By: Ellis S.B. No. 2217
  relating to the designation of a judicial district in Harris County
  as the district court for domestic violence cases in that county.
         SECTION 1.  Section 24.112, Government Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (g), (h), (i), (j),
  (k), and (l) to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (g), the [The]
  provisions of this section apply to the 11th, 55th, 61st, 80th,
  113th, 125th, 127th, 129th, 133rd, 151st, 152nd, 157th, 164th, and
  165th judicial districts.
         (g)  Subsection (h) applies to the 11th, 55th, 61st, 80th,
  113th, 125th, 127th, 129th, 133rd, 151st, 152nd, 157th, 164th,
  165th, 189th, 190th, 215th, 234th, 269th, 270th, 280th, 281st,
  295th, 333rd, and 334th judicial districts.
         (h)  The judges of the district courts listed in Subsection
  (g) by agreement shall designate one of the listed district courts
  as the domestic violence district court for Harris County. In
  designating the domestic violence district court, the judges shall
  give preference to a district court:
               (1)  that has a judicial vacancy at the time of the
  agreement; or
               (2)  for which the sitting judge of the district court
  has not at the time of the agreement announced a candidacy or become
  a candidate in the upcoming election for that judicial office.
         (i)  Subject to any jurisdictional limitations, the district
  court designated under Subsection (h) as the domestic violence
  district court shall give preference to domestic violence cases,
  including cases involving:
               (1)  dating violence, as defined by Section 71.0021,
  Family Code; and
               (2)  family violence, as defined by Section 71.004,
  Family Code.
         (j)  For the purposes of determining the preference the
  designated domestic violence district court is required to give
  cases under Subsection (i):
               (1)  a domestic violence case means:
                     (A)  an original application for a protective
  order under Title 4, Family Code;
                     (B)  an original application for a protective
  order under Title 4, Family Code, that involves both parties and is
  filed concurrently with an original petition under the Family Code;
                     (C)  any matter involving custody of a minor child
  if one parent is alleged to have caused the death of another parent
  and there is a history of domestic violence in the parents'
  relationship; and
               (2)  subject to judicial discretion and resources, the
  designated domestic violence district court may also hear divorce
  and custody cases in which:
                     (A)  a court has made an affirmative finding of
  family violence involving both parties; or
                     (B)  a protective order has been issued under
  Title 4, Family Code, involving both parties.
         (k)  The designated domestic violence district court shall:
               (1)  provide timely and efficient access to emergency
  protective orders and other court remedies for persons the court
  determines are victims of domestic violence;
               (2)  integrate victims' services for persons the court
  determines are victims of domestic violence who have a case before
  the court; and
               (3)  promote an informed and consistent court response
  to domestic violence cases to lessen the number of misdemeanors,
  felonies, and fatalities related to domestic violence in Harris
         (l)  The Harris County district clerk shall create a form and
  establish procedures to transfer a domestic violence case that
  qualifies for preference under this section to the domestic
  violence district court.
         SECTION 2.  Not later than October 1, 2009, the judges of the
  district courts listed in Subsection (g), Section 24.112,
  Government Code, as added by this Act, shall by agreement designate
  a listed court as the domestic violence district court for Harris
  County.  If the judges fail to designate a domestic violence
  district court on or before October 1, 2009, the local
  administrative judge for the Harris County district courts shall
  designate a domestic violence court not later than October 5, 2009.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.