more than one year, a fine not to exceed $25,000, or both, if the
  offense is not otherwise punishable under Subdivision (1) or (2).
         [(c)]  In the absence of a written agreement or law to the
  contrary, the performer or performers of a live performance are
  presumed to own the rights to record or fix those sounds.
         (c) [(d)]  For purposes of this section, a person authorized
  to maintain custody and control over business records that reflect
  whether the owner of a live performance consented to having the live
  performance recorded or fixed is a proper witness in a proceeding
  regarding the issue of consent. A witness called under this
  subsection is subject to the rules of evidence relating to the
  competency of a witness to testify and the relevance and
  admissibility of the testimony offered.
         Sec. 32.74  [641.053].  UNAUTHORIZED OPERATION OF RECORDING
               (1)  "Audiovisual recording function" means the
  capability of a device to record or transmit a motion picture or any
  part of a motion picture by means of any technology now known or
  later developed.
               (2)  "Motion picture theater" means a movie theater,
  screening room, or other place primarily used to exhibit a motion
         (b)  A person commits an offense if, without the consent of
  the owner of the theater, the person, with the intent to record a
  motion picture, knowingly operates the audiovisual recording
  function of any device in a motion picture theater while the motion
  picture is being exhibited.
         (c)  [An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor,
  except that the offense is:
               [(1)     a state jail felony if the person has been
  previously convicted one time of an offense under this section; or
               [(2)     a felony of the third degree if the person has
  been previously convicted two or more times of an offense under this
         [(d)]  It is a defense to prosecution under this section that
  the audiovisual recording function of the device was operated
  solely for official law enforcement purposes.
         (d) [(e)]  If conduct constituting an offense under this
  section also constitutes an offense under another law, the actor
  may be prosecuted under this section, the other law, or both.
         (e) [(f)]  A person who reasonably believes that another has
  knowingly operated the audiovisual recording function of a device
  in a motion picture theater in violation of this section is
  privileged to detain that other person in a reasonable manner and
  for a reasonable time to allow for the arrival of law enforcement
         Sec. 32.75  [641.054].  IMPROPER LABELING. [(a)] A person
  commits an offense if:
               (1)  for commercial advantage or private financial
  gain, the person knowingly:
                     (A)  advertises, offers for sale, sells, rents, or
  transports a recording;
                     (B)  causes the sale, resale, rental, or
  transportation of a recording; or
                     (C)  possesses a recording for a purpose described
  by Paragraph (A) or (B); and
               (2)  the outside cover, box, label, or jacket of the
  recording does not clearly and conspicuously disclose[:
                     [(A)]  the actual name and address of the
  manufacturer[; and
                     [(B)  the name of the performer or group].
         [(b)  An offense under this section is punishable by:
               [(1)     imprisonment for a term of not more than five
  years, a fine not to exceed $250,000, or both, if:
                     [(A)     the offense involves at least 65
  unauthorized recordings during a 180-day period; or
                     [(B)     the defendant has been previously convicted
  under this section;
               [(2)     imprisonment for a term of not more than two
  years, a fine not to exceed $250,000, or both, if the offense
  involves more than seven but fewer than 65 unauthorized recordings
  during a 180-day period; or
               [(3)     confinement in the county jail for a term of not
  more than one year, a fine not to exceed $25,000, or both, if the
  offense is not otherwise punishable under Subdivision (1) or (2).]
         Sec. 32.76.  PENALTIES. (a)  Except as provided by
  Subsection (b), an offense under this subchapter is:
               (1)  a Class C misdemeanor if the value of pecuniary
  loss to the owner of or lawful producer of the recording is less
  than $50;
               (2)  a Class B misdemeanor if the value of pecuniary
  loss to the owner of or lawful producer of the recording is $50 or
  more but less than $500;
               (3)  a Class A misdemeanor if the value of pecuniary
  loss to the owner of or lawful producer of the recording is $500 or
  more but less than $1,500;
               (4)  a state jail felony if the value of pecuniary loss
  to the owner of or lawful producer of the recording is $1,500 or
  more but less than $20,000; or
               (5)  a felony of the third degree if the value of
  pecuniary loss to the owner of or lawful producer of the recording
  is $20,000 or more.
         (b)  The punishment prescribed for an offense that is
  punishable under Subsection (a)(1), (2), (3), or (4) is increased
  to the next highest category of offense if the defendant has one or
  more times been previously convicted of or received a grant of
  deferred adjudication community supervision for an offense under
  this subchapter.
         Sec. 32.77  [641.055].  FORFEITURE. If a person is
  convicted of an offense under [a violation of] this subchapter
  [chapter], the court in its judgment of conviction shall order the
  forfeiture and destruction or other disposition of:
               (1)  all recordings on which the conviction is based;
               (2)  all devices and equipment used or intended to be
  used in the manufacture of the recordings on which the conviction is
         Sec. 32.78.  RESTITUTION. (a)  If a person is convicted of
  an offense under this subchapter, the court shall order the person
  to make restitution to:
               (1)  an owner or lawful producer of a master recording
  who has suffered pecuniary loss as a result of the offense; or
               (2)  a trade association that represents an owner or
  lawful producer described by Subdivision (1).
         (b)  The court shall base the amount of restitution on the
  value of the recordings involved in the offense, as determined
  under Section 32.02
  Sections 641.051, 641.052, and 641.054 do not affect the rights and
  remedies of a party in private litigation.
         [Sec.   641.057.     PENALTIES CUMULATIVE. A penalty provided by
  this chapter is in addition to any other penalty provided under
  other law].
         SECTION 2.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act.
  An offense committed before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law in effect at the time the offense was committed.
  For purposes of this section, an offense was committed before the
  effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurred
  before that date.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
  Amend S.B. 1835 as follows:
  (1)  On page 2, between lines 11 and 12 insert the following:
         "(5)  "Artist" means a natural person or an entity that
  contracts to perform or entertain at a live entertainment event.
         (6)  "Live Entertainment Event" means an event that occurs on
  a specific date to which tickets are sold and at which:
               (A)  a natural person or a group of natural persons,
  physically present at the venue, performs for the purpose of
  entertaining a ticket holder who is present at the event;
               (B)  a traveling circus or animal show performs for the
  purpose of entertaining a ticket holder who is present at the event;
               (C)  a historical, museum-quality artifact is on
  display at an exhibition.
         (7)  "Promoter" means an individual contracted by an Artist
  to promote, organize, coordinate, operate and manage a live
  entertainment event.  The term includes services related to:
               (A)  the provision of staff for the live entertainment
  event; or
               (B)  the scheduling and promotion of an artist
  performing or entertaining at the live entertainment event."; and
  On page 5, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following:
         "(d)  A contract or written agreement between a Promoter and
  an Artist for a Live Performance at a Live entertainment event
  creates a fiduciary responsibility between the parties to flow
  through any recording revenue and event proceeds, in the form of
  payments to each other as contractually stipulated, and that both
  parties are required to secure mutual permission in writing before
  producing a recording of a live entertainment event."