By: Zaffirini S.B. No. 2407
  relating to the provision of services to individuals with mental
         SECTION 1.  Section 55.33(a), Family Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  If the juvenile court or jury determines under Section
  55.32 that a child is unfit to proceed with the juvenile court
  proceedings for delinquent conduct, the court shall:
               (1)  if the unfitness to proceed is a result of mental
  illness or mental retardation:
                     (A)  provided that the child meets the commitment
  criteria under Subtitle C or D, Title 7, Health and Safety Code,
  order the child placed with the Department of State Health Services
  or Department of Aging and Disability Services [Texas Department of
  Mental Health and Mental Retardation] for a period of not more than
  90 days, which order may not specify a shorter period, for placement
  in a facility designated by the appropriate department; or
                     (B)  on application by the child's parent,
  guardian, or guardian ad litem, order the child placed in a private
  psychiatric inpatient facility for a period of not more than 90
  days, which order may not specify a shorter period, but only if the
  placement is agreed to in writing by the administrator of the
  facility; [or]
               (2)  if the unfitness to proceed is a result of mental
  illness and the court determines that the child may be adequately
  treated in an alternative setting, order the child to receive
  treatment for mental illness on an outpatient basis for a period of
  not more than 90 days, which order may not specify a shorter period;
               (3)  if the unfitness to proceed is a result of mental
  retardation and the court determines that the child may benefit
  from treatment or habilitation services in an alternative setting,
  order the child to receive the treatment or services on an
  outpatient basis for a period of not more than 90 days.
         SECTION 2.  Section 55.52(a), Family Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  If the court or jury finds that a child is not
  responsible for the child's conduct under Section 55.51, the court
               (1)  if the lack of responsibility is a result of mental
  illness or mental retardation:
                     (A)  provided that the child meets the commitment
  criteria under Subtitle C or D, Title 7, Health and Safety Code,
  order the child placed with the Department of State Health Services
  or Department of Aging and Disability Services [Texas Department of
  Mental Health and Mental Retardation] for a period of not more than
  90 days, which order may not specify a shorter period, for placement
  in a facility designated by the appropriate department; or
                     (B)  on application by the child's parent,
  guardian, or guardian ad litem, order the child placed in a private
  psychiatric inpatient facility for a period of not more than 90
  days, which order may not specify a shorter period, but only if the
  placement is agreed to in writing by the administrator of the
  facility; [or]
               (2)  if the child's lack of responsibility is a result
  of mental illness and the court determines that the child may be
  adequately treated in an alternative setting, order the child to
  receive treatment on an outpatient basis for a period of not more
  than 90 days, which order may not specify a shorter period; or
               (3)  if the child's lack of responsibility is a result
  of mental retardation and the court determines that the child may
  benefit from treatment or habilitation services in an alternative
  setting, order the child to receive the treatment or services on an
  outpatient basis for a period of not more than 90 days.
         SECTION 3.  Article 46B.010, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
  If a court orders the commitment of or participation in an
  outpatient treatment program by a defendant who is charged with a
  misdemeanor punishable by confinement and the defendant is not
  tried before the date of expiration of the maximum period of
  restoration under this chapter as described by Article 46B.0095,
  the court [on the motion of the attorney representing the state]
  shall dismiss the charge on its own motion or on the motion of any
  interested party.
         SECTION 4.  Section 531.02442(a), Government Code, is
  amended by amending Subdivision (1) and adding Subdivision (4) to
  read as follows:
               (1)  "Institution" means:
                     (A)  a residential care facility operated or
  maintained by the department [Texas Department of Mental Health and
  Mental Retardation] to provide 24-hour services, including
  residential services, to persons with mental retardation; or
                     (B)  an ICF-MR, as defined by Section 531.002,
  Health and Safety Code.
               (4)  "Department" means the Department of Aging and
  Disability Services.
         SECTION 5.  Section 531.02442, Government Code, is amended
  by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (f) to read as
         (b)  In addition to providing information regarding care and
  support options as required by Section 531.042, the department
  [Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation] shall
  implement a community living options information process in each
  institution to inform persons with mental retardation who reside in
  the institution and their legally authorized representatives of
  alternative community living options. A person with mental
  retardation residing in an institution or the person's legally
  authorized representative must participate in the community living
  options information process.
         (f)  Each year the department shall:
               (1)  update materials used during the community living
  options information process; and
               (2)  provide training regarding the community living
  options information process to staff members involved with the
  process at each institution and each local mental retardation
         SECTION 6.  Section 531.02443, Government Code, is amended
  by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsections (g) and (h) to
  read as follows:
         (d)  The contract with the local mental retardation
  authority must:
               (1)  delegate to the local mental retardation authority
  the department's duties under Section 531.02442 with regard to the
  implementation of the community living options information process
  at a state school;
               (2)  include performance measures designed to assist
  the department in evaluating the effectiveness of a local mental
  retardation authority in implementing the community living options
  information process; [and]
               (3)  ensure that the local mental retardation authority
  provides service coordination and relocation services to an adult
  resident who chooses, is eligible for, and is recommended by the
  interdisciplinary team for a community living option to facilitate
  a timely, appropriate, and successful transition from the state
  school to the community living option;
               (4)  require the local mental retardation authority to
  coordinate tours and visits to community living options for an
  adult resident or an adult resident's legally authorized
  representative; and
               (5)  ensure that a local mental retardation authority
  employee working with an adult resident, the adult resident's
  family members, the adult resident's legally authorized
  representative, or any person designated by the adult resident or
  the adult resident's legally authorized representative is an active
  voting member of the adult resident's interdisciplinary team.
         (g)  A local mental retardation authority that performs
  duties required by the community living options information process
  under Section 531.02442 or this section shall annually submit a
  report to the Department of Aging and Disability Services regarding
  the outcomes of the community living options information process as
  performed by the local mental retardation authority. A report
  required by this section must include:
               (1)  the number of individuals in a state school who
  indicated a desire to pursue an alternative community living option
  and the status of the individual's transition to the community;
               (2)  for an individual who is not transitioned to an
  alternative community living option from a state school after
  indicating a desire to pursue that option, the reasons why the
  option was not approved or the transition did not occur;
               (3)  the number of times the local mental retardation
  authority performed duties under Section 531.02442 or this section
  for individuals and the number of individuals for whom the
  authority performed this function;
               (4)  the number of individuals transitioned to an
  alternative community living option after the local mental
  retardation authority performed the community living options
  information process for the individual;
               (5)  the responses to satisfaction survey questions;
               (6)  any other relevant information as determined by
  the department.
         (h)  The department shall annually submit a report to the
  legislature regarding the community living options information
  process, including aggregate information regarding outcomes based
  on the reports submitted to the department by local mental
  retardation authorities and as determined by the department during
  surveys under Chapter 252, Health and Safety Code. The report must
  also include:
               (1)  information provided by interdisciplinary teams
  during commitment proceedings under Subtitle D, Title 7, Health and
  Safety Code, regarding the community-based supports and services
  that are needed to support individuals successfully in the
               (2)  a plan for developing the missing community-based
  supports and services that are identified by the interdisciplinary
  teams to ensure that individuals committed to a state school may be
  placed in the community, including a timeline that clearly states
  objectives and deliverables for the development of those supports
  and services; and
               (3)  any legislation that is needed to implement the
  department's plan under Subdivision (2).
         SECTION 7.  Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 531.02446 to read as follows:
  TO CERTAIN INSTITUTIONS. (a)  The executive commissioner by rule
  shall develop protocols to divert adults and children with mental
  retardation from commitment to a state school.
         (b)  The executive commissioner shall ensure that the
  diversion protocols are designed to:
               (1)  eliminate the commitment to state schools of
  individuals younger than 22 years of age; and
               (2)  direct adults and children with mental retardation
  towards the least restrictive living environment appropriate for
  the person.
         (c)  The department shall develop the diversion protocols
  with the advice and assistance of the Promoting Independence
  Advisory Committee and representatives of family members or legally
  authorized representatives of adult residents of state schools,
  persons with mental retardation, state schools, and local mental
  retardation authorities.
         (d)  As part of the diversion protocols, the executive
  commissioner shall contract with a nonprofit entity for the
  provision of temporary, emergency living arrangements for children
  at immediate risk of commitment to a state school.
         (e)  An entity awarded a contract under this section must
  provide temporary, emergency living arrangements at homes, with no
  more than six children placed in the home.
         SECTION 8.  Section 252.002(2), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
               (2)  "Department" means the [Texas] Department of Aging
  and Disability [Human] Services.
         SECTION 9.  Section 252.040, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Subsection (j) to read as follows:
         (j)  The department shall determine during a survey whether a
  facility has properly implemented the community living options
  information process required by Section 531.02442, Government
         SECTION 10.  Section 533.0355(b), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  In adopting rules under this section, the executive
  commissioner must include rules regarding the following local
  mental retardation authority responsibilities:
               (1)  access;
               (2)  intake;
               (3)  eligibility functions;
               (4)  enrollment, initial person-centered assessment,
  and service authorization;
               (5)  case management services for individuals
  receiving services under a Home and Community-based Services (HCS)
  waiver program;
               (6)  utilization management;
               (7) [(6)]  safety net functions, including crisis
  management services and assistance in accessing facility-based
               (8) [(7)]  service coordination functions;
               (9) [(8)]  provision and oversight of state general
  revenue services;
               (10) [(9)]  local planning functions, including
  stakeholder involvement, technical assistance and training, and
  provider complaint and resolution processes; and
               (11) [(10)]  processes to assure accountability in
  performance, compliance, and monitoring.
         SECTION 11.  Sections 593.013(a), (b), (c), (e), and (f),
  Health and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person may not be admitted or committed to a
  residential care facility unless an interdisciplinary team from a
  local mental retardation authority serving the county in which the
  application was filed recommends that placement.
         (b)  The [An] interdisciplinary team shall:
               (1)  interview the person with mental retardation, the
  person's parent if the person is a minor, and the person's guardian;
               (2)  review the person's:
                     (A)  social and medical history;
                     (B)  medical assessment, which must [shall]
  include an audiological, neurological, and vision screening;
                     (C)  psychological and social assessment; and
                     (D)  determination of adaptive behavior level;
               (3)  determine the person's need for additional
  assessments, including educational and vocational assessments;
               (4)  obtain any additional assessment necessary to plan
               (5)  identify the person's habilitation and service
  preferences and needs; [and]
               (6)  recommend services to address the person's needs
  that consider the person's preferences; and
               (7)  determine and recommend the community-based
  supports and services needed to support the individual successfully
  in the individual's home.
         (c)  The interdisciplinary team shall provide an opportunity
  to participate in team meetings to [give] the person, the person's
  attorney, the person's legally authorized representative, the
  person's parent if the person is a minor, [and] the person's
  guardian, and any person designated by the person who is the subject
  of the meetings or designated by the person's legally authorized
  representative [an opportunity to participate in team meetings].
         (e)  The interdisciplinary team shall prepare a written
  report [of its findings and recommendations that is] signed by each
  team member and containing the team's findings and recommendations.
  The report must:
               (1)  describe the proposed form of supports and
  services for the person;
               (2)  identify the least restrictive alternative for the
  person regardless of whether the alternative is available;
               (3)  include a statement as to whether a proposed form
  of supports and services is available;
               (4)  if community supports and services are
  recommended, include a statement as to whether the proposed mental
  retardation supports and services are available in the community in
  which the person will reside; and
               (5)  describe what steps the local mental retardation
  authority and the department will take to develop the proposed
  mental retardation supports and services that are not available,
  including a timeline that clearly states objectives and
  deliverables for the development of those supports and services.
         (f)  The interdisciplinary team [and] shall promptly send a
  copy of the report and recommendations to the person, the person's
  parent if the person is a minor, [and] the person's guardian, the
  person's attorney, and the person's legally authorized
  representative and, if[.
         [(f)  If] the court [has] ordered the team's
  [interdisciplinary team] report and recommendations under Section
  593.041, [the team shall promptly send a copy of the report and
  recommendations] to the court as provided by that section [, the
  person with mental retardation or the person's legal
  representative, the person's parent if the person is a minor, and
  the person's guardian].
         SECTION 12.  Section 593.041, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (d-1) to
  read as follows:
         (d)  A person may not be committed to the department for
  placement in a residential care facility under this subchapter
  unless [a report by] an interdisciplinary team from a local mental
  retardation authority serving the county in which the application
  was filed has completed a report recommending the placement [has
  been completed] during the six months preceding the date of the
  court hearing on the application. If the report and
  recommendations have not been completed or revised during that
  six-month period and filed at the time the application is made, the
  court shall order the report and recommendations on receiving the
         (d-1)  The report and recommendations must be filed before
  the date of the court hearing on the application unless the court
  determines that an emergency admission, emergency services, or
  respite care is necessary.
         SECTION 13.  Section 593.052, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsections
  (a-1), (b-1), and (d) to read as follows:
         (a)  A proposed resident may not be committed to a
  residential care facility unless:
               (1)  the proposed resident is a person with mental
               (2)  clear and convincing evidence is presented showing
  that because of retardation, the proposed resident:
                     (A)  represents a substantial risk of physical
  impairment or injury to the proposed resident [himself] or others;
                     (B)  is unable to provide for and is not providing
  for the proposed resident's most basic personal physical needs;
               (3)  the proposed resident cannot be adequately and
  appropriately habilitated in an available, less restrictive
  setting; and
               (4)  the residential care facility provides
  habilitative services, care, training, and treatment appropriate
  to the proposed resident's needs.
         (a-1)  In finding that a proposed resident meets the
  commitment criteria prescribed by Subsection (a), the court must
  specify which criterion listed in Subsection (a)(2)(A) or (B) forms
  the basis for the decision.
         (b)  If it is determined that the requirements of Subsection
  (a) have been met and that long-term placement in a residential care
  facility is appropriate, the court shall commit the proposed
  resident for care, treatment, and training to a community center or
  the department when space is available in a residential care
  facility. In determining whether long-term placement in a
  residential care facility is appropriate, the court shall consider
  the least restrictive alternative identified by the
  interdisciplinary team under Section 593.013.
         (b-1)  An order for long-term placement in a residential care
  facility must state that the commitment for care, treatment, and
  training is authorized for a maximum of a 12-month period.
  Notwithstanding Chapter 594, the facility administrator shall
  discharge the resident at the end of the 12-month period unless a
  new order committing the person to a residential care facility has
  been issued under this chapter. Not later than the 30th day before
  the date a resident is scheduled to be discharged under this
  section, the facility administrator shall notify a representative
  for the local mental retardation authority that serves the area in
  which the facility is located or in which the resident will reside
  after discharge of the resident's scheduled discharge. The notice
  must include the date the resident is scheduled to be discharged and
  shall include a request that the authority prepare a transition
  plan for placing the resident in the community served by the
  authority. A local mental retardation authority that receives a
  request under this section shall prepare a transition plan for the
  resident and assist the facility in implementing the plan.
         (d)  To be clear and convincing under Subsection (a)(2)(A),
  the evidence must include evidence of a recent overt act that tends
  to confirm the likelihood of substantial risk of physical
  impairment or injury to the proposed resident or others.
         SECTION 14.  Subchapter B, Chapter 161, Human Resources
  Code, is amended by adding Section 161.033 to read as follows:
  PLAN. In developing the long-range plan required by Section
  533.032, Health and Safety Code, the department shall:
               (1)  include strategies for downsizing state schools
  and transitioning more state school residents to community-based
               (2)  describe initiatives for achieving cost
  efficiencies relating to the strategies required by Subdivision
  (1); and
               (3)  estimate the fiscal impact of each strategy and
  initiative, including the impact on department funding and the
  number of full-time equivalent department employees and the cost
  implications to other health and human services agencies.
         SECTION 15.  Subchapter D, Chapter 161, Human Resources
  Code, is amended by adding Section 161.077 to read as follows:
               (1)  "Challenging behavior" means a behavioral pattern
  or a particular behavioral trait or a combination of behavioral
  traits exhibited by a child with mental retardation that impairs,
  directly or indirectly, the emotional or physical well-being of the
  child or persons supporting the child.
               (2)  "Child with intense behavioral support needs"
  means a child with mental retardation who regularly exhibits
  challenging behavior.
               (3)  "In-home behavior mentor" means a person with
  expertise and experience in implementing a positive behavior
  support plan under the direction of a positive behavior support
               (4)  "Positive behavior support plan" means a strategy
  for reducing the incidence of challenging behavior in a child with
  intense behavioral support needs.
               (5)  "Positive behavior support specialist" means a
  person with expertise and experience in developing and supervising
  the implementation of a positive behavior support plan.
         (b)  The department shall establish a positive behavior
  support training and technical assistance project to:
               (1)  develop a positive behavior support plan for
  children with intense behavioral support needs;
               (2)  implement the positive behavior support plan;
               (3)  provide flexible community support to or on behalf
  of eligible children;
               (4)  provide at least 30 days of respite per year on
  behalf of eligible children;
               (5)  provide crisis support to or on behalf of eligible
  children; and
               (6)  coordinate specialized case management services
  for eligible children.
         (c)  The executive commissioner shall adopt rules
  implementing the project. The rules must:
               (1)  require a positive behavior support specialist to
  supervise the provision of a positive behavior support plan;
               (2)  provide that the services of a positive behavior
  support specialist and an in-home behavior mentor supplement, and
  may not duplicate, the services provided by:
                     (A)  a person licensed to provide home and
  community support services or other residential services to persons
  with mental retardation; or
                     (B)  a birth family, foster family, or companion
  care family;
               (3)  ensure that coordinators providing specialized
  case management services have limited caseloads; and
               (4)  describe the circumstances in which flexible
  community support and crisis support are available to strengthen
  family stability and create a healthy environment for the child
  with intense behavioral support needs as well as the persons
  supporting the child.
         SECTION 16.  (a)  The Health and Human Services Commission
  and the Department of Aging and Disability Services shall jointly
  conduct a study regarding the feasibility of providing medical
  assistance for long-term services and supports through the Medicaid
  managed care program under Chapter 533, Government Code, to persons
  with mental retardation who are eligible for that assistance.
         (b)  Not later than December 1, 2010, the Health and Human
  Services Commission and the Department of Aging and Disability
  Services shall submit a report regarding the results of the study to
  the standing committees of the senate and house of representatives
  having primary jurisdiction over the Medicaid program. The report
  must include:
               (1)  a cost-benefit analysis of providing medical
  assistance to persons with mental retardation in the manner
  described by Subsection (a) of this section;
               (2)  a proposal for the implementation of the provision
  of that medical assistance if implementation is feasible; and
               (3)  a description of any legislative action necessary
  to provide that medical assistance if implementation is feasible.
         SECTION 17.  (a)  Not later than September 1, 2011, the
  Department of Aging and Disability Services shall file an
  application for a new commitment order for each person who:
               (1)  was committed to a residential care facility in a
  proceeding that began before September 1, 2009;
               (2)  is currently residing in a residential care
  facility; and
               (3)  has resided in a residential care facility for at
  least one year.
         (b)  In filing the applications as required by Subsection (a)
  of this section, the department shall prioritize the applications
  based on the length of time a person has resided in a residential
  care facility.
         SECTION 18.  (a)  Not later than January 1, 2010, the
  executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission
  shall develop and implement the diversion protocols required under
  Section 531.02446, Government Code, as added by this Act.
         (b)  Not later than January 1, 2010, the executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall
  adopt rules relating to the provision of case management services
  for individuals receiving services under a Home and Community-based
  Services (HCS) waiver and shall ensure that this function is
  transferred to local mental retardation authorities as quickly as
  possible without disrupting the provision of services.
         SECTION 19.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
  of this Act, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission shall apply for and actively pursue a waiver or
  an amendment to this state's waiver under Section 1915(c) of the
  federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1396n(c)) or other
  authorization from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
  Services or any other federal agency authorizing the provision of
  Home and Community-based Services (HCS) at group homes in which
  five or six individuals with mental retardation reside and receive
  those services.
         SECTION 20.  (a)  The change in law made by this Act in
  amending Chapter 593, Health and Safety Code, applies only to a
  proceeding relating to a person with mental retardation that begins
  on or after the effective date of this Act. A proceeding that
  begins before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law
  in effect on the date the proceeding began, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         (b)  The change in law made by this Act in amending Article
  46B.010, Code of Criminal Procedure, applies to a defendant against
  whom proceedings are initiated under Chapter 46B of that code
  before, on, or after the effective date of this Act.
         (c)  Section 55.33, Family Code, as amended by this Act,
  applies to a child whose fitness to proceed is the subject of a
  hearing under 55.32, Family Code, before, on, or after the
  effective date of this Act, regardless of when the conduct that is
  the subject of a petition alleging delinquent conduct occurred.
         (d)  Section 55.52, Family Code, as amended by this Act,
  applies to a child who is found not to be responsible for the
  child's conduct under Section 55.51, Family Code, before, on, or
  after the effective date of this Act, regardless of when the conduct
  that is the subject of a petition alleging delinquent conduct
         SECTION 21.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.