81R31780 PMO-F
  By: West S.B. No. 2121
  Substitute the following for S.B. No. 2121:
  By:  Elkins C.S.S.B. No. 2121
  relating to the persons entitled to redeem property after the
  foreclosure of a property owners' association's assessment lien.
         SECTION 1.  Section 209.010, Property Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsections (b-1) and
  (b-2) to read as follows:
         (a)  A property owners' association that conducts a
  foreclosure sale of an owner's lot must send to the lot owner and to
  each lienholder of record, not later than the 30th day after the
  date of the foreclosure sale, a written notice stating the date and
  time the sale occurred and informing the lot owner and each
  lienholder of record of the [owner's] right of the lot owner and
  lienholder to redeem the property under Section 209.011.
         (b)  The notice must be sent by certified mail, return
  receipt requested, to:
               (1)  the lot owner's last known mailing address, as
  reflected in the records of the property owners' association;
               (2)  the address of each holder of a lien on the
  property subject to foreclosure evidenced by the most recent deed
  of trust filed of record in the real property records of the county
  in which the property is located; and
               (3)  the address of each transferee or assignee of a
  deed of trust described by Subdivision (2) who has provided notice
  to a property owners' association of such assignment or transfer.  
  Notice provided by a transferee or assignee to a property owners'
  association shall be in writing, shall contain the mailing address
  of the transferee or assignee, and shall be mailed by certified
  mail, return receipt requested, or United States mail with
  signature confirmation to the property owners' association
  according to the mailing address of the property owners'
  association pursuant to the most recent management certificate
  filed of record pursuant to Section 209.004.
         (b-1)  If a recorded instrument does not include an address
  for the lienholder, the association does not have a duty to notify
  the lienholder as provided by this section.
         (b-2)  For purposes of this section, the lot owner is deemed
  to have given approval for the association to notify the
         SECTION 2.  Subsections (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (j),
  (k), (m), (n), and (p), Section 209.011, Property Code, are amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The owner of property in a residential subdivision or a
  lienholder of record may redeem the property from any purchaser at a
  sale foreclosing a property owners' association's assessment lien
  not later than the 180th day after the date the association mails
  written notice of the sale to the owner and the lienholder under
  Section 209.010.
         (d)  To redeem property purchased by the property owners'
  association at the foreclosure sale, the lot owner or lienholder 
  must pay to the association:
               (1)  all amounts due the association at the time of the
  foreclosure sale;
               (2)  interest from the date of the foreclosure sale to
  the date of redemption on all amounts owed the association at the
  rate stated in the dedicatory instruments for delinquent
  assessments or, if no rate is stated, at an annual interest rate of
  10 percent;
               (3)  costs incurred by the association in foreclosing
  the lien and conveying the property to the redeeming lot owner,
  including reasonable attorney's fees;
               (4)  any assessment levied against the property by the
  association after the date of the foreclosure sale;
               (5)  any reasonable cost incurred by the association,
  including mortgage payments and costs of repair, maintenance, and
  leasing of the property; and
               (6)  the purchase price paid by the association at the
  foreclosure sale less any amounts due the association under
  Subdivision (1) that were satisfied out of foreclosure sale
         (e)  To redeem property purchased at the foreclosure sale by
  a person other than the property owners' association, the lot owner
  or lienholder:
               (1)  must pay to the association:
                     (A)  all amounts due the association at the time
  of the foreclosure sale less the foreclosure sales price received
  by the association from the purchaser;
                     (B)  interest from the date of the foreclosure
  sale through the date of redemption on all amounts owed the
  association at the rate stated in the dedicatory instruments for
  delinquent assessments or, if no rate is stated, at an annual
  interest rate of 10 percent;
                     (C)  costs incurred by the association in
  foreclosing the lien and conveying the property to the redeeming
  lot owner, including reasonable attorney's fees;
                     (D)  any unpaid assessments levied against the
  property by the association after the date of the foreclosure sale;
                     (E)  taxable costs incurred in a proceeding
  brought under Subsection (a); and
               (2)  must pay to the person who purchased the property
  at the foreclosure sale:
                     (A)  any assessments levied against the property
  by the association after the date of the foreclosure sale and paid
  by the purchaser;
                     (B)  the purchase price paid by the purchaser at
  the foreclosure sale;
                     (C)  the amount of the deed recording fee;
                     (D)  the amount paid by the purchaser as ad
  valorem taxes, penalties, and interest on the property after the
  date of the foreclosure sale; and
                     (E)  taxable costs incurred in a proceeding
  brought under Subsection (a).
         (f)  If a lot owner or lienholder redeems the property under
  this section, the purchaser of the property at foreclosure shall
  immediately execute and deliver to the redeeming party [owner] a
  deed transferring the property to the [redeeming] lot owner. If a
  purchaser fails to comply with this section, the lot owner or
  lienholder may file an [a cause of] action against the purchaser and
  may recover reasonable attorney's fees from the purchaser if the
  lot owner or the lienholder is the prevailing party in the action.
         (g)  If, before the expiration of the redemption period, the
  redeeming lot owner or lienholder fails to record the deed from the
  foreclosing purchaser or fails to record an affidavit stating that
  the lot owner or lienholder has redeemed the property, the lot
  owner's or lienholder's right of redemption as against a bona fide
  purchaser or lender for value expires after the redemption period.
         (h)  The purchaser of the property at the foreclosure sale or
  a person to whom the person who purchased the property at the
  foreclosure sale transferred the property may presume conclusively
  that the lot owner or a lienholder did not redeem the property
  unless the lot owner or a lienholder files in the real property
  records of the county in which the property is located:
               (1)  a deed from the purchaser of the property at the
  foreclosure sale; or
               (2)  an affidavit that:
                     (A)  states that the property [lot owner] has been 
  redeemed [the property]; [and]
                     (B)  contains a legal description of the property;
                     (C)  includes the name and mailing address of the
  person who redeemed the property.
         (j)  If a person other than the property owners' association
  is the purchaser at the foreclosure sale, before executing a deed
  transferring the property to the [redeeming] lot owner, the
  purchaser shall obtain an affidavit from the association or its
  authorized agent stating that all amounts owed the association
  under Subsection (e) have been paid. The association shall provide
  the purchaser with the affidavit not later than the 10th day after
  the date the association receives all amounts owed to the
  association under Subsection (e). Failure of a purchaser to comply
  with this subsection does not affect the validity of a redemption
  [by a redeeming lot owner].
         (k)  Property that is redeemed remains subject to all liens
  and encumbrances on the property before foreclosure. Any lease
  entered into by the purchaser of property at a sale foreclosing an
  assessment lien of a property owners' association is subject to the
  right of redemption provided by this section and the lot owner's
  right to reoccupy the property immediately after [the] redemption.
         (m)  If a lot owner or lienholder sends by certified mail,
  return receipt requested, a written request to redeem the property
  on or before the last day of the redemption period, the lot owner's
  or lienholder's right of redemption is extended until the 10th day
  after the date the association and any third party foreclosure
  purchaser provides written notice to the redeeming party [lot
  owner] of the amounts that must be paid to redeem the property.
         (n)  After the redemption period and any extended redemption
  period provided by Subsection (m) expires without a redemption of
  the property, the association or third party foreclosure purchaser
  shall record an affidavit in the real property records of the county
  in which the property is located stating that the lot owner or a
  lienholder did not redeem the property during the redemption period
  or any extended redemption period.
         (p)  The rights of a lot owner and a lienholder under this
  section also apply if the sale of the lot owner's property is
  conducted by a constable or sheriff as provided by a judgment
  obtained by the property owners' association.
         SECTION 3.  Sections 209.010 and 209.011, Property Code, as
  amended by this Act, apply only to a foreclosure sale conducted on
  or after the effective date of this Act.  A foreclosure sale
  conducted before the effective date of this Act is governed by the
  law in effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and
  that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.