By: Lucio  S.B. No. 2060
         (In the Senate - Filed March 12, 2009; March 31, 2009, read
  first time and referred to Committee on Transportation and Homeland
  Security; May 14, 2009, reported adversely, with favorable
  Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 7, Nays 0;
  May 14, 2009, sent to printer.)
  relating to the authority of a school district to implement a school
  bus monitoring system that records images, including images of
  vehicles that pass a stopped school bus; providing for the
  imposition of penalties.
         SECTION 1.  Section 545.066, Transportation Code, is amended
  by adding Subsection (g) to read as follows:
         (g)  An image recorded by the monitoring system authorized by
  Section 547.701(b)(3) may be used in the administrative
  adjudication of a violation under this section if the image:
               (1)  is otherwise admissible;
               (2)  clearly shows the vehicle, including the license
  plate attached to the vehicle, at the time the offense is alleged to
  have occurred; and
               (3)  is accompanied by an affidavit executed by a peace
  officer stating that the image is authentic and that establishes
  probable cause that a violation occurred.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 545, Transportation Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter J to read as follows:
         Sec. 545.451.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies only to a county that has a population of more than 325,000
  and that is located adjacent to:
               (1)  an international border; and
               (2)  a county that has a population of more than
         Sec. 545.452.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Owner of a motor vehicle" means the owner of a
  motor vehicle as shown on the motor vehicle registration records of
  the Texas Department of Transportation or the analogous department
  or agency of another state or country.
               (2)  "Recorded image" means a live or recorded
  photographic, electronic, video, or digital image that depicts a
  motor vehicle.
               (3)  "School bus monitoring system" means a system
  authorized by Section 547.701(b)(3).
         Sec. 545.453.  AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE FOR PENALTY. (a)  The
  board of trustees of a school district by resolution may impose a
  financial penalty on the registered owner of a vehicle that is
  operated in a manner that violates Section 545.066 within the
  school district.
         (b)  The resolution adopted under this section must:
               (1)  provide for a penalty of not less than $1 or more
  than $250;
               (2)  authorize an attorney employed by the school
  district or an attorney with whom the school district contracts to
  bring suit to collect the penalty;
               (3)  provide for notice of the violation to the
  registered owner of the motor vehicle that committed the violation;
               (4)  provide that a person against whom the school
  district seeks to impose a penalty is entitled to an administrative
  adjudication hearing;
               (5)  designate the department, agency, or office of the
  school district responsible for the enforcement and administration
  of the resolution or provide that the entity with which the school
  district enters into an interlocal agreement of understanding under
  Section 545.454(3) is responsible for the enforcement and
  administration of the resolution;
               (6)  provide regulations for the use of live or
  recorded images recorded by the school bus monitoring system; and
               (7)  provide for other procedures that the board
  determines are necessary for the imposition of any penalty
  authorized by this section.
         (c)  Except as otherwise provided:
               (1)  by this subchapter, an image recorded by the
  monitoring system authorized by Section 547.701(b)(3) that is not
  used in the prosecution of an offense under this section shall be
  destroyed by the owner of the school bus; or
               (2)  by Section 545.066(g), an image recorded by the
  monitoring system authorized by Section 547.701(b)(3) may not be
  sold or distributed to another person.
         (d)  Penalties collected under this section may be used by a
  school district only to cover the cost of:
               (1)  installing, operating, and maintaining the school
  bus monitoring system;
               (2)  collecting a penalty imposed under this section;
               (3)  developing and implementing a program that
  promotes student safety; or
               (4)  complying with Section 547.701(e) relating to
  three point seatbelts for school buses.
  MONITORING SYSTEM. A school district that implements a school bus
  monitoring system and adopts a resolution imposing a penalty under
  this subchapter may:
               (1)  contract for the administration and enforcement of
  the system;
               (2)  install and operate the system or contract for the
  installation or operation of the system;
               (3)  enter into an interlocal agreement with a
  municipality or county in which the school district is located
  regarding administrative adjudication hearings required by a
  resolution adopted under this subchapter; or
               (4)  enter into an interlocal agreement with another
  school district regarding the administration, enforcement,
  installation, or operation of the system.
  (a)  A school district shall operate a monitoring system authorized
  by Section 547.701(b)(3) only for the purpose of detecting a
  violation or suspected violation of Section 545.066 within the
  school district.
         (b)  A person commits an offense if the person uses a school
  bus monitoring system to produce a recorded image other than in the
  manner and for the purpose specified by a resolution adopted under
  Section 545.453.
         (c)  An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
         Sec. 545.456.  EFFECT ON OTHER ENFORCEMENT. (a)  The
  implementation of a school bus monitoring system by a school
  district under this subchapter does not:
               (1)  preclude the application or enforcement within the
  school district of Section 545.066 in the manner prescribed by
  Chapter 543; or
               (2)  prohibit a peace officer from arresting a violator
  of Section 545.066 as provided by Chapter 543 or from issuing the
  violator a citation and notice to appear as provided by that
         (b)  A school district may not impose a penalty under this
  subchapter on the owner of a motor vehicle if the operator of the
  vehicle was arrested or issued a citation and notice to appear by a
  peace officer for the same violation of Section 545.066 recorded by
  the school bus monitoring system.
         Sec. 545.457.  NOTICE OF VIOLATION; CONTENTS. (a)  The
  imposition of a penalty under this subchapter is initiated by the
  mailing of a notice of violation to the owner of the motor vehicle
  against whom the school district seeks to impose the penalty.
         (b)  Not later than the 30th day after the date the violation
  is alleged to have occurred, the designated department, agency, or
  office of the school district or the entity with which the school
  district enters into an interlocal agreement under Section
  545.454(3) shall mail the notice of violation to the owner of the
  motor vehicle at:
               (1)  the owner's address as shown on the registration
  records of the Texas Department of Transportation; or
               (2)  if the vehicle is registered in another state or
  country, the owner's address as shown on the motor vehicle
  registration records of the department or agency of the other state
  or country analogous to the Texas Department of Transportation.
         (c)  The notice of violation must contain:
               (1)  a description of the violation alleged;
               (2)  the location where the violation occurred;
               (3)  the date and time of the violation;
               (4)  the name and address of the owner of the vehicle
  involved in the violation;
               (5)  the registration number displayed on the license
  plate of the vehicle involved in the violation;
               (6)  a copy of a recorded image of the violation that
  includes a depiction of the registration number displayed on the
  license plate of the vehicle involved in the violation;
               (7)  the amount of the penalty for which the owner is
               (8)  the number of days the person has in which to pay
  or contest the imposition of the penalty;
               (9)  a statement that the owner of the vehicle in the
  notice of violation may elect to pay the penalty instead of
  appearing at the time and place of the administrative adjudication
  hearing; and
               (10)  information that informs the owner of the vehicle
  named in the notice of violation:
                     (A)  of the owner's right to contest the
  imposition of the penalty against the person in an administrative
  adjudication hearing;
                     (B)  that imposition of the penalty may be
  contested by submitting a written request for an administrative
  adjudication hearing before the expiration of the period specified
  under Subdivision (8); and
                     (C)  that failure to pay the penalty or to contest
  liability for the penalty in a timely manner is an admission of
         (d)  A notice of violation is presumed to have been received
  on the fifth day after the date the notice is mailed.
         Sec. 545.458.  PRESUMPTION. (a)  It is presumed that the
  owner of the motor vehicle committed the violation alleged in the
  notice of violation mailed to the person if the motor vehicle
  depicted in a recorded image taken by a school bus monitoring system
  belongs to the owner of the motor vehicle.
         (b)  If, at the time of the violation alleged in the notice of
  violation, the motor vehicle depicted in a recorded image taken by a
  school bus monitoring system was owned by a person in the business
  of selling, renting, or leasing motor vehicles or by a person who
  was not the person named in the notice of violation, the presumption
  under Subsection (a) is rebutted on the presentation of evidence
  establishing that the vehicle was at that time:
               (1)  being test driven by another person;
               (2)  being rented or leased by the vehicle's owner to
  another person; or
               (3)  owned by a person who was not the person named in
  the notice of violation.
         (c)  Notwithstanding Section 545.459, the presentation of
  evidence under Subsection (b) by a person who is in the business of
  selling, renting, or leasing motor vehicles or did not own the
  vehicle at the time of the violation must be made by affidavit,
  through testimony at the administrative adjudication hearing under
  Section 545.459, or by a written declaration under penalty of
  perjury. The affidavit or written declaration may be submitted by
  mail to the school district or the entity with which the school
  district contracts under Section 545.454(1).
         (d)  If the presumption established by Subsection (a) is
  rebutted under Subsection (b), a penalty may not be imposed on the
  owner of the vehicle or the person named in the notice of violation,
  as applicable.
         (e)  If, at the time of the violation alleged in the notice of
  violation, the motor vehicle depicted in the recorded image taken
  by the school bus monitoring system was owned by a person in the
  business of renting or leasing motor vehicles and the vehicle was
  being rented or leased to an individual, the owner of the motor
  vehicle shall provide to the school district or the entity with
  which the school district contracts under Section 545.454(1) the
  name and address of the individual who was renting or leasing the
  motor vehicle depicted in the recorded image and a statement of the
  date and times during which that individual was renting or leasing
  the vehicle. The owner shall provide the information required by
  this subsection not later than the 30th day after the date the
  notice of violation is received. If the owner provides the required
  information, it is presumed that the individual renting or leasing
  the motor vehicle committed the violation alleged in the notice of
  violation and the school district or contractor may send a notice of
  violation to that individual at an address provided by the owner of
  the motor vehicle or from motor vehicle registration records.
  person who receives a notice of violation under this subchapter may
  contest the imposition of the penalty specified in the notice of
  violation by filing a written request for an administrative
  adjudication hearing. The request for a hearing must be filed on or
  before the date specified in the notice of violation, which may not
  be earlier than the 30th day after the date the notice of violation
  was mailed.
         (b)  On receipt of a timely request for an administrative
  adjudication hearing, the school district shall notify the person
  of the date and time of the hearing.
         (c)  An administrative adjudication hearing under this
  subchapter may be conducted by any justice of the peace court in a
  county where the alleged violation of Section 545.066 within the
  school district occurred. For purpose of establishing jurisdiction
  for justice of the peace courts to conduct administrative
  adjudication hearings under this subchapter only a violation of
  this subchapter is a case under Article 4.11(a), Code of Criminal
         (d)  In an administrative adjudication hearing, the issues
  must be proven by a preponderance of the evidence.
         (e)  The reliability of the school bus monitoring system used
  to produce the recorded image of the motor vehicle involved in the
  violation may be attested to by affidavit of an officer or employee
  of the school district or of the entity with which the school
  district contracts under Section 545.454(1) who is responsible for
  inspecting and maintaining the system.
         (f)  An affidavit of a peace officer that alleges a violation
  based on an inspection of the applicable recorded image is:
               (1)  admissible in the administrative adjudication
  hearing; and
               (2)  evidence of the facts contained in the affidavit.
         (g)  At the conclusion of the administrative adjudication
  hearing, the hearing officer shall enter a finding of liability for
  the penalty or a finding of no liability for the penalty. A finding
  under this subsection must be in writing and be signed and dated by
  the hearing officer.
         (h)  A finding of liability for a penalty must specify the
  amount of the penalty for which the person is liable. If the
  hearing officer enters a finding of no liability, a penalty for the
  violation may not be imposed against the person.
         (i)  A finding of liability or a finding of no liability
  entered under this section may:
               (1)  be filed with a person designated by the board of
  trustees of the school district; and
               (2)  be recorded on microfilm or microfiche or using
  data processing techniques.
  imposition of a penalty under this subchapter is not a conviction
  and may not be considered a conviction for any purpose.
         Sec. 545.461.  FAILURE TO PAY PENALTY. (a)  If the owner of
  the motor vehicle fails to timely pay the amount of the penalty
  imposed against the owner:
               (1)  an arrest warrant may not be issued for the owner;
               (2)  the imposition of the penalty may not be recorded
  on the owner's driving record.
         (b)  Notice of Subsection (a) must be included in the notice
  of violation required by Section 545.456.
         SECTION 3.  Subsection (b), Section 547.701, Transportation
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A school bus may be equipped with:
               (1)  rooftop warning lamps:
                     (A)  that conform to and are placed on the bus in
  accordance with specifications adopted under Section 34.002,
  Education Code; and
                     (B)  that are operated under rules adopted by the
  school district; [and]
               (2)  movable stop arms:
                     (A)  that conform to regulations adopted under
  Section 34.002, Education Code; and
                     (B)  that may be operated only when the bus is
  stopped to load or unload students; and
               (3)  a monitoring system that:
                     (A)  is capable of taking live or recorded
  photographic, electronic, video, or digital images of vehicles that
  pass the bus when the bus is operating a visual signal as required
  by this section;
                     (B)  conforms to regulations adopted under
  Section 34.002, Education Code; and
                     (C)  is capable of producing a live or recorded
  visual image of a person inside the bus that may be viewed from
  another location or of taking photographic, electronic, video, or
  digital images of a person inside the bus.
         SECTION 4.  Section 545.451, Transportation Code, as added
  by this Act, expires September 1, 2013.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
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