By: Watson S.B. No. 2024
  relating to the maximum allowable premium rate increase for small
  employer health benefit plans.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter D, Chapter 501, Insurance Code, is
  amended by amending Sections 501.151 and 501.153 and adding Section
  501.160 to read as follows:
         Sec. 501.151.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICE. The office:
               (1)  may assess the impact of insurance rates, rules,
  and forms on insurance consumers in this state; [and]
               (2)  shall advocate in the office's own name positions
  determined by the public counsel to be most advantageous to a
  substantial number of insurance consumers; and
               (3)  shall accept from a small employer, an eligible
  employee, or an eligible employee's dependent and, if appropriate,
  refer to the commissioner, a complaint described by Section
  The public counsel:
               (1)  may appear or intervene, as a party or otherwise,
  as a matter of right before the commissioner or department on behalf
  of insurance consumers, as a class, in matters involving:
                     (A)  rates, rules, and forms affecting:
                           (i)  property and casualty insurance;
                           (ii)  title insurance;
                           (iii)  credit life insurance;
                           (iv)  credit accident and health insurance;
                           (v)  any other line of insurance for which
  the commissioner or department promulgates, sets, adopts, or
  approves rates, rules, or forms;
                     (B)  rules affecting life, health, or accident
  insurance; or
                     (C)  withdrawal of approval of policy forms:
                           (i)  in proceedings initiated by the
  department under Sections 1701.055 and 1701.057; or
                           (ii)  if the public counsel presents
  persuasive evidence to the department that the forms do not comply
  with this code, a rule adopted under this code, or any other law;
               (2)  may initiate or intervene as a matter of right or
  otherwise appear in a judicial proceeding involving or arising from
  an action taken by an administrative agency in a proceeding in which
  the public counsel previously appeared under the authority granted
  by this chapter;
               (3)  may appear or intervene, as a party or otherwise,
  as a matter of right on behalf of insurance consumers as a class in
  any proceeding in which the public counsel determines that
  insurance consumers are in need of representation, except that the
  public counsel may not intervene in an enforcement or parens
  patriae proceeding brought by the attorney general; [and]
               (4)  may appear or intervene before the commissioner or
  department as a party or otherwise on behalf of small commercial
  insurance consumers, as a class, in a matter involving rates,
  rules, or forms affecting commercial insurance consumers, as a
  class, in any proceeding in which the public counsel determines
  that small commercial consumers are in need of representation; and
               (5)  may appear before the commissioner on behalf of a
  small employer, eligible employee, or eligible employee's
  dependent in a complaint the office refers to the commissioner
  under Section 501.160.
  INCREASES. (a)  A small employer, an eligible employee, or an
  eligible employee's dependent may file a complaint with the office
  alleging that a rate is excessive for the risks to which the rate
  applies, if the percentage increase in the premium rate charged to a
  small employer under Subchapter E, Chapter 1501, for a new rating
  period exceeds 10 percent.
         (b)  The office shall refer a complaint received under
  Subsection (a) to the commissioner if the office determines that
  the complaint substantially attests to a rate charged that is
  excessive for the risks to which the rate applies.
         (c)  With respect to a complaint filed under Subsection (a),
  the office may issue a subpoena applicable throughout the state
  that requires the production of records.
         (d)  On application of the office in the case of disobedience
  of a subpoena, a district court may issue an order requiring any
  individual or person, including a small employer health benefit
  plan issuer described by Section 1501.002, that is subpoenaed to
  obey the subpoena and produce records, if the individual or person
  has refused to do so. An application under this subsection must be
  made in a district court in Travis County.
         SECTION 2.  Section 1501.204, Insurance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 1501.204.  INDEX RATES.  Under a small employer health
  benefit plan:
               (1)  the index rate for a class of business may not
  exceed the index rate for any other class of business by more than
  15 [20] percent; and
               (2)  premium rates charged during a rating period to
  small employers in a class of business with similar case
  characteristics for the same or similar coverage, or premium rates
  that could be charged to those employers under the rating system for
  that class of business, may not vary from the index rate by more
  than 20 [25] percent.
         SECTION 3.  Section 1501.205, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
         (d)  A small employer health benefit plan issuer shall
  disclose the risk load assessed to a small employer group to the
  group, along with a description of the risk characteristics
  material to the risk load assessment.
         SECTION 4.  Section 1501.206(a), Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The percentage increase in the premium rate charged to a
  small employer for a new rating period may not exceed the sum of:
               (1)  the percentage change in the new business premium
  rate, measured from the first day of the preceding rating period to
  the first day of the new rating period;
               (2)  any adjustment, not to exceed 10 [15] percent
  annually and adjusted pro rata for a rating period of less than one
  year, due to the claims experience, health status, or duration of
  coverage of the employees or dependents of employees of the small
  employer, as determined under the small employer health benefit
  plan issuer's rate manual for the class of business; and
               (3)  any adjustment, not to exceed five percent
  annually and adjusted pro rata for a rating period of less than one
  year, due to change in coverage or change in the case
  characteristics of the small employer, as determined under the
  issuer's rate manual for the class of business.
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter E, Chapter 1501, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 1501.2131 and amending Section 1501.214
  to read as follows:
  ADJUSTMENTS. If the percentage increase in the premium rate
  charged to a small employer for a new rating period exceeds 10
  percent, the small employer, an eligible employee, or an eligible
  employee's dependent may file a complaint with the office of public
  insurance counsel as provided by Section 501.160.
         Sec. 1501.214.  ENFORCEMENT.  (a)  Subject to Subsection
  (b), if [If] the commissioner determines that a small employer
  health benefit plan issuer subject to this chapter exceeds the
  applicable premium rate established under this subchapter, the
  commissioner may order restitution and assess penalties as provided
  by Chapter 82.
         (b)  The commissioner shall enter an order under this section
  if the commissioner makes the finding described by Section
         SECTION 6.  Chapter 1501, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter N to read as follows:
         Sec. 1501.651.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Honesty-in-premium account" means the account
  established under Section 1501.656.
               (2)  "Office" means the office of public insurance
         Sec. 1501.652.  COMPLAINT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. (a)  On the
  receipt of a referral of a complaint from the office of public
  insurance counsel under Section 501.160, the commissioner shall
  request written memoranda from the office and the small employer
  health benefit plan issuer that is the subject of the complaint.
         (b)  After receiving the initial memoranda described by
  Subsection (a), the commissioner may request one rebuttal
  memorandum from the office.
         (c)  The commissioner may by rule limit the number of
  exhibits submitted with or the time frame allowed for the submittal
  of the memoranda described by Subsection (a) or (b).
         Sec. 1501.653.  ORDER; FINDINGS.  The commissioner shall
  issue an order under Section 1501.214(b), if the commissioner
  determines that the rate complained of is excessive for the risks to
  which the rate applies.
         Sec. 1501.654.  COSTS.  The office may request, and the
  commissioner may award to the office, reasonable costs and fees
  associated with the investigation and resolution of a complaint
  filed under Section 501.160 and disposed of in accordance with this
         Sec. 1501.655.  ASSESSMENT.  (a)  The commissioner may make
  an assessment against each small employer health benefit plan
  issuer in an amount that is sufficient to cover the costs of
  investigating and resolving a complaint filed under Section 501.160
  and disposed of in accordance with this subchapter.
         (b)  The commissioner shall deposit assessments collected
  under this section to the credit of the honesty-in-premium account.
         Sec. 1501.656.  HONESTY-IN-PREMIUM ACCOUNT.  (a)  The
  honesty-in-premium account is an account in the general revenue
  fund that may be appropriated only to cover the cost associated with
  the investigation and resolution of a complaint filed under Section
  501.160 and disposed of in accordance with this subchapter.
         (b)  Interest earned on the honesty-in-premium account shall
  be credited to the account. The account is exempt from the
  application of Section 403.095, Government Code.
         Sec. 1501.657.  RATE REDUCTION NOT PROHIBITED.  Nothing in
  this subchapter prohibits a small employer health benefit plan
  issuer from, at any time, offering a different rate to the group
  whose rate is the subject of a complaint.
         SECTION 7.  The change in law made by Chapter 1501, Insurance
  Code, as amended by this Act, applies only to a small employer
  health benefit plan that is delivered, issued for delivery, or
  renewed on or after January 1, 2010. A small employer health
  benefit plan that is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed
  before January 1, 2010, is covered by the law in effect at the time
  the health benefit plan was delivered, issued for delivery, or
  renewed, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.