By: Van de Putte S.B. No. 2222
  relating to authorizing the creation of regional military
  sustainability commissions around military installations.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 12, Local Government Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 397A to read as follows:
         Sec. 397A.001.  LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS; PURPOSE. (a)  The
  legislature finds that:
               (1)  the areas that surround military installations
  will be frequented for military, national security, and
  international training purposes by residents from many parts of the
  state, nation, and world;
               (2)  compatible development and use of those areas is
  of concern to the state and nation; and
               (3)  without adequate regulation, the areas will tend
  to become incompatible with military missions and will be used in
  ways that interfere with:
                     (A)  the proper continued use of those areas as
  secure locations for military installations and missions; and
                     (B)  the effective operation of the military
  installations and missions.
         (b)  The regulatory powers granted under this chapter are for
  the purposes of:
               (1)  promoting the public health, safety, and general
               (2)  protecting and preserving places and areas of
  military and national security importance and significance;
               (3)  protecting critical military missions and
  operations related to those missions; and
               (4)  ensuring state and national security.
         (c)  This chapter may not be interpreted to grant regulatory
  powers to administer Chapter 245 or to amend a protection or benefit
  provided by Chapter 245.
         Sec. 397A.002.  APPLICABILITY. (a)  A regulation or
  compatible development standard adopted under this chapter does not
  apply to:
               (1)  a tract of land used for a single-family residence
  that is located outside the boundaries of a platted subdivision;
               (2)  a tract of land in agricultural use;
               (3)  an activity or a structure or appurtenance on a
  tract of land in agricultural use; or
               (4)  any activity or a project, as that term is defined
  by Section 245.001, that is:
                     (A)  occurring or in existence on the effective
  date of the Act adding this chapter; or
                     (B)  receiving the benefits of or protected under
  Chapter 245.
         (b)  In this section:
               (1)  "Agricultural use" means use or activity involving
               (2)  "Agriculture" means:
                     (A)  cultivating the soil to produce crops for
  human food, animal feed, seed for planting, or the production of
                     (B)  practicing floriculture, viticulture,
  silviculture, or horticulture;
                     (C)  raising, feeding, or keeping animals for
  breeding purposes or for the production of food, fiber, leather,
  pelts, or other tangible products having commercial value;
                     (D)  planting cover crops, including cover crops
  cultivated for transplantation, or leaving land idle for the
  purpose of participating in a government program or normal crop or
  livestock rotation procedure; or
                     (E)  engaging in wildlife management.
  SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION. (a)  All counties with unincorporated
  area and municipalities with extraterritorial jurisdiction located
  within five miles of the boundary line of a military installation,
  each of which, with respect to the same military installation,
  constitutes a defense community, as defined by Section 397.001, may
  agree by order, ordinance, or other means to establish and fund a
  regional military sustainability commission under this chapter in
  an area that is located:
               (1)  in the same county as the active military
  installation; and
               (2)  in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the
         (b)  Defense communities may not establish more than one
  commission in a county.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), a commission's
  territory consists of the unincorporated area located within two
  miles of the boundary line of a military installation designated as
  the commission's territory when the commission is established.
         (d)  If a military installation is engaged in flight training
  at the time a commission is established under this section, the
  commission's territory consists of the unincorporated area located
  within three miles of the boundary line of the military
         (e)  A commission is a political subdivision of the state, is
  subject to Section 245.006, and is entitled to immunity as
  described by Chapter 101, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
         (f)  This chapter shall be narrowly construed in conformity
  with the findings and purposes under Section 397A.001.
         Sec. 397A.004.  HEARING ON CREATION OF COMMISSION. (a)  Not
  earlier than the 60th day or later than the 30th day before the date
  the governing body of each participating governmental entity
  establishes a regional military sustainability commission, each
  governing body shall hold two public hearings to consider the
  creation of the proposed commission. Each governing body must, at
  least seven days before each public hearing, prominently post
  notice of the hearing in the administrative offices of the
  governmental entity and publish notice of the hearing in a
  newspaper of general circulation, if any, in the proposed
         (b)  The notice required by Subsection (a) must:
               (1)  state the date, time, and place for the public
               (2)  identify the boundaries of the proposed territory,
  including a map of the proposed territory; and
               (3)  provide a description of the proposed commission's
  SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION. (a)  The governing body of a regional
  military sustainability commission is composed of not more than
  nine members.
         (b)  Participating governmental entities may by joint
  agreement determine the number, qualifications, and method of
  selecting members of the governing body of a commission.
         (c)  A member of a governing body of a commission may not be
  an elected official of a participating county or municipality.
         Sec. 397A.006.  COMMISSION REVIEW OF NEW PROJECTS. (a)  In
  this section, "new project" means a project, as that term is defined
  by Section 245.001, for which an application for a permit that will
  establish a vesting date under Chapter 245 has not been submitted to
  a regulatory agency before the effective date of the Act adding this
  chapter, including a water contract, sewer contract, or master
         (b)  A regional military sustainability commission shall
  establish an advisory committee and appoint six members to the
  committee. Three of the members appointed to the committee must
  represent the military installation for which the commission is
  established and three members must represent landowners in the area
  surrounding the military installation. The committee shall advise
  the commission on protecting the critical military missions of the
  military installation with regard to development.
         (c)  On receipt of an application for a permit for a new
  project in the commission's territory, the governing body of the
  participating governmental entity shall review the application and
  request a report from the commission regarding the proposed
  project. The commission, with the advice of the advisory
  committee, shall review the compatibility of the new project with
  the military installation's military missions and related
  operations based on the commission's compatible development
  standards. The commission shall submit a report of its findings,
  including a recommendation regarding compatibility, to the
  reviewing governmental entity not later than the 30th calendar day
  after the date the request was made. The report must include an
  estimate of the fiscal impact on the affected property of any
  recommendations submitted by the commission if the fiscal impact is
  determinable based on the project description and other information
  provided by the developer.
         (d)  The reviewing governmental entity may not take action on
  the permit application until it receives the report of the
  commission. If the commission finds that the proposed new project
  is not compatible with the military installation's missions and
  recommends denial of the permit application, the reviewing
  governmental entity may disapprove the permit application.
         (e)  On annexation of an area in the commission's territory
  for full or limited purposes by a municipality, the commission's
  authority over the area expires. The commission regains the
  authority in an area if the municipality disannexes the area.
  (a)  Before exercising the authority granted by Section 397A.006, a
  regional military sustainability commission shall recommend and
  adopt compatible development standards for the territory. The
  commission must consider and may adopt, as part of the regional
  compatible development standards, standards required by the
  Federal Aviation Administration regulations for military
  installations that service aircraft and helicopters. The
  commission shall submit compatible development standards adopted
  under this section to the participating governmental entities for
         (b)  Before taking action to approve or reject the compatible
  development standards proposed by the commission, the
  participating governmental entities shall:
               (1)  provide notice of the commission's proposed
  compatible development standards to property owners in the
  commission's territory, as determined by the most recent county tax
  roll; and
               (2)  publish notice of the commission's proposed
  compatible development standards in a newspaper of general
  circulation, if any, in the commission's territory.
         (c)  The failure of notice to reach each property owner under
  Subsection (b) does not invalidate compatible development
  standards adopted under this section.
         (d)  The compatible development standards are final after
  approval by a majority of the participating governmental entities.
  Notice of the final compatible development standards must be
  provided to all appropriate taxing entities for filing in the real
  property records of the county.
         (e)  The commission may include in the compatible
  development standards a recommendation to a participating
  governmental entity to purchase property in the commission's
  territory as practical to protect a critical military mission.
         (f)  The commission may recommend and approve amendments to
  approved compatible development standards. The participating
  governmental entities may approve the commission's amended
  standards under procedures adopted by the entities.
  The compatible development standards and regulations adopted under
  this chapter must be coordinated with:
               (1)  the county plan for growth and development of a
  participating county or a county located in the regional military
  sustainability commission's territory;
               (2)  the comprehensive plan of a participating
  municipality; and
               (3)  the most recent Joint Land Use Study, if the
  commission makes a finding that the conclusions of the study
  accurately reflect circumstances in the territory.
         Sec. 397A.009.  CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAWS. Except with
  respect to Chapter 245, if a regulation adopted under this chapter
  conflicts with a standard imposed under another statute or local
  order or regulation, the more stringent standard controls.
         Sec. 397A.010.  FUNDS. (a)  A regional military
  sustainability commission does not have power to tax.
         (b)  A participating governmental entity may appropriate
  funds to the commission for the costs and expenses required in the
  performance of the commission's purposes.
         (c)  A commission may apply for, contract for, receive, and
  expend for its purposes a grant or funds from a participating
  governmental entity, the state, the federal government, or any
  other source.
         Sec. 397A.011.  RESTRICTIONS. (a)  A regional military
  sustainability commission shall comply with laws applicable to
  participating governmental entities relating to:
               (1)  reimbursement for travel expenses;
               (2)  nepotism;
               (3)  conflicts of interest; and
               (4)  registration of lobbyists.
         (b)  To the extent of a conflict between laws applicable to
  participating governmental entities relating to a subject
  described by Subsection (a), the more stringent requirement
         Sec. 397A.012.  WITHDRAWAL FROM COMMISSION. A participating
  governmental entity may withdraw from a regional military
  sustainability commission:
               (1)  by a two-thirds vote of its governing body; and
               (2)  after providing notice to the relevant military
  installation commander not later than the 45th day before the date
  of the vote under Subdivision (1).
  CLOSURE. A regional military sustainability commission that
  regulates territory around a military installation that is closed
  by the federal government and the regional compatible development
  standards adopted by the commission may continue in effect until
  the fourth anniversary of the date the military installation is
  GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY DECISION. Notwithstanding any other provision
  of this chapter, a landowner aggrieved by a report submitted by the
  regional military sustainability commission or by a permit
  application decision of the participating governmental entity
  under this chapter may appeal all or part of the report or permit
  application decision to a district court. The court may reverse or
  modify, wholly or partly, the report submitted by the commission or
  the permit application decision that is appealed.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.