81R12077 PAM-D
  By: Zaffirini S.B. No. 1873
  relating to subdivision platting requirements in counties near an
  international border.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 232.021(5) and (9), Local Government
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
               (5)  "Lease" means a final executed contract [includes
  an offer] to lease real property.
               (9)  "Sell" means to convey title to real property
  [includes an offer to sell].
         SECTION 2.  Section 232.022(b), Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  This subchapter applies only to land that is subdivided
  into two or more lots that are intended primarily for residential
  use in the jurisdiction of the county. A lot is presumed to be
  intended for residential use if the lot is less than five acres [or
  less]. This subchapter does not apply if the subdivision is
  incident to the conveyance of the land as a gift between persons
  related to each other within the third degree by affinity or
  consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573, Government Code.
         SECTION 3.  Section 232.025, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 232.025.  SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS. By an order
  adopted and entered in the minutes of the commissioners court, and
  after a notice is published in English and Spanish in a newspaper of
  general circulation in the county, the commissioners court shall
  for each subdivision:
               (1)  require a right-of-way on a street or road that
  functions as a main artery in a subdivision, of a width of not less
  than 50 feet or more than 100 feet;
               (2)  require a right-of-way on any other street or road
  in a subdivision of not less than 40 feet or more than 70 feet;
               (3)  require that the shoulder-to-shoulder width on
  collectors or main arteries within the right-of-way be not less
  than 32 feet or more than 56 feet, and that the shoulder-to-shoulder
  width on any other street or road be not less than 18 [25] feet or
  more than 35 feet;
               (4)  adopt, based on the amount and kind of travel over
  each street or road in a subdivision, reasonable specifications
  relating to the construction of each street or road;
               (5)  adopt reasonable specifications to provide
  adequate drainage for each street or road in a subdivision in
  accordance with standard engineering practices;
               (6)  require that each purchase contract made between a
  subdivider and a purchaser of land in the subdivision contain a
  statement describing how and when water, sewer, electricity, and
  gas services will be made available to the subdivision; and
               (7)  require that the subdivider of the tract execute a
  bond in the manner provided by Section 232.027.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter B, Chapter 232, Local Government
  Code, is amended by adding Section 232.0251 to read as follows:
         Sec. 232.0251.  STANDARD FOR ROADS IN SUBDIVISION. A county
  may not impose under Section 232.025 a higher standard for streets
  or roads in a subdivision than the county imposes on itself for the
  construction of streets or roads with a similar type and amount of
         SECTION 5.  Section 232.027, Local Government Code, is
  amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to
  read as follows:
         (a)  Unless a person has completed the installation of all
  water and sewer service facilities required by this subchapter on
  the date that person applies for final approval of a plat under
  Section 232.024 or the person has complied with Sections
  232.023(b)(12)(A) and (B), Section 232.023(c), and Sections
  232.032(1) and (2), the commissioners court shall require the
  subdivider of the tract to execute and maintain in effect a bond or,
  in the alternative, a person may make a cash deposit in an amount
  the commissioners court determines will ensure compliance with this
  subchapter. A person may not meet the requirements of this
  subsection through the use of a letter of credit unless that letter
  of credit is irrevocable and issued by an institution guaranteed by
  the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation [FDIC]. The subdivider
  must comply with the requirement before subdividing the tract.
         (c)  A bond under this section may not be required from a
  person who has complied with the certification procedures under
  Sections 232.023(b)(12)(A) and (B), Section 232.023(c), and
  Sections 232.032(1) and (2) in regard to the water and sewer service
  facilities required by this subchapter.
         SECTION 6.  Section 232.031(a), Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), a subdivider may
  market, promote, and advertise the sale [not sell] or lease of land
  in a subdivision first platted or replatted after July 1, 1995,
  before [unless] the subdivision plat is approved by the
  commissioners court in accordance with Section 232.024.
         SECTION 7.  Section 232.035, Local Government Code, is
  amended by adding Subsection (d-1) to read as follows:
         (d-1)  A person who violates Subsection (a) is not subject to
  a fine under Subsection (c) or (d) if the person meets the platting
  requirements of this subchapter not later than the 30th day after
  the date the person receives notice that the requirements have not
  been met.
         SECTION 8.  Section 232.036(b), Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A subdivider who owns a subdivision commits an offense
  if the subdivider knowingly fails to timely provide for the
  certification, construction, or installation of water or sewer
  service as required by Section 232.032 or fails to make a reasonable
  effort to have electric utility service and gas utility service
  installed by a utility as required by Section 232.032. An offense
  under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.
         SECTION 9.  Subchapter B, Chapter 232, Local Government
  Code, is amended by adding Section 232.045 to read as follows:
         Sec. 232.045.  BUILDING PERMIT. (a) The county shall issue
  a residential building permit to a person submitting an application
  for the permit who has:
               (1)  met the applicable requirements under this
  subchapter; and
               (2)  otherwise complied with the applicable law and
  rules relating to the issuance of the building permit.
         (b)  The county shall also issue a residential building
  permit to an applicant who:
               (1)  owns a tract of at least 5 but not more than 10
  acres of land that has access to public roads and to the appropriate
  services as required by the county for building permits, that has
  not had a county-approved plat filed with the county clerk, and that
  is used for agricultural purposes; and
               (2)  has otherwise complied with the applicable law and
  rules relating to the issuance of the building permit.
         (c)  The county may charge a reasonable fee to cover the cost
  of administering the issuance of residential building permits under
  this subchapter.
         SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect immediately if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
  effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.