2009S0676-1 03/11/09
  By: Estes S.B. No. 2127
  relating to consumer protections for clients of exchange
  facilitators for tax-deferred exchanges of real property.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 5, Business & Commerce Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 106 to read as follows:
         Sec. 106.001.  LEGISLATIVE PURPOSE. The legislature finds
  that ensuring the integrity, trustworthiness, and capacity of
  persons holding themselves out as, or performing or contracting to
  perform the activities of, exchange facilitators is vital to the
  consummation of transactions involving exchange of and
  reinvestment in property located in this state and is in the public
  interest. The purpose of this chapter is to provide consumer
  protections for clients of persons that engage in the activities of
  an exchange facilitator in order to ensure the integrity,
  trustworthiness, and capacity of such persons to engage in those
         Sec. 106.002.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)(A)  "Exchange facilitator" means a person, other
  than a person described by Paragraph (B), that:
                           (i)  for a fee facilitates an exchange of
  like kind property by entering into an agreement with a taxpayer by
  which the person acquires from the taxpayer the contractual rights
  to sell the taxpayer's relinquished property located in this state
  and transfers a replacement property to the taxpayer as a qualified
  intermediary, as that term is defined under Treasury Regulation
  Section 1.1031(k)-1(g)(4), or that enters into an agreement with
  the taxpayer to take title to a property in this state as an
  exchange accommodation titleholder, as that term is defined in
  Internal Revenue Service Procedure 2000-37, or that enters into an
  agreement with a taxpayer to act as trustee of a qualified trust or
  as a holder of a qualified escrow as those terms are defined under
  Treasury Regulation Section 1.1031(k)-1(g)(3);
                           (ii)  maintains an office in this state for
  the purpose of soliciting business to perform any of the activities
  described by Subparagraph (i); or
                           (iii)  advertises to the public in this
  state the ability or willingness of the person to provide, or
  solicits customers to whom to sell, the services of the person
  described by Subparagraph (i) or services as a qualified
  intermediary, as that term is defined under Treasury Regulation
  Section 1.1031(k)-1(g)(4), in printed publications, direct mail,
  television or radio advertisements, telephone calls, facsimile
  transmissions, electronic mail and messaging, or other electronic
  communications, whether active or passive.
                     (B)  "Exchange facilitator" does not include any
  of the following persons:
                           (i)  the taxpayer or a disqualified person,
  as that term is defined under Treasury Regulation Section
  1.1031(k)-1(k), seeking to qualify for the nonrecognition
  provisions of Section 1031 Internal Revenue Code of 1986;
                           (ii)  a financial institution that is acting
  only as a depository for exchange funds and that is not facilitating
                           (iii)  a person that advertises for and
  teaches seminars or classes or otherwise makes presentations to
  attorneys, accountants, real estate professionals, tax
  professionals, or other professionals, when the primary purpose is
  to teach the professionals about tax-deferred exchanges or to train
  them to act as exchange facilitators; or
                           (iv)  a person licensed as an attorney at law
  by this state.
               (2)  "Fee" means compensation of any nature, direct or
  indirect, monetary or in kind, that is received by a person or
  related person as defined by Section 267(b) or 707(b), Internal
  Revenue Code of 1986, for any services relating to or incidental to
  the exchange of like kind property.
               (3)  "Financial institution" means any entity the
  operations of which are regulated by an agency of the United States
  Department of the Treasury or the United States Department of
  Housing and Urban Development, a finance agency as defined by
  Chapter 11, Finance Code, the Texas Credit Union Commission and
  credit union department, the Texas Real Estate Commission, or the
  Texas Department of Insurance.
         Sec. 106.003.  FINANCIAL ASSURANCES.  (a)  An exchange
  facilitator must obtain, maintain, and provide to the clients of
  the exchange facilitator the following financial assurances:
               (1)  a fidelity bond or fidelity bonds in an amount not
  less than $1 million, executed by a surety company authorized to do
  business in this state and approved by the commissioner of
  insurance for the purpose of issuing bonds under this chapter, or a
  deposit of cash or securities or letters of credit in an amount not
  less than $1 million, with financial institutions; and
               (2)  a policy of errors and omissions insurance in an
  amount not less than $250,000, or a deposit of cash or securities or
  letters of credit in an amount not less than $250,000, with
  financial institutions and issuers, as applicable.
  A person that engages in the business of providing the services of
  an exchange facilitator is a fiduciary with respect to the parties
  with whom the person contracts to provide services as an exchange
  facilitator. An exchange facilitator has a duty of loyalty and of
  good faith and fair dealing with such parties. A breach of the
  duties or of either duty is actionable by the parties with whom the
  exchange facilitator contracted that suffered a loss due to the
  breach of duty. This section is a clarification of existing law and
  does not create a separate cause of action.
         SECTION 2.  This Act applies only to exchange facilitators
  acting under agreements entered into on or after the effective date
  of this Act or under agreements entered into before the effective
  date of this Act that do not become effective as to all other
  parties until on or after that date.  Exchange facilitators acting
  under agreements that became effective as to all parties before the
  effective date of this Act are covered by the law in effect on the
  date the agreements became effective, and the former law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2010.