By: Carona  S.B. No. 2221
         (In the Senate - Filed March 13, 2009; March 31, 2009, read
  first time and referred to Committee on Jurisprudence;
  April 24, 2009, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
  Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 4, Nays 0; April 24, 2009,
  sent to printer.)
  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 2221 By:  Hinojosa
  relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an
  order of nondisclosure.
         SECTION 1.  Section 411.081, Government Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (d) and (e) and adding Subsection (e-1) to
  read as follows:
         (d)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter,
  if a person is placed on deferred adjudication community
  supervision under Section 5, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, subsequently receives a discharge and dismissal under
  Section 5(c), Article 42.12, and satisfies the requirements of
  Subsection (e) and, if applicable, Subsection (e-1), the person may
  petition the court that placed the defendant on deferred
  adjudication for an order of nondisclosure under this subsection.  
  Except as provided by Subsection (e), a person may petition the
  court under this subsection regardless of whether the person has
  been previously placed on deferred adjudication community
  supervision for another offense.  After notice to the state and a
  hearing on whether the person is entitled to file the petition and
  issuance of the order is in the best interest of justice, the court
  shall issue an order prohibiting criminal justice agencies from
  disclosing to the public criminal history record information
  related to the offense giving rise to the deferred adjudication.  A
  criminal justice agency may disclose criminal history record
  information that is the subject of the order only to other criminal
  justice agencies, for criminal justice or regulatory licensing
  purposes, an agency or entity listed in Subsection (i), or the
  person who is the subject of the order.  A person may petition the
  court that placed the person on deferred adjudication for an order
  of nondisclosure on payment of a $28 fee to the clerk of the court in
  addition to any other fee that generally applies to the filing of a
  civil petition.  The payment may be made only on or after:
               (1)  the discharge and dismissal, if the offense for
  which the person was placed on deferred adjudication was a
  misdemeanor other than a misdemeanor described by Subdivision (2);
               (2)  the second anniversary of the discharge and
  dismissal, if the offense for which the person was placed on
  deferred adjudication was a misdemeanor under Chapter 20, 21, 22,
  25, 42, or 46, Penal Code; [or]
               (3)  the fifth anniversary of the discharge and
  dismissal, if the offense for which the person was placed on
  deferred adjudication was a felony, except as provided by
  Subdivision (4); or
               (4)  the 10th anniversary of the discharge and
  dismissal, if the offense for which the person was placed on
  deferred adjudication was an offense under Section 21.11 or 22.011,
  Penal Code, and the person satisfies the requirements of Subsection
         (e)  A person is entitled to petition the court under
  Subsection (d) only if during the period of the deferred
  adjudication community supervision for which the order of
  nondisclosure is requested and during the applicable period
  described by Subsection (d)(1), (2), [or] (3), or (4), as
  appropriate, the person is not convicted of or placed on deferred
  adjudication community supervision under Section 5, Article 42.12,
  Code of Criminal Procedure, for any offense other than an offense
  under the Transportation Code punishable by fine only.  A person is
  not entitled to petition the court under Subsection (d) if the
  person was placed on the deferred adjudication community
  supervision for or has been previously convicted or placed on any
  other deferred adjudication for:
               (1)  an offense requiring registration as a sex
  offender under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, except as
  otherwise provided by Subsection (e-1);
               (2)  an offense under Section 20.04, Penal Code,
  regardless of whether the offense is a reportable conviction or
  adjudication for purposes of Chapter 62, Code of Criminal
               (3)  an offense under Section 19.02, 19.03, 22.04,
  22.041, 25.07, or 42.072, Penal Code; or
               (4)  any other offense involving family violence, as
  defined by Section 71.004, Family Code.
         (e-1)  A person is entitled to petition the court under
  Subsection (d) if the person, after having been placed on deferred
  adjudication community supervision for an offense under Section
  21.11 or 22.011, Penal Code, satisfies the requirements of
  Subsection (e), provided that:
               (1)  the person has not been previously convicted or
  placed on any other deferred adjudication for an offense described
  by Subsection (e)(1), (2), (3), or (4), including an offense under
  Section 21.11 or 22.011, Penal Code;
               (2)  at the time the plea was entered, state law
  provided that the registration requirements under Chapter 62, Code
  of Criminal Procedure, would not apply to the person after the
  applicable period of supervision was terminated;
               (3)  the offense was based solely on the ages of the
  person and the victim at the time of the offense;
               (4)  at the time of the offense, the person was not more
  than four years older than the victim and the victim was at least 13
  years of age; and
               (5)  the victim cannot be located after reasonable
  diligence or is otherwise unavailable at the time of the petition
  or, if available, filed with the court an affidavit stating that the
  victim has no objection to the court granting the petition or is
  neutral as to whether the court grants the petition.
         SECTION 2.  The change in law made by this Act in amending
  Section 411.081, Government Code, applies to a person who petitions
  the court for an order of nondisclosure on or after the effective
  date of this Act, regardless of whether the person is placed on
  deferred adjudication community supervision before, on, or after
  that date.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
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